Publications by authors named "Douglas Halverson"

Retrospective studies of breast cancer patients suggest that primary tumor Her-2 overexpression or trastuzumab therapy is associated with a devastating complication: the development of central nervous system (brain) metastases. Herein, we present Her-2 expression trends from resected human brain metastases and data from an experimental brain metastasis assay, both indicative of a functional contribution of Her-2 to brain metastatic colonization. Of 124 archival resected brain metastases from breast cancer patients, 36.

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Cancer metastasis is a significant contributor to breast cancer patient morbidity and mortality. In order to develop new anti-metastatic therapies, we need to understand the biological and biochemical mechanisms of metastasis. Toward these efforts, we and others have studied metastasis suppressor genes, which halt metastasis in vivo without affecting primary tumor growth.

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Background: Reestablishment of metastasis suppressor gene expression may constitute a therapeutic strategy for high-risk breast cancer patients. We previously showed that medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), a progestin that has been tested as treatment for advanced breast cancer, elevates expression of the Nm23-H1 metastasis suppressor gene in hormone receptor-negative metastatic human breast carcinoma cell lines in vitro via a glucocorticoid receptor-based mechanism. Here, we tested whether MPA treatment inhibits metastatic colonization of a hormone receptor-negative breast cancer cell line in vivo.

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Metastatic disease is a significant contributor to cancer patient mortality. We previously reported that the Kinase Suppressor of Ras1 (KSR1) scaffold protein for the Erk mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway coimmunoprecipitated the metastasis suppressor protein Nm23-H1. We now hypothesize that altered expression levels of Nm23-H1 influence the binding properties, stability, and function of the KSR1 scaffold.

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Purpose: Long-term elevation of metastasis suppressor gene expression in micrometastases represents a novel therapeutic strategy for breast and other cancers. We searched for well-tolerated compounds that could elevate Nm23 metastasis suppressor expression in metastatic human breast cancer cell lines.

Experimental Design: MDA-MB-435 and MDA-MB-231 human breast carcinoma cells were treated with dexamethasone or medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) in cultures containing either charcoal-stripped serum or FCS.

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Metastatic disease remains a significant contributor to morbidity and mortality in patients with breast cancer. An improved molecular and biochemical understanding of the metastatic process is expected to fuel the development of new therapeutic approaches. The suppression of tumor metastasis, despite tumor cell expression of oncogenes and metastasis-promoting events, has become a diverse and fruitful field of investigation.

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CD40 is present on both normal and neoplastic B-lineage cells. CD40 stimulation of normal B cells has been shown to promote normal growth and differentiation, whereas aggressive histology B lymphomas are growth inhibited. The inhibition of neoplastic B-cell growth is believed to occur via activation-induced cell death in which stimuli that typically promote the growth of normal cells prevent the growth of their neoplastic counterparts.

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