Publications by authors named "E Scarpato"

Filters and photoediting are widely used to transform or alter photos, mainly selfies, before sharing with friends or on social networks. In adult population there is a strong evidence of the potential risks of this behaviuor. Aim of the present work is to revise international literature exploring the correlation between photo manipulation and anorexia nervosa among children and adolescents.

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Background: In Italy, exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) rates at hospital discharge range unsatisfactorily between 20-97%.

Methods: In 2023, the Project for Hospital Policy on Breastfeeding (HPB) has been launched to promote breastfeeding in Italian Maternity Hospitals (MHs) as a joint initiative of the Italian Scientific Societies involved in perinatal care together with the National Midwife (FNOPO) and Nurse (FNOPI) Boards and with Vivere Onlus, a family association. The HBP Project has been designed as an uncontrolled before-after study to increase EBF rate at hospital discharge in the population of healthy, term infant with a normal weight at birth following an intervention bundle comprising: 1) Establishment of a local hospital Working Group; 2) Adoption of a hospital policy; 3) Implementation of breastfeeding monitoring; 4) Training for perinatal care professionals; 5) Enhanced implementation of the practices of skin-to-skin contact (SSC) and mother-baby rooming-in; 6) Development/Improvement of perinatal care protocols.

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Functional constipation is a common problem in childhood and has a great impact on social, physical, and emotional functioning of affected children and their caregivers. No organic cause of the constipation can be found in approximately 95% of children, defining the "so-called" chronic functional constipation. Its prevalence has been reported to range from 0.

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The practice of recto-colonic water irrigation to treat constipation has been used since ancient times with different, uncontrolled, and variably performing methods which have been considered interchangeably all alike. The use of better-performing devices with a standardized methodology is relatively recent, and the term Trans Anal Irrigation (TAI) defines a methodology performed with devices able to control the timing, volume, and pressure of the water introduced into the rectum and colon utilizing a catheter or a cone through the anus. Such practice has been implemented with favorable responses in patients with refractory chronic constipation secondary to neurological diseases.

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Background: The availability of an appropriate newborn feeding policy is an essential component of the promotion of breastfeeding in health facilities. The Italian Society of Neonatology (SIN) and the Italian Society of Paediatrics (SIP) have run an online survey among Maternity Hospitals to explore the existing breastfeeding policies and their characteristics.

Methods: Between February and April 2023, an online survey was carried out among 110 Italian maternity hospitals with a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

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