Objective: To examine changes in personality in individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia as observed by family members using both new data and a meta-analysis with the published literature.
Design: Current and retrospective personality assessments of individuals with dementia by family informants. PubMed was searched for studies with a similar design and a forward citation tracking was conducted using Google Scholar in June 2018.
Can Fam Physician
January 2011
Question: With the influenza season reaching a peak, I see numerous children in my clinic with fever and influenza-like illnesses. Parents are concerned and at times ask for antibiotic treatment in hopes that the treatment will shorten the duration of illness. What strategies can I use in order to minimize inappropriate prescription of antibiotics during the influenza season?
Answer: Use of antibiotics for treatment of viral infections such as influenza contributes to the emergence of resistant bacteria strains.