Publications by authors named "Dimanovski J"

We are presenting a rare case of a spontaneous extensive perirenal hematoma caused by ruptured renal adenocarcinoma in a patient who was on warfarin therapy because she had atrial fibrillation and three myocardial infarctions. A 77-year-old woman was admitted to our department with acute right flank pain and hemorrhagic shock. The anamnestic data revealed no trauma and hematuria.

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A 65-year-old man was referred to our department with clinical signs of septic shock and necrotizing soft tissue infection of the scrotal, perianal and right inguinal region. Initial presentation was a typical Fournier's gangrene. Because of the life-threatening condition, the initial treatment was extensive removal of necrotic tissue.

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Background And Aims: Although prostatitis can contribute to the lack of prostate specific antigen (tPSA) specificity, there is disagreement concerning the effect of histological inflammation on free PSA (fPSA). We investigated the correlation between aggressiveness of histological inflammation and tPSA, fPSA and f/tPSA in patients without detectable prostate cancer (PC).

Methods: The study included 106 patients with tPSA <10 ng/mL, without clinical prostatitis and with biopsy negative for PC.

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An extremely rare case of seminal vesicle cyst associated with ipsilateral renal dysplasia and ectopic ureter is presented. A 36-year-old patient underwent nephroureterovesiculectomy. Considering the clinical and imaging profile of the patient, a diagnosis of ureterocele with megaureter was initially suspected, but intraoperative findings and definitive pathological analysis of the specimen revealed right renal dysplasia with ectopic ureter opening into seminal vesicle cyst.

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We demonstrate the evolution of the clinical presentation and outcomes for patients with clinically localized prostate cancer (PC) treated with radical retropubic prostatectomy (RRP) at our department, emphasizing epidemiologic significance of changes during the 10-year period. We assessed the annual trends for changes in patients age, preoperative prostate specific antigen (PSA), preoperative versus postoperative stages and Gleason grades, organ confined status and surgical margin status. A total of 488 RRPs were performed from January 1996 to December 2005 with the annual frequency increased from 8 to 129 (1512.

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Objectives: To investigate by immunohistochemistry the expression of MAGE-A and NY-ESO-1/LAGE-1, cancer testis antigens (CTAs), in squamous cell carcinoma of the penis.

Methods: A total of 30 penile carcinoma samples from patients undergoing penile amputation at the Urology Clinics at the Zagreb Clinical Hospital Center and University Hospital "Sestre milosrdnice" from 1997 to 2004 were investigated in this study. Three monoclonal antibodies were used for immunohistochemical staining: 77B specific for MAGE-A1, 57B recognizing multiple MAGE-A CTAs, and D8.

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An exceedingly rare case of a patient with osteogenesis imperfecta and prostate cancer is reported. The patient underwent radical prostatectomy, which had to be stopped due to the extremely narrow space for surgical manipulation. The clinical, diagnostic and operative peculiarities of the case are presented and the relevant literature reviewed.

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Objective: Fusion anomalies of the kidney are rarely encountered and the association of malignant tumors with such conditions is exceedingly rare. Association of tumors with horseshoe kidney is also uncommon, with fewer than 200 cases having been reported in the literature, and the association of tumors with crossed-fused ectopia is even rarer, with only four cases having been reported so far.

Material And Methods: During the past decade five patients with fusion anomalies have been treated for tumors in our clinic, four of whom had horseshoe kidney and one of whom had crossed-fused left-to-right ectopia.

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The aim of this study was to analyze the correlation between the expression of vimentin and morphological features of renal cell carcinoma (RCC). We analyzed tumor tissue of 20 patients with RCC. There were 13 female and 7 male patients with RCC confined to the kidney (pT1, pT2).

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Two cases of rare adrenal cavernous hemangiomas are reported, one imaged with conventional X-ray techniques, US, CT, and MRI, and the other with US and CT. The CT technique clearly demonstrated calcifications and the internal structure of the lesions in both cases and peripheral rim enhancement on the postcontrast scan in one patient. Although MRI demonstrated accurately the complex nature of the lesion, the inability to visualize the calcified areas do not allow to make a specific histologic diagnosis.

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The article deals with the possibility of the therapy of urinary incontinence by means of an artificial sphincter. Indications for the implantation of the artificial sphincter and results obtained after twenty implanted sphincters are shown as well.

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Twenty years' experience in the substitution of an isolated sigmoid segment after radical cystectomy for bladder carcinoma is described. The indication for surgery was isolated, non-transitional cell bladder cancer. The isolated sigmoid segment is placed longitudinally in the isoperistaltic direction.

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409 cases of superficial bladder carcinoma (pTa, pTi, Tis) are reported. They are divided into three groups: 171 patients treated by TUR alone, 124 treated by TUR and local thio-TEPA, and 114 patients treated by TUR and BCG vaccine locally. It was found that the frequency of recurrence fell by 56.

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