Publications by authors named "Demolis P"

Scientific advice is the main avenue for clarification of EU regulators' scientific evidence requirements during medicines development. There are multiple avenues for seeking scientific advice in the EU with partially overlapping scope which creates room for divergence and contradictions; simplification and better integration among them could help harmonize EU regulators' requirements. Interaction with other decision makers providing advice along the lifecycle of medicines and other healthcare solutions reduces development uncertainties.

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The fifth annual Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network Myeloma Intergroup Workshop on Immune Profiling and Minimal Residual Disease Testing in Multiple Myeloma was conducted as one of the American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting Scientific Workshops on Thursday December 3, 2020. This workshop focused on four main topics: (1) integrating minimal residual disease into clinical trial design and practice; (2) the molecular and immunobiology of disease evolution and progression in myeloma; (3) adaptation of next-generation sequencing, next-generation flow cytometry, and cytometry by time of flight techniques; and (4) chimeric antigen receptor T-cell and other cellular therapies for myeloma. In this report, we provide a summary of the workshop presentations and discuss future directions in the field.

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Timely and successful drug development for rare cancer populations, such as pediatric oncology, requires consolidated efforts in the spirit of shared responsibility. In order to advance tailored development efforts, the concept of multistakeholder Strategy Forum involving industry, academia, patient organizations, and regulators has been developed. In this study, we review the first five pediatric oncology Strategy Forums co-organized by the European Medicines Agency between 2017 and 2020, reflecting on the outcomes and the evolution of the concept over time and providing an outline of how a "safe space" for multistakeholder engagement facilitated by regulators could be of potential value beyond pediatric oncology drug development.

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The third multistakeholder Paediatric Strategy Forum organised by ACCELERATE and the European Medicines Agency focused on immune checkpoint inhibitors for use in combination therapy in children and adolescents. As immune checkpoint inhibitors, both as monotherapy and in combinations have shown impressive success in some adult malignancies and early phase trials in children of single agent checkpoint inhibitors have now been completed, it seemed an appropriate time to consider opportunities for paediatric studies of checkpoint inhibitors used in combination. Among paediatric patients, early clinical studies of checkpoint inhibitors used as monotherapy have demonstrated a high rate of activity, including complete responses, in Hodgkin lymphoma and hypermutant paediatric tumours.

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Paediatric Strategy Forums have been created by the multistakeholder organisation, ACCELERATE, and the European Medicines Agency to facilitate dialogue between all relevant stakeholders and suggest strategies in critical areas of paediatric oncology drug development. As there are many medicines being developed for B-cell malignancies in adults but comparatively few in children with these malignancies, a Paediatric Strategy Forum was held to discuss the best approach to develop these products for children. It was concluded that as current frontline therapy is highly successful, despite associated acute toxicity, de-escalation of this or substitution of presently used drugs with new medicines can only be undertaken when there is an effective salvage regimen, which is currently not available.

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Unlabelled: On November 19, 2015, a marketing authorization valid through the European Union was issued for carfilzomib in combination with lenalidomide and dexamethasone for the treatment of adult patients with multiple myeloma (MM) who have received at least one prior therapy.In a phase III trial in patients with relapsed MM, median progression-free survival (PFS) for patients treated with carfilzomib in combination with lenalidomide and dexamethasone (CRd) was 26.3 months versus 17.

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On 31 March 2016, the European Commission issued a decision for a marketing authorisation valid throughout the European Union (EU) for pitolisant (Wakix) for the treatment of narcolepsy with or without cataplexy in adults. Pitolisant is an antagonist/inverse agonist of the human histamine H3 receptor. The dose should be selected using an up-titration scheme depending on individual patient response and tolerance and should not exceed 36 mg/day.

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Unlabelled: : On September 20, 2012, a marketing authorization valid throughout the European Union (EU) was issued for decitabine for the treatment of adult patients aged 65 years and older with newly diagnosed de novo or secondary acute myeloid leukemia (AML) who are not candidates for standard induction chemotherapy. Decitabine is a pyrimidine analog incorporated into DNA, where it irreversibly inhibits DNA methyltransferases through covalent adduct formation with the enzyme. The use of decitabine was studied in an open-label, randomized, multicenter phase III study (DACO-016) in patients with newly diagnosed de novo or secondary AML.

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Patient access to new cancer drugs in the EU involves centralised licensing decisions by regulators as well as reimbursement recommendations in the context of national healthcare systems. Differences in assessment criteria and evidence requirements may result in divergent decisions at central and national levels, ultimately compromising effective access to patients. Early access decisions are particularly challenging due to the limited clinical evidence available to conclude on the benefit-risk and relative (cost-) effectiveness of new high-priced cancer drugs.

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Background: The European Commission has recently issued a marketing authorisation valid throughout the European Union for ingenol mebutate (Picato) in the cutaneous treatment of non-hyperkeratotic, non-hypertrophic actinic keratosis in adults.

Objectives: The objective of this paper is to summarise the scientific review of the application leading to regulatory approval in the EU. The full scientific assessment report and product information, including the summary of product characteristics, are available on the EMA website (www.

