Young children's linguistic and communicative abilities are foundational for their academic achievement and overall well-being. We present the positive outcomes of a brief tablet-based intervention aimed at teaching toddlers and preschoolers new word-object and letter-sound associations. We conducted two experiments, one involving toddlers ( ~ 24 months old, n = 101) and the other with preschoolers ( ~ 42 months old, n = 152).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPerceptual awareness in infants during the first year of life is understudied, despite the philosophical, scientific, and clinical importance of understanding how and when consciousness emerges during human brain development. Although parents are undoubtedly convinced that their infant is conscious, the lack of adequate experimental paradigms to address this question in preverbal infants has been a hindrance to research on this topic. However, recent behavioral and brain imaging studies have shown that infants are engaged in complex learning from an early age and that their brains are more structured than traditionally thought.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNetworks are a useful mathematical tool for capturing the complexity of the world. In a previous behavioral study, we showed that human adults were sensitive to the high-level network structure underlying auditory sequences, even when presented with incomplete information. Their performance was best explained by a mathematical model compatible with associative learning principles, based on the integration of the transition probabilities between adjacent and nonadjacent elements with a memory decay.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDuring the last trimester of gestation, fetuses and preterm neonates begin to respond to sensory stimulation and to discover the structure of their environment. Yet, neuronal migration is still ongoing. This late migration notably concerns the supra-granular layers neurons, which are believed to play a critical role in encoding predictions and detecting regularities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFElectrophysiology recordings are frequently affected by artifacts (e.g., subject motion or eye movements), which reduces the number of available trials and affects the statistical power.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn carefully designed experimental paradigms, cognitive scientists interpret the mean event-related potentials (ERP) in terms of cognitive operations. However, the huge signal variability from one trial to the next, questions the representability of such mean events. We explored here whether this variability is an unwanted noise, or an informative part of the neural response.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAtypical prosody in speech production is a core feature of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) that can impact everyday life communication. Because the ability to modulate prosody develops around the age of speech acquisition, it might be affected by ASD symptoms and developmental delays that emerge at the same period. Here, we investigated the existence of a prosodic signature of developmental level and ASD symptom severity in a sample of 74 autistic preschoolers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSuccessive auditory inputs are rarely independent, their relationships ranging from local transitions between elements to hierarchical and nested representations. In many situations, humans retrieve these dependencies even from limited datasets. However, this learning at multiple scale levels is poorly understood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe core knowledge hypothesis postulates that infants automatically analyze their environment along abstract dimensions, including numbers. According to this view, approximate numbers should be encoded quickly, pre-attentively, and in a supra-modal manner by the infant brain. Here, we directly tested this idea by submitting the neural responses of sleeping 3-month-old infants, measured with high-density electroencephalography (EEG), to decoders designed to disentangle numerical and non-numerical information.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSince speech is a continuous stream with no systematic boundaries between words, how do pre-verbal infants manage to discover words? A proposed solution is that they might use the transitional probability between adjacent syllables, which drops at word boundaries. Here, we tested the limits of this mechanism by increasing the size of the word-unit to four syllables, and its automaticity by testing asleep neonates. Using markers of statistical learning in neonates' EEG, compared to adult behavioral performances in the same task, we confirmed that statistical learning is automatic enough to be efficient even in sleeping neonates.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough words and faces activate neighboring regions in the fusiform gyrus, we lack an understanding of how such category selectivity emerges during development. To investigate the organization of reading and face circuits at the earliest stage of reading acquisition, we measured the fMRI responses to words, faces, houses, and checkerboards in three groups of 60 French children: 6-year-old pre-readers, 6-year-old beginning readers and 9-year-old advanced readers. The results showed that specific responses to written words were absent prior to reading, but emerged in beginning readers, irrespective of age.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExtracting statistical regularities from the environment is a primary learning mechanism that might support language acquisition. While it has been shown that infants are sensitive to transition probabilities between syllables in speech, it is still not known what information they encode. Here we used electrophysiology to study how full-term neonates process an artificial language constructed by randomly concatenating four pseudo-words and what information they retain after a few minutes of exposure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInfant electroencephalography (EEG) presents several challenges compared with adult data: recordings are typically short and heavily contaminated by motion artifacts, and the signal changes throughout development. Traditional data preprocessing pipelines, developed mainly for event-related potential analyses, require manual steps. However, larger datasets make this strategy infeasible.