Publications by authors named "E L Camm"

The last pregnancy trimester is critical for fetal brain development but is a vulnerable period if the pregnancy is compromised by fetal growth restriction (FGR). The impact of FGR on the maturational development of neuronal morphology is not known, however, studies in fetal sheep allow longitudinal analysis in a long gestation species. Here we compared hippocampal neuron dendritogenesis in FGR and control fetal sheep at three timepoints equivalent to the third trimester of pregnancy, complemented by magnetic resonance image for brain volume, and electrophysiology for synaptic function.

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Asphyxiated neonates must have oxygenation rapidly restored to limit ongoing hypoxic-ischemic injury. However, the effects of transient hyperoxia after return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) are poorly understood. We randomly allocated acutely asphyxiated, near-term lambs to cardiopulmonary resuscitation in 100% oxygen ("standard oxygen", n = 8) or air (n = 7) until 5 minutes after ROSC, or to resuscitation in 100% oxygen immediately weaned to air upon ROSC ("rapid-wean", n = 7).

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Objectives: Automated placental assessment could allow accurate and timely morphological/pathological measurements at scale. We undertook a pilot study using an artificial intelligence-based assessment system (AI-PLAX) to ascertain the potential of a state-wide rollout as part of Generation Victoria, assessing the impact of time post-delivery, user, and technology used for image capture, on a range of derived placental data.

Study Design: Ten placentas were imaged by three different users and imaging technologies (iPad, iPhone, Samsung) at (0 h), 24 h, and 48 h post-delivery.

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Introduction: Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is a common pregnancy complication, caused by placental insufficiency, with serious adverse consequences for development and postnatal wellbeing. There are no antenatal treatments to improve growth or organ development in FGR, and animal models are essential to mimic the physiological adaptations in FGR and to assess potential interventions. This study aimed to identify the temporal nature of reduced developmental trajectory in fetuses with FGR, and to examine the effects of common factors that may mediate differential growth such as glucocorticoid treatment.

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Introduction: Endotracheal (ET) epinephrine administration is an option during neonatal resuscitation, if the preferred intravenous (IV) route is unavailable.

Objectives: We assessed whether endotracheal epinephrine achieved return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), and maintained physiological stability after ROSC, at standard and higher dose, in severely asphyxiated newborn lambs.

Methods: Near-term fetal lambs were asphyxiated until asystole.

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