Publications by authors named "E S Burger"

Breast cancer remains the most common malignancy in women, and breast-conserving surgery (BCS) with adjuvant radiotherapy is a standard treatment for early-stage disease. This study assessed the impact of positive surgical margins and secondary surgeries on local recurrence rates and patient outcomes. In this retrospective tumor registry-based study, 24,450 women were eligible for analysis.

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Background: We estimated the impact of screening on morbidity and mortality of HPV16-positive oropharyngeal cancer among US men aged 45-79 years.

Methods: We developed an individual-level, state-transition natural history microsimulation model to estimate the impact of screening using oral HPV16 detection, HPV16-E6 antibody detection, and transcervical-ultrasound of neck/oropharynx. We compared clinical detection to counterfactual screen detection for cancer stage, single- vs multiple-modality treatment, and survival.

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Population-level estimates in timeframes for reaching cervical cancer (CC) elimination (ie, <4 cases per 100,000 women) in the United States may mask potential disparities in achieving elimination among sub-populations. We used three independent Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET) models to estimate differences in the time to CC elimination across seven strata of correlated screening and human papillomavirus vaccination uptake, based on national survey data. Compared to the average population, elimination was achieved ≥22 years earlier for the high-uptake strata and ≥27 years later for the most extreme low-uptake strata.

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Objectives: The rate of sickness absence in Norway is at its highest point since 2009, and policymakers need tools to make informed decisions on high-value interventions to address sick leave. Using trial-linked registry data, multi-state modeling, and decision-analytic modeling, we assessed the cost-effectiveness of 2 return-to-work (RTW) interventions for individuals with musculoskeletal and psychological disorders in Norway.

Methods: Using data from 166 individuals in a randomized trial, we developed a decision-analytic model to compare 2 multidomain RTW interventions: outpatient acceptance and commitment therapy (O-ACT) and inpatient multimodal occupational rehabilitation (I-MORE).

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