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On March 17, 2011 the European Commission issued a marketing authorization valid throughout the European Union for Jevtana® (Sanofi-Aventis, Paris, France) for the treatment of patients with hormone-refractory metastatic prostate cancer previously treated with a docetaxel-containing regimen. The active substance of Jevtana® is cabazitaxel acetone solvate, an antineoplastic agent that acts by disrupting the microtubular network in cells. The recommended dose of cabazitaxel is 25 mg/m2 administered as a 1-hour i.

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Prostate carcinoma is the most common cancer in men. Hormone-resistance is the natural history of this metastatic disease and requires the use of docetaxel as the standard chemotherapy. At present, there is no approved second-line treatment.

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Context: The GHRH plus arginine (GHRH+Arg) test is a promising alternative to the insulin tolerance test (ITT) for diagnosis of adult GH deficiency (AGHD).

Objectives: The objectives of the study were to validate the GHRH+Arg test for diagnosis of AGHD, using the ITT as comparator and a GH assay calibrated according to recent international recommendations, and to study the repeatability and tolerance of both tests.

Design: This was a multicenter, randomized, open-label, phase III study.

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Objectives: Evaluate the impact of educational intervention in decreasing ADEs in elderly patients in a hospital setting.

Design: Randomised prospective study.

Setting: The study was performed in France in the Paris area, in 16 rehabilitation geriatric centres of APHP (Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris).

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Drugs used in oncology represent more than half of the innovative and costly drugs which are not covered by a Group Homogène de Soins (DRG type classification) within the context of the case-mix based payment system (termed T2A). For these drugs, good practice reference guidelines have been drawn up by scientific societies and registration agencies. Recognised indications, relevant indications and situations where the treatment should not be prescribed are defined by the National Institute of Cancer.

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Drugs used in oncology represent more than half of the innovative and costly drugs which are not covered by a Group Homogène de Soins (DRG type classification) within the context of the case-mix based payment system (termed T2A). For these drugs, good practice reference guidelines have been drawn up by scientific societies and registration agencies. Recognised indications, relevant indications and situations where the treatment should not be prescribed are defined by the National Institute of Cancer.

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Study Objectives: To evaluate, through clinical and transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) follow-up, the natural history of persistent pericardial effusion (PE) after postoperative day 15 in patients who were given and were not given anticoagulant therapy.

Design And Patients: We retrospectively studied a cohort of 1,277 patients who were hospitalized between May 1997 and May 1999 in our center a mean (+/- SD) time period of 15 +/- 3 days after undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery (856 patients) or valve replacement (VR) surgery (421 patients).

Measurements: TTE was performed on mean (+/- SD) postoperative day 20 +/- 1 (TTE(1)) and postoperative day 30 +/- 2 (TTE(2)).

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To determine the pharmacokinetic, subjective effects of a single 20 mg dose of nefopam administered either intravenously or orally in healthy volunteers, twenty-four healthy Caucasian men received 20 mg nefopam orally+placebo intravenous infusion and placebo orally+intravenous infusion of 20 mg nefopam with one week interval, in a double-blind, double-dummy cross-over study. Nefopam and desmethyl-nefopam plasma concentrations were measured by HPLC with UV detection up to 48 hr after drug administration. Self-rating questionnaires (Mood and vigilance Visual Analogue Scales, Addiction Research Centre Inventory) and drug safety were investigated.

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Nefopam (NEF) and desmethyl-nefopam (DMN) were assayed simultaneously in plasma, globule and urine samples using imipramine as internal standard. A liquid-liquid extraction procedure was coupled with a reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography system. This system requires a mobile phase containing buffer (15 mM KH(2)PO(4) with 5 mM octane sulfonic acid: pH 3.

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Elderly persons are particularly exposed to drug reactions, especially drug interactions subsequent to multiple prescriptions. It is also recognized that the drug risk is the leading hospital risk involving 1 to 10% of all hospitalized patients. An analysis of the avoidable nature of drug reactions leads to consideration of a sequence of 4 events leading to drug exposure: prescription, delivery, administration and compliance.

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Self blood pressure measurement (SBPM) is not fully applied because of the cost of devices and the lack of efficient dedicated medical networks. The aim of the REVEIL study was to allow patients to freely rent SBPM devices by their pharmacist after initial medical prescription. Practitioners taught SBPM methods to the patients with a booklet and the pharmacist explained them how to use the device.

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The REVEIL study is a pilot studies to determine the feasibility of self blood pressure measurement (SBPM). Feasibility was assessed by the quality of measurements and the patient opinion. This preliminary report focused on the patient opinion.

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Background And Objectives: Hypertension is found in one-third of acromegalic patients. An heterogenous distribution of cardiac output has been recently demonstrated in acromegalic patients with an increased blood flow at the level of the upper limb, suggesting that acromegalic patients may have some degree of endothelial dysfunction. Elsewhere, studies involving hypopituitary GH-deficient adults have shown that GH and/or IGF-I may have direct effect on endothelial function.

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Background And Purpose: The cerebral vasodilating effect of acetazolamide (ACZ) injection has been used as an index of the autoregulatory vasodilation (or cerebral perfusion reserve). The question of whether the ACZ test assesses the maximal autoregulatory vasodilating capacity is not definitely resolved. The effects of ACZ injection on this reserve at a dose producing maximal vasodilation have never been evaluated and may help to resolve this problem.

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