Publications by authors named "E B Streiff"

The effects of low zinc, high fructose diet on growth and adipocyte metabolism were examined in rats. At 28 days of age, animals were assigned to diets either adequate in zinc (30 ppm) with water (AZW) or fructose solution (AZF), or low in zinc (5 ppm) with water (LZW) or fructose solution (LZF). Body weight and food and fructose solution intake were measured three times a week.

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The association of alopecia with a sebaceous verrucose nevus and an epibulbar lipodermoid is a rare condition (8 cases reported in the literature). Only girls suffer from this disease; this suggests a hologynic heredity, as in the case of Aicardi's syndrome. The authors present a new observation of a 7-year-old girl who exhibits all the characteristics of this new syndrome.

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In 11 years of surveillance in southwestern Pennsylvania there were 97 cases of Reye syndrome. Peak incidence was in February and March, corresponding to periods of influenza A and B activity. Mean age of cases was 7.

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One hundred volunteers were examined with a new pneumatic dynamometer which permits the use of the slit lamp and the Hruby lens, this is a noncorneal-contact instrument indicating the relationship between diastolic systemic pressure and diastolic ophthalmic pressure; in the latter case, the pressures in the two eyes are compared.

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