Publications by authors named "E A Holthausen"

Background: Dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is thought to be associated with more mood symptoms and worse cognitive functioning. This study examined whether variation in HPA axis activity underlies the association between mood symptoms and cognitive functioning.

Methodology/principal Findings: In 65 bipolar patients cognitive functioning was measured in domains of psychomotor speed, speed of information processing, attentional switching, verbal memory, visual memory, executive functioning and an overall mean score.

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Objective: To investigate the multifactorial relationship between illness insight, cognitive and emotional processes, and illness characteristics in bipolar disorder patients.

Methods: Data from 85 euthymic or mildly to moderately depressed bipolar disorder patients were evaluated. Insight was measured using the Mood Disorder Insight Scale (total score and subscale scores: awareness of illness, symptom attribution, and need for treatment).

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Objectives: To investigate the association between cognitive complaints and objective cognitive functioning in bipolar patients, with a focus on the moderating role of depressive symptoms.

Methods: The association between cognitive complaints (measured by the total score and four subscales of the Cognitive Failure Questionnaire; CFQ) and objective cognitive functioning (domains of psychomotor speed, speed of information processing, attentional switching, verbal memory, visual memory and executive functioning/working memory, and the total score) was assessed in 108 euthymic (n=45) or mildly to moderately depressed bipolar patients (n=63). We studied potential moderation of this association by depressive symptoms (total score of the Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology-self rating).

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Background: Cognitive dysfunction is clearly recognized in bipolar patients, but the degree of impairment varies due to methodological factors as well as heterogeneity in patient populations. The goal of this study was to evaluate cognitive functioning in bipolar patients and to assess its association with depressive symptoms. Post hoc the relationship with lifetime alcohol use disorder was explored.

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The aim of this study was to see whether and how cognition predicts outcome in recent-onset schizophrenia in a large range of domains such as course of illness, self-care, interpersonal functioning, vocational functioning and need for care. At inclusion, 115 recent-onset patients were tested on a cognitive battery and 103 patients participated in the follow-up 2 years after inclusion. Differences in outcome between cognitively normal and cognitively impaired patients were also analysed.

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