J Soc Bras Fonoaudiol
December 2011
Purpose: To present a literature review about the Brazilian scientific production in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology regarding voice in popular singing in the last decade, as for number of publications, musical styles studied, focus of the researches, and instruments used for data collection.
Research Strategy: Cross-sectional descriptive study carried out in two stages: search in databases and publications encompassing the last decade of researches in this area in Brazil, and reading of the material obtained for posterior categorization.
Selection Criteria: The databases LILACS and SciELO, the Databasis of Dissertations and Theses organized by CAPES, the online version of Acta ORL, and the online version of OPUS were searched, using the following uniterms: voice, professional voice, singing voice, dysphonia, voice disorders, voice training, music, dysodia.
Objective: The purpose of the study was to determine whether children are more negatively perceived because of a lip incompetence.
Study Design: A sample survey study.
Methods: Two sets of colored pictures (1 set with the mouth open and 1 set with the mouth closed) were taken of four children with lip incompetence and mouth breathing and four children with normal lip closure and breathing patterns.