Unlabelled: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is considered as a possible alternative approach to overcoming multidrug resistance (MDR). Analysis of cross-resistance to PDT in cells with different MDR pathways and resistance levels seems to be advantageous for elucidating the general mechanisms of cancer cell resistance to various treatment modalities.
Aim: The aim of the study was to clarify whether the Jurkat/A4 leukemia cells with MDR phenotype are cross-resistant to PDT.
Unlabelled: In research of the last decade, rhythmic (circadian) variations of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) production by tumors were discovered. The present paper authors have earlier synthesized and characterized a new derivative photosensitizer - an immunoconjugate of hematoporphyrin with antiVEGF antibodies.
Aim: To elaborate and to test a novel modification of the photodynamic therapy of tumors (PDT) method, founding upon a timed introduction of the immunoconjugated photosensitizer to tumor-bearing animals, so that this coincides with a maximum content of VEGF in tumor tissues.
Aim: To synthesize a conjugate of hematoporphyrin with gold nanoparticles, and to evaluate its photodynamic activity in experiments on cultures of transformed cells.
Methods: nanosized gold particles and nanocomposites synthesis methods, cell culture methods, photobiology methods, trypan blue dye exclusion test, chemiluminescence assay.
Results: Various hematoporphyrin-gold nanocomposites were obtained, which contained similar hematoporphyrin concentration (5 microg/ml) and varied concentrations (0.
Aim: To compare the sensitivity of normal and malignant human lymphocytes to 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) - mediated photodynamic damage.
Methods: Blood lymphocytes isolated by Ficoll-sodium metrizoate density gradient from healthy donors (6) and hematologic patients (20) with different forms of lympholeukemia, and also transformed lymphocytes of human B-cell (Raji, Namalwa) and T-cell (MT-4, HUT-78) lines were investigated. Diagnoses of chronic lymphoproliferative disorders were made on the grounds of morphological, cytochemical and immunocytochemical studies of peripheral blood and bone marrow cells, with immunophenotype determination by monoclonal antibodies to differentiation antigens of T, B lymphocytes and NK cells and immunocytochemical ABC-AP method.
Aim: To study circadian rhythms (CR) of cytotoxic activity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with malignant melanoma were compared with those in healthy men.
Methods: The NK-cell and phagocyte cytotoxic activity in five patients with malignant melanoma stage I or II and 12 healthy donors has been assessed by radioimmune assay and NBT-test.
Results: The circadian rhythmicity in NK-cells and phagocyte activity in all cancer patients under study has been disrupted.