Publications by authors named "Diaz-Moreno S"

High-charge micas exhibit improved adsorption properties and are a promising alternative clay material for the engineered barrier in deep geological repositories. When combined with Eu cations, they serve as an in situ luminescent probe for tracking the physical-chemical changes occurring in this engineered barrier over the long term. Therefore, a better understanding of the local environment of the lanthanide is highly desirable to comprehend the specific behavior of these systems.

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A free-standing and compact reaction cell for combined in situ/operando x-ray spectroscopy, scattering, and imaging measurements at high pressures and high temperatures is described. The cell permits measurements under realistic operating conditions (up to 50 bar and 1000 °C), under static and flow conditions (up to 100 ml/min), over a wide range of hard x-ray energies, variable detection modes (transmission, fluorescence, and scattering), and at all angles of rotation. An operando XAS, x-ray fluorescence, x-ray computed tomography, and x-ray diffraction computed tomography case study on the reduction of a heterogeneous catalyst is presented to illustrate the performance of the reaction cell.

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Understanding the nature of intermediates/active species in reactions is a major challenge in chemistry. This is because spectator species typically dominate the experimentally derived data and consequently active phase contributions are masked. Transient methods offer a means to bypass this difficulty.

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Accurate analysis of the rich information contained within X-ray spectra usually calls for detailed electronic structure theory simulations. However, density functional theory (DFT), time-dependent DFT and many-body perturbation theory calculations increasingly require the use of advanced codes running on high-performance computing (HPC) facilities. Consequently, many researchers who would like to augment their experimental work with such simulations are hampered by the compounding of nontrivial knowledge requirements, specialist training and significant time investment.

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Here, the novel technique of extended-range high-energy-resolution fluorescence detection (XR-HERFD) has successfully observed the n = 2 satellite in manganese to a high accuracy. The significance of the satellite signature presented is many hundreds of standard errors and well beyond typical discovery levels of three to six standard errors. This satellite is a sensitive indicator for all manganese-containing materials in condensed matter.

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Oxygenase and peroxygenase enzymes generate intermediates at their active sites which bring about the controlled functionalization of inert C-H bonds in substrates, such as in the enzymatic conversion of methane to methanol. To be viable catalysts, however, these enzymes must also prevent oxidative damage to essential active site residues, which can occur during both coupled and uncoupled turnover. Herein, we use a combination of stopped-flow spectroscopy, targeted mutagenesis, TD-DFT calculations, high-energy resolution fluorescence detection X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy to study two transient intermediates that together form a protective pathway built into the active sites of copper-dependent lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs).

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(1,3;1,4)-β-D-Glucans are widely distributed in the cell walls of grasses (family Poaceae) and closely related families, as well as some other vascular plants. Additionally, they have been found in other organisms, including fungi, lichens, brown algae, charophycean green algae, and the bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti. Only three members of the Cellulose Synthase-Like (CSL) genes in the families CSLF, CSLH, and CSLJ are implicated in (1,3;1,4)-β-D-glucan biosynthesis in grasses.

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The study aims to understand the role of the transient bonding in the interplay between the structural and electronic changes in heteroleptic Cu(I) diimine diphosphine complexes. This is an emerging class of photosensitisers which absorb in the red region of the spectrum, whilst retaining a sufficiently long excited state lifetime. Here, the dynamics of these complexes are explored by transient absorption (TA) and time-resolved infrared (TRIR) spectroscopy, which reveal ultrafast intersystem crossing and structural distortion occurring.

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We report the preparation and spectroscopic characterization of a highly elusive copper site bound exclusively to oxygen donor atoms within a protein scaffold. Despite copper generally being considered unsuitable for use in MRI contrast agents, which in the clinic are largely Gd(III) based, the designed copper coiled coil displays relaxivity values equal to, or superior than, those of the Gd(III) analog at clinical field strengths. The creation of this new-to-biology proteinaceous CuO-binding site demonstrates the power of the de novo peptide design approach to access chemistry for abiological applications, such as for the development of MRI contrast agents.

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Scab, caused by the biotrophic fungal pathogen Venturia inaequalis, is the most economically important disease of apples. During infection, colonizes the subcuticular host environment, where it develops specialized infection structures called runner hyphae and stromata. These structures are thought to be involved in nutrient acquisition and effector (virulence factor) delivery, but also give rise to conidia that further the infection cycle.

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The discovery of a new physical process in manganese metal is reported. This process will also be present for all manganese-containing materials in condensed matter. The process was discovered by applying our new technique of XR-HERFD (extended-range high-energy-resolution fluorescence detection), which was developed from the popular high-resolution RIXS (resonant inelastic X-ray scattering) and HERFD approaches.

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A metal-insulator transition is observed in spin-orbit-coupled IrO thin films upon reduction of the film thickness. In the epitaxially grown samples, the critical thickness ( ∼ 1.5-2.

