Publications by authors named "Dominica Hernandez"

There is increasing concern that patients gain considerable weight in the year prior to treatment and that outcomes may not reflect true treatment losses. To date, we know little about the accuracy of self-reported weight change prior to treatment. To investigate weight gain, and accuracy of self-reported recent weight history, Veterans (n = 126) reported their current weight and one-year weight history prior to entering treatment.

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Antiretroviral therapies (ART) suppress HIV replication, thereby preventing HIV disease progression and potentially preventing HIV transmission. However, there remain significant health disparities among people living with HIV, particularly for women living in impoverished rural areas. A significant contributing factor to HIV-related disparities is a stigma.

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Objective: Potential mechanisms of abnormal food intake, such as dysregulation of meal-related appetite hormones, including acyl ghrelin (AG) and des-acyl ghrelin (DAG), were investigated among men and women with obesity, with and without binge eating (BE).

Methods: Participants (n = 42: 19 female, 23 male) were assigned to a liquid meal and water condition in counterbalanced order, and blood samples for measuring hormones were obtained before and after these conditions.

Results: Participants with BE had significantly lower fasting and postingestive AG concentrations than participants without BE in both conditions.

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Beliefs that it is harmful to mix medications with alcohol (ie, interactive toxicity beliefs) are a known source of intentional antiretroviral therapy (ART) nonadherence. This study examined a serial process model of alcohol-ART interactive toxicity beliefs, alcohol-ART avoidance behaviors, and ART adherence in the association between alcohol use and HIV viral load. Participants were 198 patients receiving ART from a community clinic in the southeastern United States; 125 reported current alcohol use.

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Erroneous beliefs that it is toxic to drink alcohol while taking antiretroviral therapies (ART) used for treating HIV infection, known as alcohol interactive toxicity beliefs, may at least in part account for ART nonadherence among alcohol drinkers. This study was conducted to test a conceptual framework to explain the effects of interactive toxicity beliefs on ART adherence. Computerized surveys were administered to 124 participants receiving HIV care in the southeastern US.

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As people living with HIV experience longer life-expectancies resulting from antiretroviral therapy, comorbid conditions are increasing, particularly metabolic disorders. There is potential for psychosocial factors such as stigma experiences, depression, and alcohol use to complicate both HIV infection and metabolic disorders, including diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia. While the impact of these psychosocial factors on HIV infection alone are widely studied, their role in potentially complicating HIV co-morbid metabolic conditions has received little attention.

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Unlabelled: Background Transgender women living with HIV infection experience poorer health outcomes across the HIV continuum of care. While disparities are well established, their underlying mechanisms are not well understood. This study examined the HIV continuum of care (also known as the HIV treatment cascade), including linkage and engagement in care and health status among transgender women and cisgender women and cisgender men living with HIV.

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Objective: To examine the efficacy of Steps to Growing Up Healthy, an obesity prevention intervention in preschool-age, urban-dwelling minority children.

Study Design: Thirty-two pediatric primary care clinicians used a brief (3- to 5-minute) evidence-based behavior change intervention with low-income mothers of children aged 2-4 years during each regularly scheduled clinic visit over a 12-month period to target 4 specific obesogenic behaviors (milk consumption, juice and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption, television/screen time, and physical activity). A written contract, self-monitoring calendar, and telephone follow-up at 5-7 days after the clinic visit reinforced the intervention.

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Background: The relationship between food insecurity and child obesity is unclear. Few studies have examined dietary patterns in children with regard to household food security and weight status. The aim of this study was to examine the association between household food security, dietary intake, and BMI percentile in low-income, preschool children.

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HIV infection is concentrated in populations living in poverty. We examined the overlapping and independent effects of multiple poverty indicators on HIV-related health status. Because substance use can create competing survival needs when resources are limited, we also sought to objectively measure expenditures on food relative to alcohol and tobacco products.

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Health disparities in access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) as well as the demands of long-term medication adherence have meant the full benefits of HIV treatment are often not realized. In particular, food insecurity has emerged as a robust predictor of ART non-adherence. However, research is limited in determining whether food insecurity uniquely impedes HIV treatment or if food insecurity is merely a marker for poverty that interferes more broadly with treatment.

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Background: Leading medical organizations have called on primary care pediatricians to take a central role in the prevention of childhood obesity. Weight counseling typically has not been incorporated into routine pediatric practice due to time and training constraints. Brief interventions with simple behavior change messages are needed to reach high-risk children, particularly Latino and Black children who are disproportionately affected by obesity and related comorbidities.

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Hispanic children in the United States are disproportionately affected by obesity. The role of acculturation in obesity is unclear. This study examined the relation between child obesity, dietary intake, and maternal acculturation in Hispanic children.

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Objective: To assess the effects of a 50% discount on low-energy density (ED) fruits and vegetables (F&V), bottled water, and diet sodas on shoppers' purchasing, food intake, and body weight.

Design And Methods: A randomized, controlled trial was conducted at two Manhattan supermarkets, in which a 4-week baseline period (no discounts) preceded an 8-week intervention period (50% discount), and a 4-week follow-up period (no discounts). Twenty-four hour dietary recall, as well as body weight and body composition measures were obtained every 4 weeks.

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Housing for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) has been linked to a number of positive physical and mental health outcomes, in addition to decreased sexual and drug-related risk behavior. The current study identified service priorities for PLWHA, services provided by HIV/AIDS housing agencies, and unmet service needs for PLWHA through a nationwide telephone survey of HIV/AIDS housing agencies in the USA. Housing, alcohol/drug treatment, and mental health services were identified as the three highest priorities for PLWHA and assistance finding employment, dental care, vocational assistance, and mental health services were the top needs not being met.

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Heightened cortisol response to stress due to hyperactivation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis may stimulate appetite and food intake. In this study, we assessed cortisol responsivity to a cold pressor test (CPT) as well as appetite ratings and subsequent test meal intake (TMI) in obese women. Following an overnight fast on two counterbalanced days, 20 obese women immersed their non-dominant hand for 2min in ice water (CPT) or warm water (WW) as a control.

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This study is a 6-month follow-up of a randomized pilot evaluation of standard one-session treatment (OST-S) versus culturally adapted OST (OST-CA) with phobic Asian Americans. OST-CA included seven cultural adaptations drawn from prior research with East Asians and Asian Americans. Results from 1-week and 6-month follow-up show that both OST-S and OST-CA were effective at reducing phobic symptoms compared with self-help control.

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