Objectives: To describe the perceived load, fatigue and recovery profiles during congested and non-congested schedules in international football tournaments.
Design: Retrospective single-cohort observational study.
Methods: Internal load (session-rating of perceived exertion [s-RPE]) and perceived ratings of fatigue, muscle soreness, psychological status, sleep quality, and sleep duration were recorded daily from 37 national team footballers during the competition phase of 3 international tournaments.
Objectives: To quantify and profile the training and match loads of international footballers as they transition from club-to-camp-to-tournament contexts during multiple international tournaments.
Design: Retrospective single-cohort observational study.
Methods: External (session duration and count) and internal (session Rating of Perceived Exertion [s-RPE]) load data of all outfield players from the same national team were compared between club, pre-tournament camp and initial tournament phases of 3 recent international competitions.