Geochim Cosmochim Acta
June 1995
In measurements of the noble gases in additional samples of diamonds from the Argyle and Ellendale lamproites in Western Australia we have failed to encounter any neon-rich stones such as showed solar-like isotopic compositions in earlier work. No neon was detected above the relatively high blank levels in our glass apparatus. White and brown diamonds showed no differences in noble gas content, nor did samples segregated by the color of long-wave UF fluorescence.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNewly discovered fluid inclusions in thin sections of Bjurbole chondrules, shergottite EETA79001, lunar meteorite ALHA81005, and Apollo 16 glasses possess physical properties similar to those fluid inclusions found in thin sections of five stony meteorites recently described by Warner et al. (1983). The distribution and physical properties of these new fluid inclusions indicate they may be artifacts of thin section preparation; we suggest that saw coolant was sucked into vacuum vesicles in glasses and minerals through submicroscopic fractures produced during sawing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMost geological samples and some synthetic materials contain fluid inclusions. These inclusions preserve for us tiny samples of the liquid and/or the gas phase that was present during formation, although in some cases they may have undergone significant changes from the original material. Studies of the current composition of the inclusions provide data on both the original composition and the change since trapping.
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