Publications by authors named "Demazeau G"

Purpose: Compositional tailoring is gaining more attention in the development of advanced biomimetic nanomaterials. In this study, we aimed to prepare advanced multi-substituted hydroxyapatites (ms-HAPs), which show similarity with the inorganic phase of bones and might have therapeutic potential for bone regeneration.

Materials: Novel nano hydroxyapatites substituted simultaneously with divalent cations: Mg (1.

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The main process used to pasteurize human milk is the low-temperature, long-time Holder method. More recently, the high-temperature, short-time method has been investigated. Both processes lead to the appropriate inactivation of vegetative bacterial forms but are ineffective against bacterial spores.

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We report new results of a Fe Mössbauer study of hyperfine magnetic interactions in the layered multiferroic 3R-AgFeO demonstrating two magnetic phase transitions at T and T . The asymptotic value β   ≈  0.34 for the critical exponent obtained from the temperature dependence of the hyperfine field H (T) at Fe the nuclei below T   ≈  14 K indicates that 3R-AgFeO shows quasi-3D critical behavior.

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For the past 30years, pressure inactivation of microorganisms has been developed in biosciences, in particular for foods and more recently for biological products, including pharmaceutical ones. In many past studies, the effect of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) processes on pathogens focused mainly on the effect of an increase of the pressure value. To assure the safety of pharmaceutical products containing fragile therapeutic components, development of new decontamination processes at the lowest pressure value is needed to maintain their therapeutic properties.

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The coordination, the electronic structures and the spin of the ground state of Ni(3+) (3d(7)) and Co(3+) (3d(6)) introduced as impurities in LaAlO(3) are investigated through optical spectroscopy and magnetic measurements. The unusual trivalent valence state in both transition-metal ions was stabilised via a sol-gel process followed by high oxygen pressure treatments. We show that the crystal-field strength at the nearly O(h) transition-metal site in LaAlO(3) locates Ni(3+) and Co(3+) near the spin state crossover, yielding a low-spin ground state in both cases.

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The substitution of germanium in the α-quartz structure is a method investigated to improve the piezoelectric properties and the thermal stability of α-quartz. Growth of α-quartz type Si(1-x)Ge(x)O(2) single crystals was performed using a temperature gradient hydrothermal method under different experimental conditions (pressure, temperature, nature of the solvent, and the nutrient). To avoid the difference of dissolution kinetics between pure SiO(2) and pure GeO(2), single phases Si(1-x)Ge(x)O(2) solid solutions were prepared and used as nutrients.

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In biology, scientist's interest for high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) has increased over the last 20 years, for both research and industrial developments, mainly because of the low energy associated with its application in liquid phase and its capacity to inactivate pathogens. It is now considered as an interesting alternative to heat treatments for the inactivation of contaminants in many products, from foods to pharmaceutical preparations. This last statement implies different objectives according to the type of product.

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Pressure as a thermodynamical parameter was successively introduced in physics, hydrometallurgy, geochemistry, and biology. In all cases, the main objective was to recreate a natural phenomenon (gas or liquid compressibility, synthesis or crystal growth of minerals, survival of deep sea microorganisms…). The introduction of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) in Biology was an important scientific feature over the last hundred years.

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Compared to temperature, the development of pressure as a tool in the research field has emerged only recently (at the end of the XIXth century). Following several developments in Physics and Chemistry during the first half of the XXth century (in particular the synthesis of diamond in 1953-1954), high pressures were applied in Food Science, especially in Japan. The main objective was then to achieve the decontamination of foods while preserving their organoleptic properties.

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We present thermodynamic and neutron scattering data on silver ferrite AgFeO(2). The data imply that strong magnetic frustration Θ/T(N)∼10 and magnetic ordering arise via two successive phase transitions at T(2) = 7 K and T(1) = 16 K. At T View Article and Find Full Text PDF

The structural changes of polycrystalline DyNiO3 perovskite across the metal-insulator transition (TMI = 564 K) have been studied by high resolution neutron diffraction techniques together with Mössbauer spectroscopy, in a sample doped with 1.5 at.% 57Fe.

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Escherichia coli and Listeria innocua in kiwifruit and pineapple juices were exposed to high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) at 300 MPa for 5 min. Both bacteria showed equal resistance to HHP. Using low (0 degrees C) or sub-zero (-10 degrees C) temperatures instead of room temperature (20 degrees C) during pressurization did not change the effectiveness of HHP treatment on both bacteria in studied juices.

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We studied the action of high pressure processing on the inactivation of two foodborne pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 and Salmonella enteritidis ATCC 13076, suspended in a culture medium and inoculated into caviar samples. The baroresistance of the two pathogens in a tryptic soy broth suspension at a concentration of 10(8)-10(9) colony-forming units/ml was tested for continuous and cycled pressurization in the 150- to 550-MPa range and for 15-min treatments at room temperature. The increase of cycle number permitted the reduction of the pressure level able to totally inactivate both microorganisms in the tryptic soy broth suspension, whereas the effect of different procedure times on complete inactivation of the microorganisms inoculated into caviar was similar.

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Since the beginning of the 20th century, effects of high pressure on biological systems have been studied, but the first applications in this domain have been developed in the 90's and concerned the preservation of food-stuff. Hence, much research work has been undertaken in order to develop high pressure effects in Biosciences. In the last decade, new methods or processes using high pressure (obtaining therapeutic molecules; decontamination or sterilization of biological stuff, sensitive drugs and drug carriers; development of vaccines; using high pressure as a tool in order to simulate and explore the mechanisms of proteins aggregation) underlining the potentialities of this technology in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

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Purpose: According to the development in the last decade of industrial processes using high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) for preservation of several commercial food products, novel sterilization or decontamination processes for pharmaceutical products could be conceivable. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effects of HHP on the integrity of insulin and heparin solutions, suspension of monoclonal antibodies and Spherulites.

Methods: High performance liquid chromatography, thin layer chromatography, capillary electrophoresis assays, ELISA tests, laser granulometry and spectrophotometry analyses have been performed to compare HHP treated drugs (in a domain of pressure and temperature ranging respectively from 20 up to 500 MPa and from 20 degrees C up to 37 degrees C) vs.

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Purpose: To investigate whether high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) treatment allows the sterilization of thermosensitive polymer nanoparticle suspensions without jeopardizing their physicochemical integrity.

Methods: Application of HHP was explored on a wide variety of thermosensitive poly(cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles, varying by their type (nanospheres or nanocapsules), by their preparation method (nanoprecipitation or emulsion/solvent evaporation), as well as by their surface characteristics. Physicochemical characterization before and after pressurization included turbidimetry, size measurement, zeta potential, scanning electron microscopy and infrared analysis.

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The 4d electronic structure of ruthenium in the perovskite oxides, La2MRuIVO6 (M = Zn, Mg, and Li) and Ba2YRuVO6, has been investigated by the Ru K-and L-edge XANES and EXAFS analyses. Such X-ray absorption spectroscopic results clarify that the RuIV (d4) and RuV (d3) ions are stabilized in nearly regular Oh site. Comparing the Ru L-edge XANES spectra of perovskites containing isovalent ruthenium, it has been found that the t2g state is mainly influenced by A site cation, whereas the eg is mainly affected by neighboring B site cation.

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