Publications by authors named "E F Chernushenko"

Clinicoimmunological examination of children to be BCG revaccinated showed 50% of them to have immunodeficiency. Primarily T-cell and macrophagal components of immunity were compromised. The study of immune response to BCG in animals with T-cell and macrophage immunodeficiency validated feasibility of improving antituberculous vaccination efficacy by using thymalin and sodium nucleinate.

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The performed studies showed that patients with active phase pulmonary tuberculosis have their T-system function suppressed, that of B-system activated, this phenomenon being the most marked in those patients with fibrocavernous tuberculosis. Increase in the activity of phagocytes was more common in patients with infiltrative tuberculosis. The immunity system state in subjects with non-active post tuberculous alterations did not depart from normal values.

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Similarity of clinical, roentgenological and even morphological features of tuberculosis and sarcoidosis causes difficulties in differential diagnosis. This necessitates searching for new diagnostic criteria. Comparative study of functional state of peripheral blood neutrophils and their reaction to specific antigens (tuberculin and Kveim's reagent) were studied in patients with disseminated tuberculosis and pulmonary sarcoidosis.

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64 patients with infectious-allergic bronchial asthma (IABA) were examined. 20 of them were co-administered paspat, 24 patients additionally received prodigiosan, 20 patients constituted control group and were given conventional treatment. Patients of all the groups were comparable in age, state of immunological reactivity of the body and severity of the disease.

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The connection between alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor variants and immunity disorders in patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis is considered in the article. As a result of investigation disorders of both T- and B-immunity systems were found. They consisted in decrease of the content and proliferative activity of T-lymphocytes, changes in their populational composition, dysfunction of B-lymphocytes, dysimmunoglobulinemia.

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