Publications by authors named "Doronin S"

In this work, we present a mean-field model that takes into account the key components of electrical double layer theory at the interface between an electrode and an electrolyte solution. The model considers short-range specific interactions between different species, including electrode-ion repulsion, the hydration of ions, dielectric saturation of solvent (water), and excluded volume (steric) interactions between species. By solving a modified Poisson-Boltzmann equation, which is derived from the grand thermodynamic potential of an inhomogeneous electrolyte solution, and using the appropriate results of quantum chemistry calculations on the hydration of ions, we can accurately approximate the differential capacitance profiles of aqueous electrolyte solutions at the boundary with a silver electrode.

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  • - Elys/Mel-28 is a nucleoporin (Nup) that connects decondensing chromatin with nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) after mitosis, but its role during interphase is unclear.
  • - Research using DamID-seq in Drosophila embryos identified different Elys binding sites within active or inactive chromatin, revealing its interaction with nucleoplasmic and NPC-linked forms.
  • - Knocking down Elys in S2 cells causes chromatin to move away from the nuclear envelope, leading to gene derepression, while also compacting active chromatin regions, suggesting Elys helps anchor peripheral chromatin to the nuclear envelope.
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The chromatin interaction assays, particularly Hi-C, enable detailed studies of genome architecture in multiple organisms and model systems, resulting in a deeper understanding of gene expression regulation mechanisms mediated by epigenetics. However, the analysis and interpretation of Hi-C data remain challenging due to technical biases, limiting direct comparisons of datasets obtained in different experiments and laboratories. As a result, removing biases from Hi-C-generated chromatin contact matrices is a critical data analysis step.

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The metallic lithium electrode has major concerns such as extremely high reactivity and nonuniform needle-like electrodeposition, limiting its wide application as a negative electrode in secondary batteries. Its reactions with the electrolyte leading to solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) formation play an important role, and controlling its composition and properties can help to overcome both difficulties. Even though solid electrolyte interphase chemistry and properties seem to be well known, many surface chemistry experiments reported are not perfect with respect to the purity needed for Li studies and can be interpreted alternatively.

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This review presents the state-of-the-art of optical sensors for determination of biogenic amines (BAs) in food by publications covering about the last 10 years. Interest in the development of rapid and preferably on-site methods for quantification of BAs is based on their important role in implementation and regulation of various physiological processes. At the same time, BAs can develop in different kinds of food by fermentation processes or microbial activity or arise due to contamination, which induces toxicological risks and food poisoning and causes serious health issues.

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How the nuclear lamina (NL) impacts on global chromatin architecture is poorly understood. Here, we show that NL disruption in Drosophila S2 cells leads to chromatin compaction and repositioning from the nuclear envelope. This increases the chromatin density in a fraction of topologically-associating domains (TADs) enriched in active chromatin and enhances interactions between active and inactive chromatin.

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Background: Although multiple approaches have been used to create biological pacemakers in animal models, induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (iPSC-CMs) have not been investigated for this purpose. We now report pacemaker function of iPSC-CMs in a canine model.

Methods And Results: Embryoid bodies were derived from human keratinocytes, their action potential characteristics determined, and their gene expression profiles and markers of differentiation identified.

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Piwi in a complex with Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) triggers transcriptional silencing of transposable elements (TEs) in Drosophila ovaries, thus ensuring genome stability. To do this, Piwi must scan the nascent transcripts of genes and TEs for complementarity to piRNAs. The mechanism of this scanning is currently unknown.

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Mesenchymal stem cells natively circulating or delivered into the blood stream home to sites of injury. The mechanism of mesenchymal stem cell homing to sites of injury is poorly understood. We have shown that the development of apoptosis in endothelial cells stimulates endothelial cell adhesiveness for mesenchymal stem cells.

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Jak/STAT is an important signaling pathway mediating multiple events in development. We describe participation of metazoan co-activator SAYP/PHF10 in this pathway downstream of STAT. The latter, via its activation domain, interacts with the conserved core of SAYP.

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NK-2 is a homeodomain protein essential for the development of the central nervous system in the Drosophila embryo. Here, we show that the vnd/NK-2 gene encodes an additional protein isoform (NK-2B) that differs from the known one (NK-2A) in its N-terminal domain. While NK-2A is a transcription repressor, NK-2B directly activates transcription from promoters containing NK-2 binding sites, with its N-terminal domain possessing a strong transcription activation potency.

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We study the decay of multiple quantum (MQ) NMR coherences in systems with the large number of equivalent spins. As being created on the preparation period of the MQ NMR experiment, they decay due to the dipole-dipole interactions (DDI) on the evolution period of this experiment. It is shown that the relaxation time decreases with the increase in MQ coherence order (according to the known results) and in the number of spins.

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Introduction: Delivered systemically or natively circulating mesenchymal stem cells accumulate in injured tissues. During homing mesenchymal stem cells adhere to endothelial cells and infiltrate underlying tissue. Previously we have shown that adhesiveness of endothelial cells for mesenchymal stem cells correlates with the inhibition of mitochondrial function of endothelial cells and secretion of von Willebrand factor.

