Publications by authors named "Dominique Dotou"

Background: Infant mortality in French Guiana, a French overseas territory, is 2.7 times greater than in mainland France. Given the importance of better understanding infant mortality we aimed to describe the early & late neonatal, and postneonatal mortality in French Guiana between 2007 and 2022.

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Preterm deliveries are a major multifactorial public health problem in French Guiana. Desert dust episodes have been associated with preterm delivery in Guadeloupe, a territory with similarities to French Guiana. We thus tried to replicate this finding in the context of French Guiana.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study looked at pregnancies in women living with HIV in French Guiana from 1992 to 2022 to understand their outcomes and challenges.
  • Most of the women knew they had HIV before getting pregnant and many received treatment, but a significant number still had babies born with HIV.
  • Although there have been improvements in reducing HIV transmission to babies, there are still issues like premature deliveries and low birth weights that need attention.
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Background: French Guiana is a French overseas territory which combines a well-funded universal health system and a population where half are under the poverty line. In this context, we aimed to measure and describe the causes of infant mortality and, because French Guiana is a French territory, to compare them with mainland France.

Methods: National death certificate data between 2001 and 2017 was used.

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A prospective study was conducted among different intra and extra-hospital populations of French Guiana to evaluate the performance of saliva testing compared to nasopharyngeal swabs. Persons aged 3 years and older with mild symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 and asymptomatic persons with a testing indication were prospectively enrolled. Nasopharyngeal and salivary samples were stored at 4°C before analysis.

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Background: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) are responsible for high maternal mortality and morbidity worldwide.

Objective: Our primary objective was to report the epidemiological and clinical features of HDP in Cayenne General Hospital. Our secondary objectives were to search for factors associated to preeclampsia (PE) and to severe PE in patients with HDP.

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