Recent cutting-edge experiments have provided in situ structure characterization and measurements of the pressure (P), density (ρ[over ¯]), and temperature (T) of shock compressed silicon in the 100 GPa range of pressures and up to ∼10000K. We present first-principles calculations in this P,T,ρ[over ¯] regime to reveal a plethora of novel liquid-liquid phase transitions (LPTs) identifiable via discontinuities in the pressure and the compressibility. Evidence for the presence of a highly-correlated liquid (CL) phase, as well as a normal-liquid (NL) phase at the LPTs is presented by a detailed study of one LPT.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCell motility is crucial for many biological processes including morphogenesis, wound healing, and cancer invasion. The WAVE regulatory complex (WRC) is a central Arp2/3 regulator driving cell motility downstream of activation by Rac GTPase. CYFIP-related Rac1 interactor (CYRI) proteins are thought to compete with WRC for interaction with Rac1 in a feedback loop regulating lamellipodia dynamics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe use of fluorescent proteins (FPs) in Plasmodium parasites has been key to understand the biology of this obligate intracellular protozoon. FPs like the green fluorescent protein (GFP) enabled to explore protein localization, promoter activity as well as dynamic processes like protein export and endocytosis. Furthermore, FP biosensors have provided detailed information on physiological parameters at the subcellular level, and fluorescent reporter lines greatly extended the malariology toolbox.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLipophorin is an essential, highly expressed lipid transport protein that is secreted and circulates in insect hemolymph. We hijacked the gene to make it co-express a single-chain version of antibody 2A10, which binds sporozoites of the malaria parasite . The resulting transgenic mosquitoes show a markedly decreased ability to transmit expressing the circumsporozoite protein to mice.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEukaryotic cell adhesion and migration rely on surface adhesins connecting extracellular ligands to the intracellular actin cytoskeleton. Plasmodium sporozoites are transmitted by mosquitoes and rely on adhesion and gliding motility to colonize the salivary glands and to reach the liver after transmission. During gliding, the essential sporozoite adhesin TRAP engages actin filaments in the cytoplasm of the parasite, while binding ligands on the substrate through its inserted (I) domain.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMalaria is caused by the unicellular parasite Plasmodium which is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. To initiate sexual reproduction and to infect the midgut of the mosquito, Plasmodium gametocytes are able to recognize the intestinal environment after being ingested during blood feeding. A shift in temperature, pH change and the presence of the insect-specific compound xanthurenic acid have been shown to be important stimuli perceived by gametocytes to become activated and proceed to sexual reproduction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCurr Opin Microbiol
April 2023
During their development in mosquitoes, malaria parasites undergo massive losses that are in part due to a potent antiparasitic response mounted by the vector. The most efficient and best-characterized response relies on a complement-like system particularly effective against parasites as they cross the mosquito midgut epithelium. While our vision of the molecular and cellular events that lead to parasite elimination is still partial, our understanding of the steps triggering complement activation at the surface of invading parasites has considerably progressed, not only through the identification of novel contributing genes, but also with the recent in-depth characterization of the different mosquito blood cell types, and the ability to track them in live mosquitoes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMosquito saliva is a vehicle for the transmission of vector borne pathogens such as Plasmodium parasites and different arboviruses. Despite the key role of the salivary glands in the process of disease transmission, knowledge of host-pathogen interactions taking place within this organ is very limited. To improve the experimental tractability of the salivary glands, we have generated fluorescent reporter lines in the African malaria mosquito Anopheles coluzzii using the salivary gland-specific promoters of the anopheline antiplatelet protein (AAPP), the triple functional domain protein (TRIO) and saglin (SAG) coding genes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Plasmodium sporozoites are the highly motile forms of malaria-causing parasites that are transmitted by the mosquito to the vertebrate host. Sporozoites need to enter and cross several cellular and tissue barriers for which they employ a set of surface proteins. Three of these proteins are members of the thrombospondin related anonymous protein (TRAP) family.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe use computationally simple neutral pseudoatom ("average atom") density functional theory (DFT) and standard DFT to elucidate liquid-liquid phase transitions (LPTs) in liquid silicon. An ionization-driven transition and three LPTs including the known LPT near 2.5 g/cm^{3} are found.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInserted (I) domains function as ligand-binding domains in adhesins that support cell adhesion and migration in many eukaryotic phyla. These adhesins include integrin αβ heterodimers in metazoans and single subunit transmembrane proteins in apicomplexans such as TRAP in and MIC2 in . Here we show that the I domain of TRAP is essential for sporozoite gliding motility, mosquito salivary gland invasion and mouse infection.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAmorphous water ice comes in at least three distinct structural forms, all lacking long-range crystalline order. High-density amorphous ice (HDA) was first produced by compressing ice I to 11 kilobar at temperatures below 130 kelvin, and the process was described as thermodynamic melting, implying that HDA is a glassy state of water. This concept, and the ability to transform HDA reversibly into low-density amorphous ice, inspired the two-liquid water model, which relates the amorphous phases to two liquid waters in the deeply supercooled regime (below 228 kelvin) to explain many of the anomalies of water (such as density and heat capacity anomalies).