Publications by authors named "Dirk Van Kampen"

Although intended to assess vulnerability factors associated with psychopathology, the 5-Dimensional Personality Test (5DPT) shows at least a superficial similarity to instruments that adhere to the lexical tradition in personality psychology. To investigate to which extent this similarity goes, this article compares the 5DPT with 2 lexically based measures, the NEO-Five Factor Inventory and the HEXACO-Personality Inventory-Revised. Moreover, as the NEO Openness to Experience construct demonstrates little relationship with maladaptive personality, whereas the 5DPT Absorption factor was hypothesized to underlie the emergence of positive schizotypic symptoms and related phenomena, the 5DPT was also correlated with the Schizotypic Syndrome Questionnaire (SSQ), the Creative Experiences Questionnaire, Thalbourne's Transliminality Scale, the Launay-Slade Hallucination Scale, and the OLIFE-Unusual Experiences scale.

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This study describes and tests two models of personality: the HEXACO model of personality, which is derived from the lexical tradition and which is rooted in "normal" psychology, and the 5DPT model of personality, which is derived from a theoretical approach and which is rooted in clinical psychology. The HEXACO and 5DPT models are compared in the prediction of antisocial and self-benefiting personality traits in a large-scale community sample study. Relative weight analyses show that HEXACO Honesty-Humility explains most of the variance in SRPIII Psychopathy, Egoism, and IPIP Pretentiousness, Immorality, and Machiavellianism.

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Fourteen men scoring high and 14 men scoring low on a positive schizotypy scale participated in a lateralized emotional Stroop task. Vocal reaction times for color naming of neutral, positive and negative emotional words were recorded. Across participants, the color naming of neutral and emotional words was slightly faster to right than to left visual field presentations.

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Background: SPEM dysfunction is a well-known phenomenon in schizophrenia. The principal aim of the present study was to examine whether SPEM dysfunction is already observable in subjects scoring high on a specific measure of schizotypy (SSQ General Schizotypy) that was selected because of its intimate relationship with schizophrenic prodromal unfolding.

Methods: Applying ANOVAs, we determined the relationship of subjects' scores on SSQ General Schizotypy and eye movements elicited by targets of different speed.

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The Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology-Basic Questionnaire (DAPP-BQ) appears to be a good choice for the assessment of personality pathology. However, due to its length, administration of the instrument is rather time-consuming, hindering standard inclusion of the DABB-BQ in a battery of assessment instruments at intake. We developed the 136-item DAPP-SF (Short Form), and investigated its psychometric characteristics in various samples, i.

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Aim: Validation of Van Kampen's Schizotypic Syndrome Questionnaire (SSQ) model of schizophrenic prodromal unfolding. The SSQ model comprises 12 negative, asocial and psychotic-like symptoms that are hypothesized to determine each other in terms of cause and effect.

Method: Use was made of the Interview for the Retrospective Assessment of the Onset of Schizophrenia (IRAOS)-dependent retrospective data assembled in the Mannheim Age-Beginning-Course Study sample of first-episode schizophrenic patients to measure the SSQ symptoms.

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The principal aim of this paper is to investigate whether it is possible to create a personality taxonomy of clinical relevance out of Eysenck's original PEN model by repairing the various shortcomings that can be noted in Eysenck's personality theory, particularly in relation to P or Psychoticism. Addressing three approaches that have been followed to answer the question 'which personality factors are basic?', arguments are listed to show that particularly the theory-informed approach, originally defended by Eysenck, may lead to scientific progress. However, also noting the many deficiencies in the nomological network surrounding P, the peculiar situation arises that we adhere to Eysenck's theory-informed methodology, but criticize his theory.

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A short form of the Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology-Basic Questionnaire (DAPP-BQ), called the DAPP-SF, is presented, consisting of 136 of the original 290 items. It was established in a community sample that the factor structure of the DAPP-SF is highly congruent with the structure of the DAPP-BQ. The 18 DAPP-SF scales, which were found to be highly reliable, turned out to correlate substantially with the DAPP-BQ scales, even after applying a necessary correction, as the DAPP-SF was developed in the same sample used to investigate the Dutch DAPP-BQ.

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This paper examines the psychometric properties (reliability and factor structure) and validity (relationship with various self-report measures and SPEM dysfunction) of the SSQ or Schizotypic Syndrome Questionnaire, a 108-item inventory for the measurement of 12 prodromal or schizotypic symptoms present in Van Kampen's model of schizophrenic prodromal unfolding. This paper also provides normative data for the SSQ. The SSQ demonstrates adequate reliability and breaks down into three correlated factors: negative schizotypy, asocial schizotypy and positive schizotypy.

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After modifying 53 items in a previous Dutch translation of the Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology-Basic Questionnaire (DAPP-BQ; Livesley & Jackson, 2002), the present DAPP-BQ scales (with or without Self-Harm included) were subjected to a principal components analysis with oblimin or varimax rotation in a general population sample of 478 subjects, retaining four factors. All four (higherorder) factors (Emotional Dysregulation, Dissocial, Inhibition, and Compulsivity) proved identical to the factors originally derived in Canada, with Tucker coefficients of factor similarity approaching unity. Particularly the (unexpected) finding that the present Dutch version of the DAPP-BQ also resulted in an Inhibition factor (and not, like the former Dutch version, in an Intimacy Problems factor) was considered positive.

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In this article a literature-based model (the Schizotypic Syndrome Questionnaire [SSQ] model) is presented that gives a description of the temporal unfolding of the schizophrenic prodrome. As a guiding principle for the selection of the symptoms in the model, the hypothesis was held that the main prodromal features determine each other in terms of cause and effect. Furthermore, the developmental pathways between the symptoms were not allowed to be in conflict with the usual observation that negative symptoms precede psychotic-like ones nor--at least in broad outline--with J.

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After discarding eight items in the Dutch translation of Livesley's DAPP-BQ that showed item-total correlations < 0.20 in a sample of 223 normal subjects. Cronbach's alpha coefficients were calculated for the remaining items in the 18 scales of this instrument.

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