Given the considerable quantities of biogenic matrices employed in agricultural applications, there is growing concern about the potential negative effects resulting from the presence of harmful contaminants. The project "SLURP - SLUdge Recovery in Agriculture: Environment and Health Protection" planned a multi-stage approach in which the application of a wide battery of bioassays was proposed as an effective tool to measure the direct interaction of matrices with the different components of the ecosystem, from the molecular to the whole organism level. The aim of the present study, which is a part of the "SLURP" project, was to characterise the toxicological and genotoxicological properties of water extracts from biogenic wastes using several assays based on plant, bacterial and human cells.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Infect Chemother
February 2025
The spread of biogenic matrices for agricultural purposes can lead to plastic input into soils, raising a question on possible consequences for the environment. Nonetheless, the current knowledge concerning the presence of plastics in biogenic matrices is very poor. Therefore, the objective of the present study was a quali-quantitative characterization of plastics in different matrices reused in agriculture as manures, digestate, compost and sewage sludges.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSewage sludge (biosolids) management represents a worldwide issue. Due to its valuable properties, approximately one half of the EU production is recovered in agriculture. Nevertheless, growing attention is given to potential negative effects deriving from the presence of harmful pollutants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWater, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) interventions provide dignity and prevent disease transmission. Sanitary facility provision (e.g.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe cost for the recovery/disposal of residues produced by wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) represents a relevant aspect in the economics of WWTP management. We elaborated and applied a desk-based methodology to analyze tender processes and to investigate quantitatively and qualitatively the variability of unit costs for sewage sludge (EWC 190805) management in Northern Italy from 2015 to 2021. We conducted a qualitative survey for operators of the sector.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHollow-fiber membrane filters (HFMFs) for household water treatment (HWT) can efficaciously remove disease-causing organisms in laboratory settings. However, lower effectiveness in use in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and humanitarian contexts (HCs) has been observed and attributed to membrane fouling and the associated cleaning. In LMICs/HCs, it is not possible to prevent and control fouling using commonly known methods (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Provision of safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) to affected populations in humanitarian emergencies is necessary for dignity and communicable disease control. Additional evidence on WASH interventions is needed in humanitarian settings. Between 2008 and 2019, we completed six multi-country, mixed-methods effectiveness studies in humanitarian response on six different WASH interventions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFKnee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc
September 2016
Purpose: A new clinical test for the diagnosis of ACL rupture is described: the so-called "Lever Sign". This prospective study on four groups of patients divided subjects on the basis of MRI findings (complete or partial ACL lesion) and the clinical phase of the injury (acute or chronic). The hypothesis was that this manual test would be diagnostic for both partial and complete tears of the ACL regardless of the elapsed time from injury.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground/purpose: The absence of vagina is rare in the pediatric population. It can occur as a result of congenital malformations such as an aplasia of mullerian ducts (46,XX Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome) or a complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (46,XY testicular feminizing syndrome). Intersex patients, who underwent reassessment of a female sex, need a genital reconstruction toward a feminine phenotype.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: The jejunal-ileal atresias are the most common cause of intestinal occlusion in neonatal period and the duodenal atresia is the most common cause of high bowel obstruction in newborn. The treatment classically used is performed by a transverse sovraumbilical laparotomy. The first "minimal-invasive" approach was performed at the end of the years '70.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe ability to detect early molecular responses to various chemicals is central to the understanding of biological impact of pollutants in a context of varying environmental cues. To monitor stress responses in a model plant, we used transgenic moss Physcomitrella patens expressing the beta-glucuronidase reporter (GUS) under the control of the stress-inducible promoter hsp17.3B.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The Anderson-Hynes pyeloplasty is still the gold standard for the surgical treatment of the ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) in children. To reduce the surgical invasivity, laparoscopic (RPSc) and retroperitoneoscopic (RPSc) pyeloplasty have been proposed but concerns have been expressed. In the RPSc approach, the small operative space and the technical difficulties have limited the application and diffusion of this techinique while in case of laparoscopy, a transperitoneal technique is used to treat a retroperitoneal disease.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Fetal and neonatal hepatic arteriovenous fistulas are rare and associated with a high mortality rate; they can be prenatally detected by ultrasonography. Management of these malformations can be a challenge for pediatric surgeons.
Methods: Two patients with a prenatal diagnosis of intrahepatic arteriovenous shunts were treated at our institution in the last 2 years.
Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung associated with oesophageal atresia is exceptional. The authors describe a case of a mixed type I - II congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the left lung associated with oesophageal atresia and tracheooesophageal fistula in a male infant. The interesting aspect of this case is not only the extremely rare association - only two reports in the literature - but the surgical choices.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecent improvements and miniaturization of instruments have encouraged a wider use of thoracoscopy and laparoscopy as a modality for diagnostic and operative procedures in pediatric age. The utility of thoracoscopy in pediatric patients with suspected thoracopulmonary oncological diseases is shown by diagnostic accuracy and, if necessary, the possibility to perform at the meantime a mininvasive surgery. We report the experience of our Institution in 16 patients with suspected thoraco-pulmonary oncological diseases and treated for this reason with thoracoscopy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAgenesis of the appendix vermiformis represents a rare condition that accounts in approximately 1 in 100.000 laparotomies performed for suspected acute appendicitis. L.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFrom May 1996 to April 2002, 48 laparoscopic fundoplications were performed after failure of medical treatment in 47 neurologically impaired infants and children affected by gastroesophageal reflux. Indications for surgery included vomiting, recurrent upper airway infections, failure of medical therapy, feeding difficulties with failure to gain weight, and instrumental (barium swallow and pHmetry) diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux. A standard approach was adopted, with minimal access modifications according to the patients' characteristics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: Müllerian duct remnants (MDRs) are present in a male pseudohermaphroditic form characterized by failure of the müllerian duct to regress due to insufficient production or peripheral action of müllerian inhibiting substance. The MDR can be asymptomatic but it often results in infections, stones and voiding troubles. Furthermore, it may develop into a neoplasm.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe authors report a case of retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy in a child with neuroblastoma previously treated by chemotherapy. Usually the presence of malignant tumours is a contraindication to retroperitoneoscopic surgery. A restaging of the tumor was done by retroperitoneoscopy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTwenty-one children (16 males, 5 females) with malignant primary hepatic tumors were admitted to the Pediatric Clinic of the University of Bologna between June 1973 and July 2001. The diagnosis was hepatoblastoma (HBL) in 16 cases; hepatocellular carcinoma (HCA) in 3 cases; undifferentiated sarcoma in 1, malignant rhabdoid tumour of the liver in 1. Median age at diagnosis was 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To describe a paediatric case of "Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome" (BRBNS) or Bean's syndrome, a rare systemic disorder characterised by cutaneous and gastrointestinal vascular malformations that often lead to overt life-threatening gastrointestinal bleeding or occult blood loss with severe anaemia and iron deficiency.
Case Report: A 6-year-old girl with multiple characteristic cutaneous vascular lesions was admitted for a massive rectal bleeding. A few months previously she was endoscopically treated for gastric angiomas which developed into melaena.
Recent improvements in video imaging and instrumentation have encouraged a wider use of endoscopic surgery as a modality for diagnostic and operative procedures. To asses the utility and diagnostic accuracy of endoscopic surgery in children with oncological diseases, we reviewed our experience about thirty-eight patients affected by oncological diseases, referred to our Department since 1995. We performed laparoscopy in 22 cases, thoracoscopy in 14, 1 combinated procedure (laparoscopy + thoracoscopy) and retroperitoneoscopy in 1 case.
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