Publications by authors named "Deepak Dhar"

We study a system of equal-size circular disks, each with an asymmetrically placed pivot at a fixed distance from the center. The pivots are fixed at the vertices of a regular triangular lattice. The disks can rotate freely about the pivots, with the constraint that no disks can overlap with each other.

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We obtain the phase diagram of fully packed hard plates on the cubic lattice. Each plate covers an elementary plaquette of the cubic lattice and occupies its four vertices, with each vertex of the cubic lattice occupied by exactly one such plate. We consider the general case with fugacities s_{μ} for "μ plates," whose normal is the μ direction (μ=x,y,z).

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We study the phase diagram of a lattice gas of 2×2×1 hard plates on the three-dimensional cubic lattice. Each plate covers an elementary plaquette of the cubic lattice, with the constraint that a site can belong to utmost one plate. We focus on the isotropic system, with equal fugacities for the three orientations of plates.

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We present a simple one-dimensional stochastic model with three control parameters and a surprisingly rich zoo of phase transitions. At each (discrete) site x and time t, an integer n(x,t) satisfies a linear interface equation with added random noise. Depending on the control parameters, this noise may or may not satisfy the detailed balance condition, so that the growing interfaces are in the Edwards-Wilkinson or in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class.

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In a system of interacting thin rigid rods of equal length 2ℓ on a two-dimensional grid of lattice spacing a, we show that there are multiple phase transitions as the coupling strength κ=ℓ/a and the temperature are varied. There are essentially two classes of transitions. One corresponds to the Ising-type spontaneous symmetry-breaking transition and the second belongs to less-studied phase transitions of geometrical origin.

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A system of hard rigid rods of length k on hypercubic lattices is known to undergo two phase transitions when chemical potential is increased: from a low density isotropic phase to an intermediate density nematic phase, and on further increase to a high-density phase with no orientational order. In this paper, we argue that, for large k, the second phase transition is a first-order transition with a discontinuity in density in all dimensions greater than 1. We show that the chemical potential at the transition is ≈kln[k/lnk] for large k, and that the density of uncovered sites drops from a value ≈(lnk)/k^{2} to a value of order exp(-ak), where a is some constant, across the transition.

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We study the distribution of lengths and other statistical properties of worms constructed by Monte Carlo worm algorithms in the power-law three-sublattice ordered phase of frustrated triangular and kagome lattice Ising antiferromagnets. Viewing each step of the worm construction as a position increment (step) of a random walker, we demonstrate that the persistence exponent θ and the dynamical exponent z of this random walk depend only on the universal power-law exponents of the underlying critical phase and not on the details of the worm algorithm or the microscopic Hamiltonian. Further, we argue that the detailed balance condition obeyed by such worm algorithms and the power-law correlations of the underlying equilibrium system together give rise to two related properties of this random walk: First, the steps of the walk are expected to be power-law correlated in time.

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We determine the asymptotic behavior of the entropy of full coverings of a L×M square lattice by rods of size k×1 and 1×k, in the limit of large k. We show that full coverage is possible only if at least one of L and M is a multiple of k, and that all allowed configurations can be reached from a standard configuration of all rods being parallel, using only basic flip moves that replace a k×k square of parallel horizontal rods by vertical rods, and vice versa. In the limit of large k, we show that the entropy per site S_{2}(k) tends to Ak^{-2}lnk, with A=1.

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We study relaxation of long-wavelength density perturbations in a one-dimensional conserved Manna sandpile. Far from criticality where correlation length ξ is finite, relaxation of density profiles having wave numbers k→0 is diffusive, with relaxation time τ_{R}∼k^{-2}/D with D being the density-dependent bulk-diffusion coefficient. Near criticality with kξ≳1, the bulk diffusivity diverges and the transport becomes anomalous; accordingly, the relaxation time varies as τ_{R}∼k^{-z}, with the dynamical exponent z=2-(1-β)/ν_{⊥}<2, where β is the critical order-parameter exponent and ν_{⊥} is the critical correlation-length exponent.

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To obtain proper insight into how structure develops during a protein folding reaction, it is necessary to understand the nature and mechanism of the polypeptide chain collapse reaction, which marks the initiation of folding. Here, the time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer technique, in which the decay of the fluorescence light intensity with time is used to determine the time evolution of the distribution of intra-molecular distances, has been utilized to study the folding of the small protein, monellin. It is seen that when folding begins, about one-third of the protein molecules collapse into a molten globule state (I), from which they relax by continuous further contraction to transit to the native state.

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We study the phase diagram of a system of 2×2×2 hard cubes on a three-dimensional cubic lattice. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we show that the system exhibits four different phases as the density of cubes is increased: disordered, layered, sublattice ordered, and columnar ordered. In the layered phase, the system spontaneously breaks up into parallel slabs of size 2×L×L where only a very small fraction cubes do not lie wholly within a slab.

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There is a misconception, widely shared among physicists, that the equilibrium free energy of a one-dimensional classical model with strictly finite-ranged interactions, and at nonzero temperatures, cannot show any singularities as a function of the coupling constants. In this Letter, we discuss an instructive counterexample. We consider thin rigid linear rods of equal length 2ℓ whose centers lie on a one-dimensional lattice, of lattice spacing a.

