Music training is widely claimed to enhance nonmusical abilities, yet causal evidence remains inconclusive. Moreover, research tends to focus on cognitive over socioemotional outcomes. In two studies, we investigated whether music training improves emotion recognition in voices and faces among school-aged children.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform
March 2025
Many studies have linked musical expertise with nonmusical abilities such as speech perception, memory, or executive functions. Far fewer have examined associations with basic auditory skills. Here, we asked whether psychoacoustic thresholds predict four aspects of musical expertise: music training, melody perception, rhythm perception, and self-reported musical abilities and behaviors (other than training).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMusic training is generally assumed to improve perceptual and cognitive abilities. Although correlational data highlight positive associations, experimental results are inconclusive, raising questions about causality. Does music training have far-transfer effects, or do preexisting factors determine who takes music lessons? All behavior reflects genetic and environmental influences, but differences in emphasis-nature versus nurture-have been a source of tension throughout the history of psychology.
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