Publications by authors named "Doriana M Buda"

Background: The extremely halophilic archaeon Haloferax (Hfx.) alexandrinus DSM 27206 was previously documented for the ability to biosynthesize silver nanoparticles while mechanisms underlying its silver tolerance were overlooked. In the current study, we aimed to assess the transcriptional response of this haloarchaeon to varying concentrations of silver, seeking a comprehensive understanding of the molecular determinants underpinning its heavy metal tolerance.

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In this study we aimed to compare the mineralogical, thermal, physicochemical, and biological characteristics of recent organic carbon-rich sediments ('sapropels') from three geographically distant Romanian lakes (Tekirghiol and Amara, SE Romania, and Ursu, Central Romania) with distinct hydrogeochemical origins, presently used for pelotherapy. The investigated lakes were classified as inland brackish Na-Cl-sulfated type (Amara), coastal moderately saline and inland hypersaline Na-Cl types (Tekirghiol and Ursu, respectively). The settled organic matter is largely composed of photosynthetic pigments derived from autochthonous phytoplankton.

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