Publications by authors named "E J Torres-Herrera"

We study the probability distribution function of the long-time values of observables being time-evolved by Hamiltonians modeling clean and disordered one-dimensional chains of many spin-1/2 particles. In particular, we analyze the return probability and its version for a completely extended initial state, the so-called spectral form factor. We complement our analysis with the spin autocorrelation and connected spin-spin correlation functions, both of interest in experiments with quantum simulators.

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Survival probability measures the probability that a system taken out of equilibrium has not yet transitioned from its initial state. Inspired by the generalized entropies used to analyze nonergodic states, we introduce a generalized version of the survival probability and discuss how it can assist in studies of the structure of eigenstates and ergodicity.

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In a disordered system, a quantity is self-averaging when the ratio between its variance for disorder realizations and the square of its mean decreases as the system size increases. Here, we consider a chaotic disordered many-body quantum system and search for a relationship between self-averaging behavior and the properties of the distributions over disorder realizations of various quantities and at different timescales. An exponential distribution, as found for the survival probability at long times, explains its lack of self-averaging, since the mean and the dispersion are equal.

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This work shows that dynamical features typical of full random matrices can be observed also in the simple finite one-dimensional (1D) noninteracting Anderson model with nearest-neighbor couplings. In the thermodynamic limit, all eigenstates of this model are exponentially localized in configuration space for any infinitesimal on-site disorder strength W. But this is not the case when the model is finite and the localization length is larger than the system size L, which is a picture that can be experimentally investigated.

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Quantum systems whose classical counterparts are chaotic typically have highly correlated eigenvalues and level statistics that coincide with those from ensembles of full random matrices. A dynamical manifestation of these correlations comes in the form of the so-called correlation hole, which is a dip below the saturation point of the survival probability's time evolution. In this work, we study the correlation hole in the spin-boson (Dicke) model, which presents a chaotic regime and can be realized in experiments with ultracold atoms and ion traps.

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