Publications by authors named "E Saikawa"

Background: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that evaluate the efficacy of an intervention remain underutilized in community-based environmental health research. RCTs that use a pragmatic design emphasize the effectiveness of interventions in complex, real world settings. Pragmatic trials may be especially relevant when community-based interventions address social and environmental determinants that threaten health equity.

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  • * Field observations of thirty-four halocarbons were conducted at the Nepal Climate Laboratory and near Everest base camp, revealing trends in atmospheric abundance over time.
  • * While dominant ozone-depleting substances are decreasing due to the Montreal Protocol, there are rising levels of HFCs and unregulated chlorocarbons in the Himalayas, indicating the need for better monitoring and understanding of their impact on climate change.
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DDT was used in the mid 20th century for crop and livestock production. After use, DDT and its degradates DDE and DDD (collectively DDX) remain in the environment for decades. A few studies have reported that the rate of degradation of DDT into its metabolites is affected by various farming techniques like tillage, irrigation, and use of fertilizers.

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  • Waste collection is limited in rural low-resource areas, leading to garbage accumulation and environmental issues like air pollution from burning waste, particularly in places like Jalapa, Guatemala.
  • A study examined the exposure of 60 adolescent girls (ages 13-17) to household air pollution (HAP) and garbage burning, comparing those using wood-burning stoves to those with gas stoves.
  • Results showed that gas stove users experienced significantly lower levels of fine particulate matter and black carbon, suggesting gas stoves help reduce harmful exposure to air pollution among adolescents involved in household cooking.
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Phytoremediation has been explored as a cost-effective method to remediate soil Pb contamination. A greenhouse study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of , , , and for removing and immobilizing Pb in soil collected from the Westside Lead Superfund site in Atlanta. Plants were cultivated in sampled soil with a Pb concentration of 515 ± 10 mg/kg for 60 days.

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