Importance: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) higher-risk criteria for brief resolved unexplained events (BRUE) have a low positive predictive value (4.8%) and misclassify most infants as higher risk (>90%). New BRUE prediction rules from a US cohort of 3283 infants showed improved discrimination; however, these rules have not been validated in an external cohort.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To describe the demographics and clinical outcomes of infants with brief resolved unexplained events (BRUE).
Design: A retrospective cohort study.
Setting: 11 centres within the Canadian Paediatric Inpatient Research Network.
Deposition models, such as the Shoreline Deposition Model (SDM) used to quantify nearshore avian injuries resulting from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill, were developed to improve the estimates of nearshore avian mortality resulting from the release of oil into coastal and marine environments. Unlike earlier approaches to injury quantification, such as simple counts of carcasses on the shoreline, a modeling approach allows trustees to evaluate the precision of their estimate (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Non-dystrophic myotonia (NDM) is characterized by myotonia without muscle wasting. A standardized quantitative myotonia assessment (QMA) is important for clinical trials.
Methods: Myotonia was assessed in 91 individuals enrolled in a natural history study using a commercially available computerized handgrip myometer and automated software.
Introduction: Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), used either alone or associated with heliox (CPAP-He), has become a popular therapeutic option for bronchiolitis. This systematic review assesses the impact of CPAP on endotracheal intubation, carbon dioxide pressure (PCO(2) ) and respiratory distress in patients with bronchiolitis.
Methods: Systematic search including studies that used CPAP or CPAP-He in infants with bronchiolitis admitted to a PICU.
Conservation scientists, national governments, and international conservation groups seek to devise, and implement, governance strategies that mitigate human impact on the environment. However, few studies to date have systematically investigated the performance of different systems of governance in achieving successful conservation outcomes. Here, we use a newly-developed analytic framework to conduct analyses of a suite of case studies, linking different governance strategies to standardized scores for delivering ecosystem services, achieving sustainable use of natural resources, and conserving biodiversity, at both local and international levels.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBecause the posterior limb of the rostral suprasylvian sulcus (RSp) of the cat resides in close proximity to representations of the somatosensory, auditory, and visual modalities, the surrounding cortices would be expected to be a region where a high degree of multisensory convergence and integration is found. The present experiments tested this notion by using anatomical and electrophysiological methods. Tracer injections into somatosensory, auditory, and visual cortical areas almost all produced terminal labeling within the RSp, albeit at different locations and in different proportions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIt is widely recognised that predicting or determining the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) properties of a compound as early as possible in the drug discovery process helps to prevent costly late-stage failures. Although in recent years high-throughput in vitro absorption distribution metabolism excretion toxicity (ADMET) screens have been implemented, more efficient in silico filters are still highly needed to predict and model the most relevant metabolic and pharmacokinetic end points, and thereby accelerate drug discovery and development. The usefulness of the data generated and published for the chemist, biologist or project manager who ultimately wants to understand and optimise the ADME properties of lead compounds cannot be argued with.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFamilial transmission of cytogenetically visible autosome deletions is rare in humans. We describe here a case of mother to son transmission of an interstitial deletion of the distal long arm of chromosome one, breakpoints q42.1q42.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDefects in the G (guanine nucleotide-binding)-protein subunit (G alpha s) which stimulates adenylyl cyclase may result in either loss or gain of endocrine function. Reduced G alpha s activity is found in the hormone resistance syndrome, pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ia (PHP-Ia), while constitutive activation of G alpha s is associated with endocrine organ overactivity, including the gonadotropin-independent sexual precocity seen in patients with McCune-Albright syndrome. We identified two unrelated boys presenting with concurrent PHP-Ia and gonadotropin-independent sexual precocity (testotoxicosis).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMitochondrial acetoacetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) thiolase deficiency is an organic aciduria which affects isoleucine and ketone body catabolism. GK16 (the index patient) was affected with this disorder and previous studies had revealed that GK16 was a compound heterozygote with IVS8(+1) gt to tt and A301P mutations. In a subsequent pregnancy, prenatal diagnosis was performed and the fetus's amniocytes were analysed by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by the heteroduplex detection method on a Mutation Detection Enhancement gel.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe objective of this study was to determine whether the rates of deamidation of Asn8 in selected growth hormone releasing factor (GRF) analogs were related to the peptide's secondary structures in solution. Bovine or human [Leu27]GRF(1-32)NH2 (both having Gly at position 15), [Ala15Leu27]bGRF(1-32)NH2 and [Pro15Leu27]bGRF(1-32)NH2 were used as model peptides. The peptide helical content (assessed by CD) increased with the increasing methanol concentration and was as follows: 7, 12 and 18% in 0% MeOH; 24, 48 and 52% in 40% MeOH; and 41, 77 and 81% in 80% MeOH for Pro15Leu27 bGRF(1-32)NH2, [Leu27]hGRF(1-32)NH2 and Ala15Leu27 bGRF(1-32)NH2, respectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Pept Protein Res
July 1993
The solution structure and helical content of a human growth hormone releasing factor analog, Leu27 hGRF(1-32)NH2 (hGRF), and its deamidation products Asp8 Leu27 hGRF(1-32)NH2 and isoAsp8 Leu27 hGRF(1-32)NH2, were determined by CD and 2D NMR. Chemical-shift assignments of 1H NMR resonances were made from DQFCOSY, HOHAHA and NOESY spectra, and qualitative secondary structure was determined from NOESY spectra. 2D NMR studies in aqueous MeOH showed the Asn8, Asp8 and isoAsp8 hGRF analogs to have significant alpha-helical character.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLooking at proteins is an active process of interpretation and selection, emphasizing some features and deleting others. Multiple representations are needed, for such purposes as showing motions or conveying both the chain connectivity and the three-dimensional shape simultaneously. In studying and comparing protein structures, ideas are suggested about the determinants of tertiary structure and of folding (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe solution conformation of human big endothelin-1, a 38-residue peptide which serves as the putative precursor to the potent vasoconstrictor endothelin-1 has been examined by 1H NMR. NOEs were utilized as distance restraints in the distance geometry program DSPACE to generate initial structures. Further refinement of these structures was accomplished through molecular mechanics/molecular dynamics in an iterative process involving the incorporation of stereospecific assignments of prochiral centers and the use of back-calculation of NOESY spectra.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNucleic Acids Res
February 1992
A dynamic heterogeneity which correlates with the function of the operator DNA in the lactose operon of E. coli. was previously observed (1) as a local minimum in the thymine imino proton T1 centered at a GTG/C-CAC sequence.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThirteen patients with hypopigmentation of the skin characteristic of hypomelanosis of Ito, and with developmental disabilities or structural malformations, or both, were examined at our center. Eight were found to have abnormal karyotypes in lymphocytes, fibroblasts, or both. No single clinical feature was predictive of chromosome imbalance in this group of patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report on a male with trisomy Xq resulting from an isochromosome Xq which is preferentially inactivated: 47,XY,+i(Xq). Six previous cases have been reported. These patients are similar to patients with classical Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY) in that they have infertility, decreased masculinization, gynecomastia, and elevated luteinizing hormone (LH) and follide stimulating hormone (FSH) levels.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInheritance of ring chromosomes is reported infrequently. We report on a mother and her son both with a ring 18 chromosome, and describe the associated manifestations. The son had microcephaly, ptosis, short stature, and mental retardation; the mother was mentally retarded and had a similar facial appearance.
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