Continuing our investigation of catalytic oxo/imido heterometathesis as novel water-free method for C=N bond construction, we report here the application of classical transition metal oxides dispersed on silica (MO/SiO, M=V, Mo, W) as cheap, robust and readily available alternative to the catalysts prepared via Surface Organometallic Chemistry (SOMC). The oxide materials demonstrated activity in heterometathetical imidation of ketones, WO/SiO being the most efficient. We also describe a new well-defined supported W imido complex (≡SiO)W(=NMes)(MePyr) (Mes=2,4,6-MeCH, MePyr=2,5-dimethylpyrrolyl) and characterize it with SOMC protocols, which allowed us to identify the position of W on the oxo/imido heterometathesis activity scale (Mo