Publications by authors named "Devin G E Walker"

Article Synopsis
  • * The research addresses the "Why now?" question about the recent acceleration of the universe's expansion by suggesting a random onset of dark-energy dominance over time.
  • * With a modified axion potential, the need for quick decay of many axion fields is removed, leading to a universe similar to ours being one of about 100 possible universes, with potential observable consequences.
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We study top-quark pair production to probe new physics at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. We propose reconstruction methods for tt[over] semileptonic events and use them to reconstruct the tt[over] invariant mass. The angular distribution of top quarks in their c.

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Warped string compactifications, characterized by the nonsingular behavior of the metric in the infrared (IR), feature departures from the usual anti-de Sitter warped extra dimensions. We study the implications of the smooth IR cutoff for Randall-Sundrum- (RS-)type models. We find that the phenomenology of the Kaluza-Klein gravitons (including their masses and couplings) depends sensitively on the precise shape of the warp factor in the IR.

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