Background: Squats are one of the most widely used weight training methods worldwide, and the single most ubiquitous with regard to multi-joint resistance training.
Objective: The objective of the present study was to investigate kinematic and kinetic changes in the lower extremities as a result of load increases during a back squat exercise, and to propose an association between back squats and lower extremity injuries.
Methods: Eight individuals with experience of back squat training were recruited.
Front Bioeng Biotechnol
February 2023
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of an increase in sprinting velocity on the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) load, knee joint load, and activation of femoral muscles using the musculoskeletal modeling approach. Fourteen high school male athletes were recruited (age: 17.4 ± 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
August 2022
We investigated the effect of prolonged running on joint kinematics and its association with stride complexity between novice and elite runners. Ten elite marathoners and eleven healthy individuals took part in a 20 min submaximal prolonged running experiment at their preferred running speed (PRS). A three-dimensional motion capture system was utilized to capture and calculate the alpha exponent, stride-to-stride fluctuations (SSFs), and stride-to-stride variability (SSV) of spatiotemporal parameters and joint kinematics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Children with Down syndrome (DS) have critical biomechanical impairments such as increased ligamentous laxity, muscle hypotonia, and dysfunctional motor coordination, which makes performing everyday tasks challenging.
Objective: The purpose of the study was to explore the differences in the vertical joint stiffness, plantar force, and range of motion during drop landing for DS and age-matched typically developing children.
Methods: Six young male children with DS and age-matched seven healthy typically developing children (TD) assessed joint strength using an isokinetic dynamometer and performed five trials of single-leg drop jump using force platform and motion capture system.
[Purpose] This study aimed to verify the effectiveness of an augmented reality-based ski simulator through analyzing the changes in movement patterns as well as the engagement of major muscles of the lower body. [Subjects] Seven subjects participated in the study. All were national team-level athletes studying at "K" Sports University in Korea who exhibited comparable performance levels and had no record of injuries in the preceding 6 months (Age 23.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF[Purpose] The aim of this study was to present an individualized resistance training method to enable exercise while maintaining an exercise load that is set according to an individual's joint angle-torque using a haptic-based resistance training machine. [Methods] Five participants (machine group) performed individualized shoulder internal and external rotation training with a haptic resistance training machine, while another five participants performed general dumbbell-based shoulder internal and external rotation training for eight weeks. Internal and external rotation powers of subjects were measured using an isokinetic machine before and after training.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in muscle activation patterns of the biceps brachii (BB) and flexor carpi radialis (FCR) muscles, while measuring the resultant force (RF) at different shoulder flexion angles. [Subjects] Thirteen healthy males (age 24.85±3.
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