Publications by authors named "Donna Ferriero"

Introduction: Brain cholesterol relies on de novo biosynthesis and is crucial for brain development. Cholesterol synthesis is a complex series of reactions that involves more than twenty enzymes to reach the final product and generates a large number of intermediate sterols along two alternate pathways. This is a highly regulated and oxygen-dependent process and thus sensitive to hypoxia.

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Article Synopsis
  • Neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy primarily impacts low- and middle-income countries, with therapeutic hypothermia often proving ineffective, highlighting a need for earlier treatment strategies.
  • A study involved administering perinatal caffeine to near-term lambs undergoing severe hypoxia-ischemia, assessing its pharmacokinetics, safety, and efficacy in improving outcomes.
  • Caffeine administration enhanced neurodevelopmental results and decreased inflammation and gray matter damage, suggesting it could be a viable treatment for affected neonates compared to previous studies on other medications.
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Background: 'Neonatal encephalopathy' (NE) describes a group of conditions in term infants presenting in the earliest days after birth with disturbed neurological function of cerebral origin. NE is aetiologically heterogenous; one cause is peripartum hypoxic ischaemia. Lack of uniformity in the terminology used to describe NE and its diagnostic criteria creates difficulty in the design and interpretation of research and complicates communication with families.

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Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a common neurological syndrome in newborns with high mortality and morbidity. Therapeutic hypothermia (TH), which is standard of care for HIE, mitigates brain injury by suppressing anaerobic metabolism. However, more than 40% of HIE neonates have a poor outcome, even after TH.

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Emerging clinical and preclinical data have demonstrated that the pathophysiology of arterial ischemic stroke in the adult, neonates, and children share similar mechanisms that regulate brain damage but also have distinct molecular signatures and involved cellular pathways due to the maturational stage of the central nervous system and the immune system at the time of the insult. In this review, we discuss similarities and differences identified thus far in rodent models of 2 different diseases-neonatal (perinatal) and childhood arterial ischemic stroke. In particular, we review acquired knowledge of the role of resident and peripheral immune populations in modulating outcomes in models of perinatal and childhood arterial ischemic stroke and the most recent and relevant findings in relation to the immune-neurovascular crosstalk, and how the influence of inflammatory mediators is dependent on specific brain maturation stages.

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Originally approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its antihistamine properties, clemastine can also promote white matter integrity and has shown promise in the treatment of demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis.

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Background: Hypoxic-ischemic brain injury/encephalopathy affects about 1.15 million neonates per year, 96% of whom are born in low- and middle-income countries. Therapeutic hypothermia is not effective in this setting, possibly because injury occurs significantly before birth.

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Recent insights into the frequency of occurrence and the genetic and mechanistic basis of nervous system disease have demonstrated that neurologic disorders occur as a spectrum across all ages. To meet future needs of patients with neurologic disease of all ages and prepare for increasing implementaton of precision therapies, greater integration of child and adult neurology residency training is needed. ANN NEUROL 2023;94:1005-1007.

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The developing brain is uniquely susceptible to oxidative stress, and endogenous antioxidant mechanisms are not sufficient to prevent injury from a hypoxic-ischemic challenge. Glutathione peroxidase (GPX1) activity reduces hypoxic-ischemic injury. Therapeutic hypothermia (HT) also reduces hypoxic-ischemic injury, in the rodent and the human brain, but the benefit is limited.

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Background: Children with neonatal encephalopathy (NE) are at risk for basal ganglia/thalamus (BG/T) and watershed patterns of brain injury. Children with BG/T injury are at high risk for motor impairment in infancy, but the predictive validity of a published rating scale for outcome at age four years is not known. We examined a cohort of children with NE and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to examine the relationship between BG/T injury and severity of cerebral palsy (CP) in childhood.

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Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is the leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Approximately 1 million infants born with HIE each year survive with cerebral palsy and/or serious cognitive disabilities. While infants born with mild and severe HIE frequently result in predictable outcomes, infants born with moderate HIE exhibit variable outcomes that are highly unpredictable.

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The central nervous system (CNS) is enriched with important classes of lipids, in which cholesterol is known to make up a major portion of myelin sheaths, besides being a structural and functional unit of CNS cell membranes. Unlike in the adult brain, where the cholesterol pool is relatively stable, cholesterol is synthesized and accumulated at the highest rate in the developing brain to meet the needs of rapid brain growth at this stage, which is also a critical period for neuroplasticity. In addition to its biophysical role in membrane organization, cholesterol is crucial for brain development due to its involvement in brain patterning, myelination, neuronal differentiation, and synaptogenesis.

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Background: We previously reported that increasing severity of watershed (WS) injury in neonatal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is associated with worse language outcomes in early childhood. In the present study, we investigated the relationship between neonatal injury patterns and cognitive profile in adolescents with neonatal encephalopathy.

Methods: Term neonates with encephalopathy were prospectively enrolled and imaged using brain MRI from 1999 to 2008.

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Background: Neonatal neurocritical care (NNCC) is a rapidly advancing field with limited fellowship training available in locally developed, non-accredited programs. A standardized survey aimed to understand the training backgrounds of individuals practicing NNCC, the structure of existing clinical NNCC services/training programs, and suggested clinical competencies for new graduates.

Methods: We developed an anonymous survey electronically sent to members of societies related to NNCC.

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