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This paper is devoted to multiple quantum (MQ) NMR spectroscopy in nanopores filled by a gas of spin-carrying molecules (s = 1/2) in a strong external magnetic field. It turns out that the high symmetry of the spin system in nanopores yields a possibility to overcome the problem of the exponential growth of the Hilbert space dimension with an increase in the number of spins and to investigate MQ NMR dynamics in systems consisting of several hundred spins. We investigate the dependence of the MQ coherence intensities on their order (the profile of the MQ coherence intensities) for a spin system governed by the standard MQ NMR Hamiltonian (the nonsecular two-spin/two-quantum Hamiltonian) together with the second order correction of average Hamiltonian theory.

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During the past few years, studies involving the implantation of stem cells, chemical factors, and scaffolds have demonstrated the ability to augment the mammalian heart's native regenerative capacity. Scaffolds comprised of extracellular matrix (ECM) have been used to repair myocardial defects. These scaffolds become populated with myocytes and provide regional contractile function, but quantification of the myocyte population has not yet been conducted.

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We consider the adiabatic demagnetization in the rotating reference frame (ADRF) of a system of dipolar coupled nuclear spins s = 1/2 in an external magnetic field. The demagnetization starts with the offset of the external magnetic field (in frequency units) from the Larmor frequency being several times greater than the local dipolar field. For different subsystem sizes, we have found from numerical simulations the temperatures at which subsystems of a one-dimensional nine-spin chain and a plane nine-spin cluster become entangled.

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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) participate in the wound healing process in mammalians. Adhesion of MSCs to endothelium is a key step in the homing of MSCs circulating in the bloodstream to the sites of injury and inflammation. Because endothelial cells (ECs) may become apoptotic under certain pro-inflammatory conditions, we investigated the effects of pro-inflammatory, TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta, and pro-apoptotic agents, actinomycin D, cycloheximide, okadaic acid, wortmannin, and staurosporine, on human MSCs (hMSCs) adhesion to ECs.

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The need to regenerate tissue is paramount, especially for the heart that lacks the ability to regenerate after injury. The urinary bladder extracellular matrix (ECM), when used to repair a right ventricular defect, successfully regenerated some mechanical function. The objective of the current study was to determine whether the regenerative effect of ECM could be improved by seeding the patch with human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) enhanced to differentiate down a cardiac linage.

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Culture-expanded human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) are increasingly used in a variety of preclinical and clinical studies. However, these cells have a low rate of engraftment to bone marrow or damaged tissues. Several laboratories have shown that during isolation and subculturing mesenchymal stem cells quickly lose the expression of CXCR4, the key receptor responsible for lymphocytes and hematopoietic stem cell homing.

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Heart failure survival after diagnosis has barely changed for more than half a century. Recently, investigation has focused on differentiation of stem cells in vitro and their delivery for use in vivo as replacement cardiac contractile elements. Here we report preliminary results using mesenchymal stem cells partially differentiated to a cardiac lineage in vitro.

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The voltage-gated potassium channel Kv4.3 was coexpressed with its beta-subunit Kv channel-interacting protein 2 and the angiotensin type 1 receptor in HEK-293 cells. Proteomic analysis of proteins coimmunoprecipitated with Kv4.

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Stem cells show promise for repair of damaged cardiac tissue. Little is known with certainty, however, about the distribution of these cells once introduced in vivo. Previous attempts at tracking delivered stem cells have been hampered by the autofluorescence of host tissue and limitations of existing labeling techniques.

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We investigated effects of the paracrine factors secreted by human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) on endothelial cell migration, extracellular matrix invasion, proliferation, and survival in vitro. Human mesenchymal stem cells were cultured as a monolayer or as three-dimensional aggregates in hanging drops (hMSC spheroids). We performed analysis of paracrine factors in medium conditioned by a monolayer of hMSCs and hMSC spheroids.

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Regenerative medicine approaches for the treatment of damaged or missing myocardial tissue include cell-based therapies, scaffold-based therapies, and/or the use of specific growth factors and cytokines. The present study evaluated the ability of extracellular matrix (ECM) derived from porcine urinary bladder to serve as an inductive scaffold for myocardial repair. ECM scaffolds have been shown to support constructive remodeling of other tissue types including the lower urinary tract, the dermis, the esophagus, and dura mater by mechanisms that include the recruitment of bone marrow-derived progenitor cells, angiogenesis, and the generation of bioactive molecules that result from degradation of the ECM.

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Background: Extracellular matrix (ECM), a tissue-engineered scaffold, recently demonstrated cardiomyocyte population after myocardial implantation. Surgical restoration of myocardium frequently uses Dacron as a myocardial patch. We hypothesized that an ECM-derived myocardial patch would provide a mechanical benefit not seen with Dacron.

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