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCan preverbal infants utilize logical reasoning such as disjunctive inference? This logical operation requires keeping two alternatives open (A or B), until one of them is eliminated (if not A), allowing the inference: B is true. We presented to 10-month-old infants an ambiguous situation in which a female voice was paired with two faces. Subsequently, one of the two faces was presented with the voice of a male.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCreating invariant representations from an everchanging speech signal is a major challenge for the human brain. Such an ability is particularly crucial for preverbal infants who must discover the phonological, lexical, and syntactic regularities of an extremely inconsistent signal in order to acquire language. Within the visual domain, an efficient neural solution to overcome variability consists in factorizing the input into a reduced set of orthogonal components.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPeriodic and stable sensory input can result in rhythmic and stable neural responses, a phenomenon commonly referred to as neural entrainment. Although the use of neural entrainment to investigate the regularities the brain tracks has increased in recent years, the methods used for its quantification are not well-defined in the literature. Here we argue that some strategies used in previous papers, are inadequate for the study of steady-state response, and lead to methodological artefacts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhile there is increasing acceptance that even young infants detect correspondences between heard and seen speech, the common view is that oral-motor movements related to speech production cannot influence speech perception until infants begin to babble or speak. We investigated the extent of multimodal speech influences on auditory speech perception in prebabbling infants who have limited speech-like oral-motor repertoires. We used event-related potentials (ERPs) to examine how sensorimotor influences to the infant's own articulatory movements impact auditory speech perception in 3-mo-old infants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPreverbal infants are particularly good at discriminating syllables that differ by a single phoneme but do they perceive syllables as a whole unit or can they become aware of the underlying phonemes if their attention is attracted to the relevant level of analysis? We trained 3-month-old infants to pair two consonants, co-articulated with different vowels, with two visual shapes. Using event-related potentials, we showed that infants generalize the learned associations to new syllables with respect to the training phase. The systematic pairing of a visual label with a phonetic category is rapidly learned in a few trials, suggesting that phonemes are natural categories for infants but also that phonetic representations are accessible to internal operations outside the linguistic system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEstimating the extent to which newborn humans process input from their environment, especially regarding the depth of processing, is a challenging question. To approach this problem, we measured brain responses in 20 newborns with magnetoencephalography (MEG) in a "local-global" auditory oddball paradigm in which two-levels of hierarchical regularities are presented. Results suggest that infants in the first weeks of life are able to learn hierarchical rules, yet a certain level of vigilance seems to be necessary.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAre the brain mechanisms of reading acquisition similar across writing systems? And do similar brain anomalies underlie reading difficulties in alphabetic and ideographic reading systems? In a cross-cultural paradigm, we measured the fMRI responses to words, faces, and houses in 96 Chinese and French 10-year-old children, half of whom were struggling with reading. We observed a reading circuit which was strikingly similar across languages and consisting of the left fusiform gyrus, superior temporal gyrus/sulcus, precentral and middle frontal gyri. Activations in some of these areas were modulated either by language or by reading ability, but without interaction between those factors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRegularized generalized canonical correlation analysis (RGCCA) is a general multiblock data analysis framework that encompasses several important multivariate analysis methods such as principal component analysis, partial least squares regression, and several versions of generalized canonical correlation analysis. In this article, we extend RGCCA to the case where at least one block has a tensor structure. This method is called multiway generalized canonical correlation analysis (MGCCA).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIdentifying the genes that contribute to the variability in brain regions involved in language processing may shed light on the evolution of brain structures essential to the emergence of language in Homo sapiens. The superior temporal asymmetrical pit (STAP), which is not observed in chimpanzees, represents an ideal phenotype to investigate the genetic variations that support human communication. The left STAP depth was significantly associated with a predicted enhancer annotation located in the 14q23.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInfant brain development incorporates several intermingled mechanisms leading to intense and asynchronous maturation across cerebral networks and functional modalities. Combining electroencephalography (EEG) and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), previous studies in the visual modality showed that the functional maturation of the event-related potentials (ERP) during the first postnatal semester relates to structural changes in the corresponding white matter pathways. Here investigated similar issues in the auditory modality.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAudio-visual associative learning - at least when linguistic stimuli are employed - is known to rely on core linguistic skills such as phonological awareness. Here we ask whether this would also be the case in a task that does not manipulate linguistic information. Another question of interest is whether executive skills, often found to support learning, may play a larger role in a non-linguistic audio-visual associative task compared to a linguistic one.
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