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We consider the response of a memoryless nonlinear device that acts instantaneously, converting an input signal ξ(t) into an output η(t) at the same time t. For input Gaussian noise with power-spectrum 1/f^{α}, the nonlinearity can modify the spectral index of the output to give a spectrum that varies as 1/f^{α^{'}} with α^{'}≠α. We show that the value of α^{'} depends on the nonlinear transformation and can be tuned continuously.

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We present simulations of the one-dimensional Oslo rice pile model in which the critical height at each site is randomly reset after each toppling. We use the fact that the stationary state of this sand-pile model is hyperuniform to reach system of sizes >10^{7}. Most previous simulations were seriously flawed by important finite-size corrections.

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We show that critical exponents of the transition to columnar order in a mixture of 2×1 dimers and 2×2 hard squares on the square lattice depends on the composition of the mixture in exactly the manner predicted by the theory of Ashkin-Teller criticality, including in the hard-square limit. This result settles the question regarding the nature of the transition in the hard-square lattice gas. It also provides the first example of a polydisperse system whose critical properties depend on composition.

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We study a system of particles with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor exclusion on the square lattice (hard squares). This system undergoes a transition from a fluid phase at low density to a columnar-ordered phase at high density. We develop a systematic high-activity perturbation expansion for the free energy per site about a state with perfect columnar order.

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We consider a directed Abelian sandpile on a strip of size 2×n, driven by adding a grain randomly at the left boundary after every T timesteps. We establish the exact equivalence of the problem of mass fluctuations in the steady state and the number of zeros in the ternary-base representation of the position of a random walker on a ring of size 3^{n}. We find that while the fluctuations of mass have a power spectrum that varies as 1/f for frequencies in the range 3^{-2n}≪f≪1/T, the activity fluctuations in the same frequency range have a power spectrum that is linear in f.

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We relate properties of nearest-neighbor resonating valence-bond (NNRVB) wave functions for SU(g) spin systems on two-dimensional bipartite lattices to those of fully packed interacting classical dimer models on the same lattice. The interaction energy can be expressed as a sum of n-body potentials V(n), which are recursively determined from the NNRVB wave function on finite subgraphs of the original lattice. The magnitude of the n-body interaction V(n) (n>1) is of order O(g(-(n-1))) for small g(-1).

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Pattern formation in fast-growing sandpiles.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys

February 2012

We study the patterns formed by adding N sand grains at a single site on an initial periodic background in the Abelian sandpile models, and relaxing the configuration. When the heights at all sites in the initial background are low enough, one gets patterns showing proportionate growth, with the diameter of the pattern formed growing as N(1/d) for large N, in d dimensions. On the other hand, if sites with maximum stable height in the starting configuration form an infinite cluster, we get avalanches that do not stop.

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We study the dynamics of a one-dimensional fluid of orientable hard rectangles with a non-coarse-grained microscopic mechanism of facilitation. The length occupied by a rectangle depends on its orientation, which is a discrete variable coupled to an external field. The equilibrium properties of our model are essentially those of the Tonks gas, but at high densities the orientational degrees of freedom become effectively frozen due to jamming.

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Hard rigid rods on a Bethe-like lattice.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys

July 2011

We study a system of long rigid rods of fixed length k with only excluded volume interaction. We show that, contrary to the general expectation, the self-consistent field equations of the Bethe approximation do not give the exact solution of the problem on the Bethe lattice in this case. We construct a new lattice, called the random locally treelike layered lattice, which allows a dense packing of rods, and we show that the Bethe self-consistent equations are exact for this lattice.

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We analyze the low temperature properties of a system of classical Heisenberg spins on a hexagonal lattice with Kitaev couplings. For a lattice of 2N sites with periodic boundary conditions, the ground states form an (N+1) dimensional manifold. We show that the ensemble of ground states is equivalent to that of a solid-on-solid model with continuously variable heights and nearest neighbor interactions, at a finite temperature.

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Asymptotic shape of the region visited by an Eulerian walker.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys

November 2009

We study an Eulerian walker on a square lattice, starting from an initial randomly oriented background using Monte Carlo simulations. We present evidence that, for a large number of steps N , the asymptotic shape of the set of sites visited by the walker is a perfect circle. The radius of the circle increases as N1/3, for large N , and the width of the boundary region grows as Nalpha/3, with alpha=0.

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The unfolding kinetics of many small proteins appears to be first order, when measured by ensemble-averaging probes such as fluorescence and circular dichroism. For one such protein, monellin, it is shown here that hidden behind this deceptive simplicity is a complexity that becomes evident with the use of experimental probes that are able to discriminate between different conformations in an ensemble of structures. In this study, the unfolding of monellin has been probed by measurement of the changes in the distributions of 4 different intramolecular distances, using a multisite, time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer methodology.

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We construct a class of lattices in three and higher dimensions for which the number of dimer coverings can be determined exactly using elementary arguments. These lattices are a generalization of the two-dimensional kagome lattice, and the method also works for graphs without translational symmetry. The partition function for dimer coverings on these lattices can be determined also for a class of assignments of different activities to different edges.

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