Objective: To evaluate whether fetal and placental expulsion is more likely within 48 h if women receive mifepristone pre-treatment vs placebo pre-treatment followed by misoprostol 200 mcg buccally for treatment of fetal death at 14 weeks 0 days to 28 weeks and 6 days gestation.
Study Design: We randomized 176 women with a confirmed fetal death between 14 weeks and 0 days to 28 weeks and 6 days to mifepristone 200 mg or placebo; 24 h later all participants received misoprostol 200 mcg buccally every 3 h for up to 16 doses or 48 h. The trial took place in Hanoi, Vietnam and Mexico City in 2015-2018.
Background: In Vietnam, few studies have determined the epidemiological status of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women and no routine prenatal screening is in place. This study was conducted to evaluate the seroprevalence of this zoonotic parasitic infection in pregnant women in Northern Vietnam and to assess the association with awareness, risk factors and congenital toxoplasmosis.
Methods: Approximately 800 pregnant women were included in the study from two hospitals, one in Hanoi and one in Thai Binh province, which is known to have a dense cat population.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr
July 2016
Objectives: We conducted a feasibility study to enroll and follow family planning acceptors who were randomly assigned to use an intrauterine device (IUD) or injectable depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA).
Methods: Centers in Brazil, Guatemala, Egypt and Vietnam aimed to enroll 100 participants per site. Enrolled women were randomly assigned to have inserted a TCu 380A IUD, or to receive injections of 150 mg of DMPA every 3 months, and scheduled for up to 12 months of follow-up.