Publications by authors named "Delinassios J"

Aim: This study investigates the impact of sub-toxic cisplatin levels on nuclear and nucleolar abnormalities and chromosome instability in HeLa cells since our current knowledge of cisplatin effects on these parameters is based on studies with high concentrations of cisplatin.

Materials And Methods: HeLa cells were exposed to gradually increasing sub-toxic doses of cisplatin (0.01 to 0.

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Initiation, local progression, and metastasis of cancer are associated with specific morphological, molecular, and functional changes in the extracellular matrix and the fibroblasts within the tumor microenvironment (TME). In the early stages of tumor development, fibroblasts are an obstacle that cancer cells must surpass or nullify to progress. Thus, in early tumor progression, specific signaling from cancer cells activates bio-pathways, which abolish the innate anticancer properties of fibroblasts and convert a high proportion of them to tumor-promoting cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs).

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Colorectal carcinomas (CRC) usually arise in colorectal adenomas (CRA) displaying high-grade dysplasia (HGD) or carcinoma in situ (CIS). The aim was to assess the frequency of adenomas displaying HGD or CIS in a cohort of consecutive CRA with submucosal invasive carcinoma. Ninety-two consecutive adenomas were investigated.

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The basement membrane, immune cells, capillaries, fibroblasts and extracellular matrix (ECM) constitute the tumour stroma, commonly referred to as the 'reactive stroma'. The fibroblasts from the initial stages of a tumour, as the main constituents of the reactive stroma, present a different phenotype from the normal fibroblasts and play a crucial role in tumour progression. This review presents the differences between normal and tumour stromal fibroblasts and analyzes the molecular mechanisms (which involve growth factors, ECM components, matrix metalloproteinases, integrins and cell adhesion molecules) in the complex interactions between stromal fibroblasts and tumour cells.

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Malignant cells in fine needle aspirates possess a cell surface protease which can be targeted with fluorescent affinity probes. Cells with active GB exhibit cell surface fluorescence when stained with such affinity probes. The nuclei of all cells on the slides can be counterstained with a nuclear fluorescent stain.

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In coculture experiments of HeLa cells with normal human fibroblasts, the parameters cell:cell ratio and feeding frequency can be monitored in a way that the growth of fibroblasts can flourish to the point where fibroblasts attack and destroy cancer cells.

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High incidence of dicentrics, rings, double rings, acentric rod-like fragments and double minutes in polyploid cells during the early stages of development of methotrexate resistance in HeLa cells suggests that hypertetraploid cells are precursors of cells with higher resistance levels.

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Cocultivation of human fibroblasts and HeLa cells in vitro leads to the development of specific patterns of growth. These patterns depend on the cell density and cell-cell ratio in the initial mixed inoculum. Human fibroblasts can cause extensive nuclear fragmentation and cellular disintegration of HeLa cells in vitro after coculture for periods longer than 10 days, without subculturing, and with medium replacement every 2 days.

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HeLa cells cultured in ever-increasing doses of methotrexate (MTX) acquired resistance to this drug. Chromosomal changes occurring at early stages during the development of resistance to various doses (0.1, 0.

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A permanent lymphoblastoid cell line was established from the peripheral blood of a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The cell line, designated SDK, grows in a stationary suspension culture, forming aggregates, in RPMI medium supplemented with 10% FCS, with a doubling time of 50-60 h. Immunologic markers and cytological features suggested that the SDK cells should be identified as being of B-cell origin.

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Affinity toward each other was demonstrated in co-cultures between HeLa cells and fibroblasts originating from human tumor stromal or normal tissues. Both cell types in the mixed cultures (ratio 1:1, 1:2, 2:1) proliferated normally as shown by 3H-thymidine labeling index estimation for up to 48 hr of co-culture. At ratios of fibroblasts: HeLa lower than 1:10, fibroblasts were eventually eliminated after serial passaging.

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The disturbance of the growth control mechanisms in tumour cells in vivo may be manifested as uncontrolled growth of the tumour stroma in vitro. Stromal fibroblast-like finite cell lines produced from benign or malignant human breast tissue specimens exhibited cell overlapping which ranged from multilayers to dense piling up colonies, while cells derived from normal tissues exhibited intense contact inhibition of growth and locomotion, under the same culture conditions. 6 out of 13 lines derived from malignant tissues and 2 out of 5 lines derived from benign lesions exhibited the phenomenon of 'periodic appearance of piling up colonies'.

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Lymphoblastoid (LB) cells interact in vitro with human fibroblasts. Cell complexes can be dissociated by trypsin treatment. Binding on fibroblasts is higher for Epstein-Barr virus-producer LB cells than for nonproducers, and depends on the origin of the fibroblastic cells.

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In a series of 109 Greek patients with breast carcinoma, a significant increase in the haptoglobin type 1-1 was observed.

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Chromatin condensation during metaphase can be removed by simple vibration of metaphase cells prior to fixation. Uncoiled chromosome arms consist of long threads with dense regions at irregular distances each from the other.

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Serum samples from patients with primary breast carcinoma, breast carcinoma with metastases, chronic mastitis and fibroadenoma, and healthy individuals, were treated with hydrochloric acid and urea and analysed by polyacrylamide disc gel cationic electrophoresis. The discrete and highly reproducible patterns received showed variations from individual to individual. The frequencies of the presence and of the color intensity of every protein band were compared and profound differences were found for several bands between the four groups of patients and the healthy controls studied.

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