Publications by authors named "Duborija-Kovacevic N"

Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the hypolipidemic effects of carnosine and a commercial carnosine supplement on lipid status, liver and kidney function, and inflammation associated with dyslipidemia in rats with high-fat diet-induced hyperlipidemia.

Materials And Methods: The study was conducted on adult male Wistar rats, divided into control and experimental groups. Animals were kept in standard laboratory conditions and according to groups were treated with saline, carnosine, carnosine dietary supplement, simvastatin, and their combinations.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study explores the complexities of medicine shortages and emphasizes the need for effective risk assessment strategies to prevent these shortages across various healthcare settings.
  • Participants, primarily healthcare experts, were surveyed on their knowledge and use of different risk assessment techniques, revealing a general awareness but limited integration into formal strategies.
  • Key findings showed that while many experts recognized methods like Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Root Cause Analysis (RCA), only a small percentage reported these methods being part of established mitigation protocols, highlighting a gap in practice.
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Self-medication of children by their parents (SMCP) is an important public health issue as the effects and potential risks may be unpredictable. The objective of this first national Montenegrin study was to assess the prevalence of and factors influencing SMCP among schoolchildren. Data were obtained from a national representative sample of 4496 schoolchildren aged 7-13 years (50.

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Objective: Extract of Pygeum africanum (PAE) is commonly used herbal medication in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. In Montenegro and neighboring countries, PAE is primarily advertised as dietary supplement in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The purpose of this study was to broaden the current cognition concerning its safety profile.

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Drug shortages have been identified as a public health problem in an increasing number of countries. This can negatively impact on the quality and efficiency of patient care, as well as contribute to increases in the cost of treatment and the workload of health care providers. Shortages also raise ethical and political issues.

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Most young patients with mild-to-moderate aortic stenosis show no symptoms, and sudden death appears only occasionally. We hypothesised that malignant ventricular arrhythmias could be responsible for the high incidence of sudden death in such patients. If multiple factors such as asymptomatic aortic stenosis in association with arrhythmia-provoking agents are involved, could it be sufficient to account for sudden unexpected death? In this study, eight cases of sudden death in young adults, with ages ranging from 22 to 36 years, who had never reported any symptoms that could be related to aortic stenosis, were investigated.

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Background: This study is aimed at evaluating the pharmacotherapy of obstructive airway diseases (OAD) in the Montenegrin outpatient care (MOC) in 2010.

Methods: Data on the reimbursed drugs which were prescribed during the reference period were obtained from the National Database that was established within the Health Insurance Fund of Montenegro in 2004. We have applied the standard pharmacoepidemiologic methodology with the defined daily dose (DDD) along with the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification of drugs.

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Background And Objectives: Serenoa repens extracts (SrE) have been used for centuries in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). According to recommendations that each product should be examined separately, including its tolerability and toxicity, we conducted this study in order to broaden the current cognition about tolerability and toxicity of SrE, in particular of German brand ProstamolunoR.

Materials And Methods: Twenty-four adult male Wistar rats were randomly distributed into 4 groups of 6 animals.

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Finasteride is a potent drug which has been prescribed for the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) for more than 20 years. Recent studies indicate that finasteride, as 5alpha-reductase inhibitor, can influence some central effects such as analgesia, neurosteroidogeneses and behavior. The purpose of this study was to investigate the analgesic effect of finasteride, to determine whether finasteride interact with morphine analgesia in tail-flick test and to examine the anti-inflammatory effect of this drug.

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Introduction: Monitoring of antibiotic prescribing promotes rational use of these drugs, reduces costs and slows down the progress of resistance. The objective of present study was to analyze the effects of drug utilization reform strategy realized by the Republic Health Insurance Fund of Montenegro, during the period 2000-2004.

Material And Methods: This before-after comparative pharmacoepidemiological study comprised a sample of 100% prescription only antibiotics available in public pharmacies during the period 2000 - 2004.

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Introduction: The study represents the first investigation of outpatient use of beta lactam antibiotics in Montenegro carried out in accordance with internationally approved methodology (DDD/ATC).

Objective: The objective of our study was to establish both the scope and overall use of beta lactam antibiotics, and to assess their compatibility with current pharmacotherapeutic guidelines and their use in developed countries.

Methods: The retrospective pharmaco-epidemiological study comprised a 100%-sample of beta lactams that were used in the period prior to introduction of new reform strategy on drug market.

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Background/aim: A comprehensive reform strategy in drug management has been applying for a few years in Montenegro in order to promote a rational use of drugs. The reform strategy covered: an information system named "The Control of Distribution and Use of Drugs", a new List of Essential Drugs (that are reimbursed by the Republic Fund for Health), legislative and regulatory measures in order to establish a better control of drug prescribing and more efficient processing of the prescriptions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the reform strategy on the doctors' prescribing habits and the subsequent use of cardiovascular drugs within the outpatient setting of Montenegro.

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