Publications by authors named "Didier Jacqmin"

Objective: The Hexvix® Observational Patients Evaluation (HOPE) study was designed to determine the extent of distribution of the use of hexaminolevulinate in the diagnosis of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) and assess patient and treatment characteristics associated with different endoscopic modalities and to address the French authorities' request for information on routine practices for NMIBC diagnosis and surveillance.

Patients And Methods: A prospective, observational study in 30 centres in France with fluorescence endoscopy equipment available. All candidates for endoscopy with transurethral resection who gave their consent were eligible.

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The CIC-DUX4 sarcoma is a subset of the undifferentiated small round cell sarcoma family, presently recognized as a new clinicopathological entity. It is a rare and highly aggressive tumor usually arising in the soft parts of the limbs and the trunk. Only a very few cases of primitive visceral CIC-DUX4 have been hitherto described.

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Human conventional renal cell carcinoma (CCC) remains resistant to current therapies. Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) is upregulated in many epithelial tumors and clearly implicated in nearly all facets of cancer. However, only few reports have assessed whether FAK may be associated with renal tumorigenesis.

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Context: Non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) is associated with a high recurrence risk, partly because of the persistence of lesions following transurethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT) due to the presence of multiple lesions and the difficulty in identifying the exact extent and location of tumours using standard white-light cystoscopy (WLC). Hexaminolevulinate (HAL) is an optical-imaging agent used with blue-light cystoscopy (BLC) in NMIBC diagnosis. Increasing evidence from long-term follow-up confirms the benefits of BLC over WLC in terms of increased detection and reduced recurrence rates.

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Context: Live surgery is an important part of surgical education, with an increase in the number of live surgery events (LSEs) at meetings despite controversy about their real educational value, risks to patient safety, and conflicts of interest.

Objective: To provide a European Association of Urology (EAU) policy on LSEs to regulate their organisation during urologic meetings.

Evidence Acquisition: The project was carried out in phases: a systematic literature review generating key questions, surveys sent to Live Surgery Panel members, and Internet- and panel-based consensus finding using the Delphi process to agree on and formulate a policy.

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Objective: The aim of this retrospective study was to determine the respective accuracies of three types of functional MRI sequences-diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI, and 3D (1)H-MR spectroscopy (MRS)-in the depiction of local prostate cancer recurrence after two different initial therapy options.

Materials And Methods: From a cohort of 83 patients with suspicion of local recurrence based on prostate-specific antigen (PSA) kinetics who were imaged on a 3-T MRI unit using an identical protocol including the three functional sequences with an endorectal coil, we selected 60 patients (group A, 28 patients who underwent radical prostatectomy; group B, 32 patients who underwent external-beam radiation) who had local recurrence ascertained on the basis of a transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy results and a reduction in PSA level after salvage therapy.

Results: All patients presented with a local relapse.

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Several genes play essential roles in human development and alteration of their expression or regulation leads to various pathologies. This review examines the literature on the expression and the roles of neurogenic locus notch homolog protein (NOTCH), sonic Hedgehog (SHH) and wingless-type (WNT) pathways, as well as the nephrogenic transcription factors Wilms' tumor 1 (WT1), paired box 2 (PAX2) and homeobox protein lim-1 (LIM1) in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Besides being re-expressed in human tumors, the inhibition of these factors has strong antitumor activity both in vitro and in vivo.

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Human clear cell renal cell carcinoma (CCC) remains resistant to treatments despite the progress in targeted therapies. Several signaling pathways acting during renal development are reactivated during kidney tumorigenesis; this is the case of the sonic hedgehog (SHH)-Gli. Interestingly, the precursor of active vitamin D3 (VD3), cholecalciferol, has been demonstrated to be a strong inhibitor of SHH-Gli signaling.

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Objective: We report our initial experience and the technical feasibility of transperineal prostate cryoablation under MR guidance.

Methods: Percutaneous MR-guided cryoablation was performed in 11 patients with prostatic adenocarcinoma contraindicated for surgery (mean age: 72 years, mean Gleason score: 6.45, mean prostate-specific antigen (PSA): 6.

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Context: Kidney cancer is among the 10 most frequently occurring cancers in Western communities. Globally, about 270 000 cases of kidney cancer are diagnosed yearly and 116 000 people die from the disease. Approximately 90% of all kidney cancers are renal cell carcinomas (RCC).

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Introduction And Hypothesis: This study aims to assess the role of the introital ultrasound in the evaluation of patients with low urinary tract symptoms after sling surgery for incontinence.

Methods: From 2000 till 2007, a total of 31 patients underwent sub-urethral tape placement for stress urinary incontinence and developed thereafter lower urinary tract symptoms. The urological evaluation consisted of a detailed medical history, a urogynecologic examination, a complete urodynamic exam, a measurement of the post-void residue, and an introital ultrasound.

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Human conventional renal cell carcinoma (CRCC) remains resistant to therapy. The RNA-binding protein HuR regulates the stability and/or translation of multiple messenger RNAs involved in malignant transformation. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the potential role of HuR in this pathology.

