Publications by authors named "E M LAW"

Background: Using longitudinal ultrasounds as an improved fetal growth marker, we aimed to investigate if increased postnatal growth following fetal abdominal circumference (AC) growth deceleration is associated with improved child cognition.

Methods: Among 797 term-born singletons in the Growing Up in Singapore Towards healthy Outcomes (GUSTO) cohort, we derived 2nd-3rd trimester fetal AC growth z-score, fetal AC growth deceleration, standardized height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) growth at early infancy (0-4 months), late infancy (4-15 months), toddlerhood (15-37 months), and early childhood (3-7 years), and investigated their associations with intelligence quotient (IQ) at ages 4.5 years (verbal, non-verbal) and 7 years (non-verbal-block design, matrix reasoning), adjusting for socio-demographic and biological confounders.

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Background: The association between childhood obesity and language development may be confounded by socio-environmental factors and attributed to comorbid pathways.

Methods: In a longitudinal Singaporean mother-offspring cohort, we leveraged trans-ancestry polygenic predictions of body mass index (BMI) to interrogate the causal effects of early-life BMI on child language development and its effects on molecular and neuroimaging measures. Leveraging large genome-wide association studies, we examined whether the link between obesity and language development is causal or due to a shared genetic basis.

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Alopecia areata (AA), an autoimmune disorder characterized by non-scarring hair loss, is detrimental to the psychological health and quality of life of people living with AA. Clinically meaningful hair regrowth is possible, but the relationship with downstream patient-reported outcomes (PROs) is complex. This post hoc analysis of ALLEGRO-2b/3 (NCT03732807) longitudinal data from Weeks 24-48 compared improvements in PROs between patients who achieved (responders) or did not achieve (non-responders) clinically meaningful scalp hair regrowth.

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Systematic conservation planning (SCP) involves the cost-effective placement and application of management actions to achieve biodiversity conservation objectives. Given the political momentum for greater global nature protection, restoration, and improved management of natural resources articulated in the targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework, assessing the state-of-the-art of SCP is timely. Recent advances in SCP include faster and more exact algorithms and software, inclusion of ecosystem services and multiple facets of biodiversity (e.

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