Parameters determining and restricting physical aerobic working capacity were examined in 35 patients with angina of effort. Aerobic potentiality in angina of effort is not only measured by power or cardio-respiratory productivity, but also by oxygen economy of energy supply and the fulfilment of aerobic potentials whose parameters are unrelated to one another. It is proposed that anaerobic metabolic parameters be measured in order to choose optimum exercise intensity expanding aerobic potentialities of patients with angina of effort.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA number of values based on ergospirography results determining and limiting physical aerobic working capacity were studied by way of comparison in 35 patients with angina of effort with different threshold oxygen consumption. It was first established that aerobic capacities in chronic CHD were characterized not only by the power or cardiorespiratory productivity but also by the efficacy of the oxygen mechanism of energy production and realization of aerobic potentialities unrelated to one another. The informative value and usefulness of values of the threshold of anaerobic metabolism for determination of the optimum intensity of exercise therapy were revealed for expanding the aerobic capacities of patients with chronic CHD.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult
February 1983
The effectivity of subendocardial perfusion was investigated in 266 probands aged 40-68 years (112 patients with ischaemic heart disease, 116 patients with essential hypertension, and 38 practically healthy persons) by a noninvasive technique - the myocardial vitality index (MVI) or the quotient of the diastolic and systolic tension-time indexes (DTTI/STTI). The close and statistically significant correlation was found between the MVI, findings of selective coronarography, and total physical performance (exercise tolerance threshold) in per cent of the maximal oxygen consumption (MOC) adequate to the given subject's age, sex, and body mass. Attention is drawn to the diagnostic potential of the novel mode of a rapid assessment of the expected exercise tolerance threshold in per cent of the admissible MOC, determined by the magnitude of the coronary reserved of energy output (in kcal/min or kJ/min), and to the possibilities of predicting the maximal admissible heart rate during exercise on the basis of the myocardial oxygen supply/consumption quotient during a state of relative muscular rest, reflecting the MVI.
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