Publications by authors named "E F Opochinskii"

The study of the persistence potential of 64 F. tularensis strains isolated from different sources was carried out. The wide spread of the antilysozyme, antilactoferrin and anticomplementory activities of F.

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Development and introduction into practical public health of new rapid methods for laboratory diagnosis of listeriosis, that will be characterized by a high sensitivity and specificity, is still a pressing problem. Listeriosis erythrocytic diagnosticum developed at the Omsk Research Institute for Natural Focal Infections permits the detection of species-specific antibodies in patients' sera and convalescents after this infection and is characterized by a sufficiently high diagnostic efficacy. Use of this agent appears to hold good promise in the diagnosis of listeriosis in the acute period of the disease, in retrospective diagnosis, and in screening of risk groups.

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