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Context: Compared with standard white-light cystoscopy, photodynamic diagnosis with blue light and the photosensitiser hexaminolevulinate has been shown to improve the visualisation of bladder tumours, reduce residual tumour rates by at least 20%, and improve recurrence-free survival. There is currently no overall European consensus outlining specifically where hexaminolevulinate is or is not indicated.

Objective: Our aim was to define specific indications for hexaminolevulinate-guided fluorescence cystoscopy in the diagnosis and management of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC).

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Background: Human clear cell renal cell carcinoma (CRCC) remains resistant to therapies. Recent advances in Hypoxia Inducible Factors (HIF) molecular network led to targeted therapies, but unfortunately with only limited clinical significance. Elucidating the molecular processes involved in kidney tumorigenesis and resistance is central to the development of improved therapies, not only for kidney cancer but for many, if not all, cancer types.

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Context: The clinical benefit of photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) with 5-aminolevulinic acid or hexaminolevulinate in addition to white-light cystoscopy (WLC) in bladder cancer has been discussed controversially.

Objective: To assess in a systematic review the effect of PDD in addition to WLC on (1) the diagnosis and (2) the therapeutic outcome of primary or recurrent non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer investigated by cystoscopy or transurethral resection.

Evidence Acquisition: An electronic database search of Medline, Embase, the Cochrane Library, and CancerLit was undertaken, plus hand searching of relevant congress abstracts and urologic journals.

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Context: The gained expertise in the surgical technique of partial nephrectomy (PN) with excellent oncologic outcome and reduced morbidity has contributed to more frequent use of PN in many centres of reference, and the recent evidence favouring PN over radical nephrectomy (RN) in the prevention of chronic kidney disease and possibly linking it to a better overall survival (OS) will constitute a strong argument for wider use of PN.

Objective: To objectively analyse the advantages of PN over RN and to evaluate the risk-benefit ratio of expanding the indications of PN T1b renal cortical tumours.

Evidence Acquisition: Literature searches on English-language publications were performed using the National Library of Medicine database.

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Objectives: To compare the oncological outcome of patients with pT3 renal tumours treated either by laparoscopic radical nephrectomy (LRN) or open RN (ORN).

Patients And Methods: In a retrospective review of a multi-institutional database, we identified 1003 patients with a T3N0M0 renal tumour and with no vena caval invasion. Sixty-five patients treated by LRN were matched with up to four patients treated by ORN.

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Objectives: To assess cancer-specific survival of partial nephrectomy (PN) patients with >or= 7-cm lesions or unfavorable pathology (stage T3a or Fuhrman grades III-IV).

Material And Methods: At 13 participation centers, 4072 partial or radical nephrectomies (RN) were performed for RCC between 1984 and 2001. Of all procedures, 925 (22.

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We have shown that parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) is a survival factor for human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and that its expression is negatively regulated by the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor gene at the level of messenger RNA (mRNA) stability, as observed for tumor growth factors (TGFs). Our goals were to analyze the alternative splicing of PTHrP mRNA in human RCC and from these results to identify VHL/hypoxia-induced factor (HIF) system-regulated mRNA-binding proteins involved in PTHrP mRNA stability. We used: (i) a panel of human RCC cells expressing or not VHL; (ii) VHL-deficient 786-0 cells transfected with active or inactive VHL and (iii) human RCC samples and corresponding normal tissues.

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Objective: To quantify the survival disadvantage related to the presence of exclusive nodal metastases (eNM) in patients with otherwise non-metastatic (M0) renal cell carcinoma (RCC).

Patients And Methods: Data were retrieved from 12 institutional databases and yielded 3507 patients with T1-3N1-2M0 RCC treated with partial or radical nephrectomy. Cox regression analyses relied on T stage, Fuhrman grade and presence of eNM.

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Background: Until now the therapeutic value of lymphadenectomy for renal-cell carcinoma has remained controversial. Several studies attempting to solve this controversy have been published, but none of them were set up as prospective randomized trials.

Objective: To assess whether a complete lymph-node dissection in conjunction with a radical nephrectomy for renal-cell cancer is more effective than a radical nephrectomy alone.

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Background: The prognostic significance of venous tumor thrombus extension in patients with renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a matter of many controversies in the current literature.

Objective: To evaluate the prognostic role of inferior vena cava (IVC) involvement in a large series of pT3b and pT3c RCCs.

Design, Setting, And Participants: A total of 1192 patients from 13 European institutions underwent a radical nephrectomy for pT3b and pT3c RCC between 1982 and 2003.

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To evaluate the interest and the indications of an immediate replacement of a suburethral tape after tape lysis for urinary obstruction is the aim of the study. From 2000 until 2007, a total of 22 patients underwent suburethral tape placement for stress urinary incontinence and developed thereafter a bladder outlet obstruction. These patients had a transvaginal tape lysis under local anesthesia.

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