Plastic products contain complex mixtures of chemical compounds that are incorporated into polymers to improve material properties. Besides the intentional chemical additives, other compounds including residual monomers and non-intentionnaly added substances (NIAS) as well as sorbed pollutants are usually also present in aged plastic. Since most of these substances are only loosely bound to the polymer via non-covalently interactions, i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFew studies exist on concentration and internal distribution of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) in marine fishes. REEs organotropism was determined in common sole (Solea solea) from the West Gironde Mud Patch (WGMP; N-E Atlantic Coast, France). The highest ∑REEs concentrations occurred in liver (213 ± 49.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study is a first assessment of Metallic Trace Elements (MTE) contamination of four lagoons in French Polynesia, chosen because their main anthropic uses are potential sources of MTE (military, agriculture, maritime). We used the giant clam Tridacna maxima as a biointegrator of fifteen MTE to assess the environmental footprint of human activities. The study of organotropism showed that not only the kidney but also the gonad and digestive system (GDS) are accumulator organs of interest for ETM biomonitoring.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper aimed at assessing total mercury concentration in seven common fish species (Auxis rochei, Caranx rhonchus, Sardina pilchardus, Sardinella aurita, Sardinella maderensis, Scomber colias and Trachurus trecae) and a relationship between Hg organotropism and food regimes along the Mauritanian Atlantic coast. Results show that total mercury concentration in fish collected along five sites ranged from 0.027 to 0.
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