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGene expression of malaria parasites is mediated by the apicomplexan Apetala2 (ApiAP2) transcription factor family. Different ApiAP2s control gene expression at distinct stages in the complex life cycle of the parasite, ensuring timely expression of stage-specific genes. ApiAP2s recognize short cis-regulatory elements that are enriched in the upstream/promoter region of their target genes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMalaria is transmitted when an infected mosquito deposits sporozoites in the skin during a bite. Sporozoites are formed within oocysts at the mosquito midgut wall and are released into the hemolymph, from where they invade the salivary glands and are subsequently transmitted to the vertebrate host. We found that a thrombospondin-repeat containing sporozoite-specific protein named thrombospondin-releated protein 1 (TRP1) is important for oocyst egress and salivary gland invasion, and hence for the transmission of malaria.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFParasites causing malaria need to migrate in order to penetrate tissue barriers and enter host cells. Here we show that the actin filament-binding protein coronin regulates gliding motility in Plasmodium berghei sporozoites, the highly motile forms of a rodent malaria-causing parasite transmitted by mosquitoes. Parasites lacking coronin show motility defects that impair colonization of the mosquito salivary glands but not migration in the skin, yet result in decreased transmission efficiency.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMyzozoans (which include dinoflagellates, chromerids and apicomplexans) display notable divergence from their ciliate sister group, including a reduced mitochondrial genome and divergent metabolic processes. The factors contributing to these divergent processes are still poorly understood and could serve as potential drug targets in disease-causing protists. Here, we report the identification and characterization of a small mitochondrial protein from the rodent-infecting apicomplexan parasite Plasmodium berghei that is essential for development in its mosquito host.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFirst principles calculations identified a phase transition in aluminium triiodide (AlI3) and predicted its physical and spectroscopic properties under high pressure conditions. A high pressure monoclinic phase is predicted to exist above 1.3 GPa accompanied with a coordination change of aluminium resulting from a transformation from the ambient pressure 4-coordinated primitive monoclinic phase with space group P21/c to the monoclinic 6-coordinated structure with space group C2/m.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe phase diagram and equation of state of dense nitrogen are of interest in understanding the fundamental physics and chemistry under extreme conditions, including planetary processes, and in discovering new materials. We predict several stable phases of nitrogen at multi-TPa pressures, including a P4/nbm structure consisting of partially charged N(2)(δ+) pairs and N(5)(δ-) tetrahedra, which is stable in the range 2.5-6.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLasso peptides are natural products with a unique three dimensional structure resembling a lariat knot. They are from ribosomal origin and are post-translationally modified by two enzymes (B and C), one of which shares little similarity to enzymes outside of lasso peptide biosynthetic gene clusters and as such is a useful target for genome mining. In this study, we demonstrate a B protein-centric genome mining approach through which we were able to identify 102 putative lasso peptide biosynthetic gene clusters from a total of 87 different proteobacterial strains.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHigh-pressure phase transitions in Al2Br6 were theoretically investigated using first principles density functional methods. A structural transformation from the initial molecular solid phase to a planar polymeric phase is predicted near 0.4 GPa that is accompanied with a substantial volume drop.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe question raised recently about whether the high-pressure phase transitions of Mg follow a hexagonal close-packed (hcp) → body centered cubic (bcc) or hcp → double hexagonal close-packed (dhcp) → bcc sequence at room temperature is examined by the use of first principles density functional methods. Enthalpy calculations show that the bcc structure replaces the hcp structure to become the most stable structure near 48 GPa, whereas the dhcp structure is never the most stable structure in the pressure range of interest. The characterized phase-transition mechanisms indicate that the hcp → dhcp transition is also associated with a higher enthalpy barrier.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe offer our viewpoint on the nature of amorphous ices produced by pressurization of crystalline ice Ih and the inter-relationship between them from an atomistic perspective. We argue that the transformation of high density amorphous (HDA) ice from crystalline ice is due to a mechanical process arising from the instability of the ice Ih structure. The densification of HDA upon thermal annealing under pressure is a relaxation process.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA combined experimental and theoretical study of hydrogen-rich ammonium borohydride (NH4BH4) subjected to pressures up to 10 GPa indicates two phase transitions, detected by synchrotron radiation powder X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics calculations, at 1.5 and 3.4 GPa.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFComputational searches for structures of solid oxygen under high pressures in the multi-TPa range are carried out using density-functional-theory methods. We find that molecular oxygen persists to about 1.9 TPa at which it transforms into a semiconducting square-spiral-like polymeric structure (I4(1)/acd) with a band gap of ~3.
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