Aims: To examine the impact of errors or adverse events on emotional distress and professional quality of life in healthcare providers in the neonatal intensive care unit, and the moderating role of coworker support.
Background: Errors or adverse events can result in negative outcomes for healthcare providers. However, the role of coworker support in improving emotional and professional outcomes has not been examined.
Background: The second victim phenomenon occurs when health-care providers experience significant professional distress (compassion dissatisfaction, burnout, secondary traumatic stress) and psychological distress (shame, anxiety, and depression) as a result of medical errors or adverse patient outcomes. Few hospitals have institution-wide systems in place to assist employees through the recovery process.
Methods: At Nationwide Children's Hospital (NCH), a peer-based support program called "YOU Matter" was executed and spread hospital-wide.
Objective: To reduce the rate of harmful adverse drug events (ADEs) of severity level D-I from a baseline peak of 0.24 ADE/1000 doses to 0.08 ADE/1000 doses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJt Comm J Qual Patient Saf
January 2014
Am J Health Syst Pharm
October 2013
Purpose: Patient safety enhancements achieved through the use of an electronic Web-based system for responding to adverse drug events (ADEs) are described.
Summary: A two-phase initiative was carried out at an academic pediatric hospital to improve processes related to "medication event huddles" (interdisciplinary meetings focused on ADE interventions). Phase 1 of the initiative entailed a review of huddles and interventions over a 16-month baseline period during which multiple databases were used to manage the huddle process and staff interventions were assigned via manually generated e-mail reminders.