Publications by authors named "Diana Ferrara"

Dishevelled-associated activator of morphogenesis 1 (DAAM1) is a formin-family protein involved in nucleation of unbranched actin filaments and in cytoskeletal organization through Wnt-Dishevelled PCP pathway, which participates in essential biological processes, such as cell polarity, movement, and adhesion during morphogenesis and organogenesis. While its role has been investigated during development and in somatic cells, its potential association with the germinal compartment and reproduction is still unexplored. In this work, we assessed the possible association of DAAM1 with the morphogenesis of rat testis.

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Prothymosin α (PTMA) is a highly acidic, intrinsically disordered protein, which is widely expressed and conserved throughout evolution; its uncommon features are reflected by its involvement in a variety of processes, including chromatin remodelling, transcriptional regulation, cell proliferation and death, immunity. PTMA has also been implicated in spermatogenesis: during vertebrate germ cell progression in the testis the protein is expressed in meiotic and post-meiotic stages, and it is associated with the acrosome system of the differentiating spermatids in mammals. Then, it finally localizes on the inner acrosomal membrane of the mature spermatozoa, suggesting its possible role in both the maturation and function of the gametes.

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Prothymosin α (PTMA) is a highly acidic intrinsically unstructured protein. Its expression in male gonads is evolutionary conserved; in rat testis it is specifically localized in the cytoplasm of post-meiotic germ cells, in association with the developing acrosome system. In the present paper we investigated on PTMA localization inside the head of mammalian spermatozoa (SPZ).

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Thyroid hormone receptor-β (trβ) cDNA was identified in the adult of Pelophylax esculentus (previously: Rana esculenta), a seasonally breeding species, in order to detect spatial brain trβ expression, its levels through the seasons and in response to 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil, T(4) and T(3) administrations as well as to thermal manipulations. The deduced amino acid sequence of P. esculentus trβ showed a high similarity to the homologous of other vertebrates.

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Melatonin, nocturnally secreted by the pineal gland, regulates a variety of physiological functions, including reproduction. Here, we investigated the evidence of melatonin binding sites in frog tissue (brain, retina, and testis) through saturation and competition binding experiments. In the frog, Pelophylax esculentus, our results confirm the presence of a single class of melatonin-specific binding sites in the brain and retina, but not in the testis.

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GPR30 is a 7-transmembrane G protein-coupled estrogen receptor that functions alongside traditional estrogen receptors to regulate cellular responses to 17β-estradiol and environmental estrogens. In this study, we have evaluated by immunohistochemical analysis GPR30 expression in post-puberal testicular germ cell tumours (30 seminomas, 5 teratomas, 12 embryonal carcinomas, and 20 intratubular germ cell tumors). The GPR30 protein expression was detected at high level in all intratubular germ cell tumours, seminomas, and embryonal carcinomas, whereas in teratomas the expression was low.

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GHRELIN (GHRL) is an acylated peptide that contains 28-amino acids prevalently expressed in the stomach of several species. Specifically, it contributes to energy balance, but some new evidence highlights its role in the regulation of reproductive functions. In fact, this protein has been detected at testicular level in the tubular and interstitial compartments of several vertebrate species, and previous research has demonstrated that GHRL affects various aspects of spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis.

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Prothymosin alpha (PTMA) is a highly acidic small polypeptide, that is, widely distributed and conserved among mammals. Its possible involvement in male gametogenesis has been mentioned but not clarified yet; in particular, it has been suggested that, in non-mammalian vertebrates, it could play a role during GC meiosis and differentiation. In the present work we investigated the possible association between PTMA and meiotic and post-meiotic phases of mammalian spermatogenesis.

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It is well known that melatonin provokes reproductive alterations in response to changes in hours of daylight in seasonally breeding mammals, exerting a regulatory role at different levels of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Although it has also been demonstrated that melatonin may affect testicular activity in vertebrates, until now, very few data support the hypothesis of a local action of melatonin in the male gonads. The aim of this study was to investigate whether MT1, MT2 melatonin receptors and the H9 melatonin-related receptor, are expressed in the adult rat testes and during development.