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A polymer electrolyte fuel cell has been designed to allowx-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements of catalysts. The cell has been developed to operate under standard fuel cell conditions, with elevated temperatures and humidification of the gas-phase reactants, both of which greatly impact the catalyst utilisation. X-ray windows in the endplates of the cell facilitate collection of XAS spectra during fuel cell operation while maintaining good compression in the area of measurement.

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A scanning multi-crystal x-ray emission spectrometer to perform photon-in/photon-out spectroscopy at the I20-Scanning beamline at Diamond Light Source is described. The instrument, equipped with three analyzer crystals, is based on a 1 m Rowland circle spectrometer operating in the vertical plane. The energy resolution of the spectrometer is of the order of 1 eV, having sufficient resolving power to overcome the core-hole lifetime broadening of most of the transition metals-edges.

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The design and performance of an electrochemical cell and solution flow system optimized for the collection of X-ray absorption spectra from solutions of species sensitive to photodamage is described. A combination of 3D CAD and 3D printing techniques facilitates highly optimized design with low unit cost and short production time. Precise control of the solution flow is critical to both minimizing the volume of solution needed and minimizing the photodamage that occurs during data acquisition.

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Deep eutectic solvents (DES) and their hydrated mixtures are used for solvothermal routes towards greener functional nanomaterials. Here we present the first static structural and in situ studies of the formation of iron oxide (hematite) nanoparticles in a DES of choline chloride : urea where xurea = 0.67 (aka.

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We have investigated the role of oxygen stoichiometry and structural properties in the modulation of Co valence and spin state in single-layer LaACoO (A = Sr, Ca; 0 ≤ ≤ 1) perovskites as well as the interplay between their local structural properties and the magnetic and charge-ordering phenomena. We show the results of high angular resolution powder X-ray diffraction and Co -edge X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy experiments on polycrystalline and single-crystal samples. The different doping-induced changes in the Co valence and spin state by Ca (or Sr) substitution can be understood in terms of the evolving oxygen stoichiometry.

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To develop more ecologically sustainable agricultural practices requires that we reduce our reliance on synthetic chemical pesticides for crop protection. This will likely involve optimized biocontrol approaches - the use of beneficial soil microbes to attack potential plant pathogens to protect plants from diseases. Many bacterial species, including strains of , have been explored for their biocontrol properties, as they can control the growth of harmful fungi, often by disrupting the fungal cell wall.

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is a pathogenic oomycete responsible for severe fish infections. Despite its low abundance in the cell wall of , chitin is essential for hyphal growth as the inhibition of its biosynthesis leads to highly reduced growth. Here we identified and characterized chitin synthases (CHS) from as potential targets for anti-oomycete drugs.

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Complexes with weakly coordinating ligands are often formed in chemical reactions and can play key roles in determining the reactivity, particularly in catalytic reactions. Using time-resolved X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy in combination with time-resolved IR (TRIR) spectroscopy and tungsten hexacarbonyl, W(CO), we are able to structurally characterize the formation of an organometallic alkane complex, determine the W-C distances, and monitor the reactivity with silane to form an organometallic silane complex. Experiments in perfluorosolvents doped with xenon afford initially the corresponding solvated complex, which is sufficiently reactive in the presence of Xe that we can then observe the coordination of Xe to the metal center, providing a unique insight into the metal-xenon bonding.

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In order to provide adequate cryogenic cooling of both existing and next-generation crystal monochromators, a new approach to produce an optimum thermal interface between the first crystal and its copper heat exchanger is proposed. This will ensure that the increased heat load deposited by higher X-ray powers can be properly dissipated. Utilizing a cylindrical silicon crystal, a tubular copper heat exchanger and by exploiting the differing thermal and mechanical properties of the two, a very good thermal interface was achieved at liquid-nitrogen temperatures.

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Article Synopsis
  • The text describes a newly commissioned four-bounce crystal monochromator for the XAS beamline at Diamond Light Source, featuring a unique design with two independent rotary axes.
  • The device maintains flux throughput without external feedback from 4 to 20 keV and is currently equipped with cryogenically cooled Si(111) crystals.
  • Preliminary designs allow for the potential installation of an additional Si(311) crystal-set to increase the energy range to 34 keV, with experimental data supporting its mechanical stability and repeatability.
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This manuscript presents the current status and technical details of the Spectroscopy Village at Diamond Light Source. The Village is formed of four beamlines: I18, B18, I20-Scanning and I20-EDE. The village provides the UK community with local access to a hard X-ray microprobe, a quick-scanning multi-purpose XAS beamline, a high-intensity beamline for X-ray absorption spectroscopy of dilute samples and X-ray emission spectroscopy, and an energy-dispersive extended X-ray absorption fine-structure beamline.

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This issue of the Journal of Synchrotron Radiation is a special issue including papers from the Q2XAFS2017 workshop. Here, a brief introduction is given.

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Cellulose, the major component of plant cell walls, can be converted to bioethanol and is thus highly studied. In plants, cellulose is produced by cellulose synthase, a processive family-2 glycosyltransferase. In plant cell walls, individual β-1,4-glucan chains polymerized by CesA are assembled into microfibrils that are frequently bundled into macrofibrils.

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