Publications by authors named "Dom Geraghty"

Purpose: The aim of the study reported here was to determine the frequency of prescribing of immediate-release (IR) opioids, and benzodiazepines, with both oral sustained-release (SR) and transdermal (TD) opioid maintenance treatment, in a rural population with chronic noncancer pain (CNCP).

Subjects And Methods: A longitudinal study measuring IR opioid and benzodiazepine dispensed prescriptions (scripts) by route of maintenance opioid administration over time (monthly for 1 year). Subjects were opioid-treated CNCP patients from Northwest Tasmania.

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Objective: To determine whether there are differences in the personal socioeconomic costs of healthcare access between transdermal (TD) and oral opioid use in a rural population with chronic noncancer pain (CNCP).

Design: An observational longitudinal study, measuring change in the self-reported personal time and expense of healthcare access by route of opioid administration over time (monthly for 1 year). Subjects were opioid treated patients with CNCP from North West Tasmania, Australia.

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