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Prothymosin alpha (PTMA) is a small acidic protein abundantly and ubiquitously expressed in mammals and involved in different biological activities. Until now, its specific function in spermatogenesis has never been properly investigated. Recently, the isolation of a cDNA encoding for PTMA from the testis of the frog Rana esculenta has been reported: ptma transcript is highly expressed throughout the frog reproductive cycle, peaking in September/October, in concomitance with the germ cell maturation; it is specifically localized in the cytoplasm of primary and secondary spermatocytes and, at a lower level, in the interstitial compartment, in Leydig cells.

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We show that ptma, a single copy gene found in all organisms investigated so far, is duplicated in zebrafish. The two genes, ptmaa and ptmab, are individually controlled as indicated by their different expression patterns during embryonic development. Only the ptmab transcript is observed at 4 and 8 hpf of development in all embryonic cells, whereas both genes are expressed at later stages as revealed by in situ hybridization studies.

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Pregnancy exposure to di(n-butyl) phthalate (DBP) in rats induces a testicular dysgenesislike syndrome (TDS) in male offspring. Earlier studies suggested altered Sertoli cell development/maturation may result, especially in testes that become cryptorchid. This study quantitatively assessed Sertoli cell numerical and functional development in DBP-exposed rats and compared (unilaterally) cryptorchid and scrotal testes.

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This study investigated effects of in utero exposure [embryonic day (e)13.5-e21.5] to di(n-butyl) phthalate (DBP) on fetal gonocytes and postnatal germ cell (GC) development in rats and focused on changes (delayed development) relevant to the postulated origins of human carcinoma-in situ cells.

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Methylation of histones is one of the important "epigenetic" mechanisms associated with the transcriptional silencing and/or activating of tumor suppressor genes. To assess whether epigenetic phenomena could be involved in salivary gland carcinogenesis, the expression levels of four histone lysine-methyltransferases (HMT) were investigated, in both pleomorphic adenoma and the adjacent normal tissue of the parotid glands. The expression levels of three HMTs, SETB1, Eu-HMTase and SET08, were higher in tumor tissues.

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This study was conducted to verify the effect(s) of melatonin treatment on frog Leydig cells. Morphological observation after melatonin treatment indicates that many frog Leydig cells show degenerative changes (i.e.

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The rat exorbital lacrimal glands (ELG) are particularly interesting for their biochemical and morphological sexual differences. Our histochemical and ultrastuctural observations confirm a phenomenon termed "harderianization" that occurs in the ELG of males and females at three months of age. The "harderianization" consists of the appearance of lipid foci in the ELG; this effect increases at six months of age only in the male glands, while it is not detectable in those of females.

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Mos is a MAPK kinase kinase with an expression that is highly restricted to the gonads. Its function is mainly associated to the meiotic metaphase II arrest occurring during female gametogenesis, whereas to our knowledge, its role during spermatogenesis has not yet clarified. In the present paper, we report the isolation of c-mos cDNA and the identification of a 60-kDa Mos protein from the testis of the anuran amphibian, Rana esculenta.

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Ethane 1,2-dimethane sulphonate (EDS), a toxin which specifically destroys Leydig cells (LC), has been used to study cellular interactions in the testis of the frog Rana esculenta. Animals received three consecutive EDS injections and were sacrificed on day 4, 8, and 28 from the first injection. No significant morphological differences were observed between present observation and that obtained, in a previous experiment, after four consecutive EDS injections.

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The Harderian gland (hg) is the only orbital gland of the frog Rana esculenta, and it has the essential function of lubricating the eyes. The hg secretory activity is seasonal, showing the highest value in summer. There is, at present, no data on gene expression of the frog hg.

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Analysis of the genome structure of the Paracentrotus lividus (sea urchin) DNA methyltransferase (DNA MTase) gene showed the presence of an open reading frame, named METEX, in intron 7 of the gene. METEX expression is developmentally regulated, showing no correlation with DNA MTase expression. In fact, DNA MTase transcripts are present at high concentrations in the early developmental stages, while METEX is expressed at late stages of development.

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A cDNA clone encoding for a Prothymosin alpha (Prot-alpha) has been isolated and characterized from the testis of the frog Rana esculenta. Frog Prothymosin alpha (fProt-alpha) predicted a 109 amino acid protein with a high homology to the mammalian Prot-alpha. fProt-alpha contains 28 aspartic and 25 glutamic acid residues and presents the typical basic KKQK amino acid sequence in the close carboxyl terminal region.

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