Publications by authors named "Dedysh S"

Aerobic chemoorganotrophic planctomycetes of the genus Schlesneria colonize a wide spectrum of freshwater ecosystems. The only described species of this genus, S. paludicola, is represented by ellipsoid-shaped, moderately acidophilic bacteria isolated from acidic peat bogs.

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The phylum is one of the main groups of soil prokaryotes, which remains poorly represented by cultivated organisms. The major recognized role of in soils is the degradation of plant-derived organic matter. These bacteria are particularly abundant in peatlands, where xylan-type hemicelluloses represent one of the most actively decomposed peat constituents.

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A morphologically conspicuous microbial association was detected in a bioreactor running in a continuous mode with methanotrophic bacteria of the genus Methylococcus and natural gas as a growth substrate. The association consisted of spherical Methylococcus cells colonized by elongated rods, which produced rosette-like aggregates and inhibited the cultivation process. An isolate of these bacteria, strain S20, was obtained and identified as belonging to the alphaproteobacterial family Ancalomicrobiaceae but displaying only a distant relationship (93.

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Prokaryotes are ubiquitous in the biosphere, important for human health and drive diverse biological and environmental processes. Systematics of prokaryotes, whose origins can be traced to the discovery of microorganisms in the 17th century, has transitioned from a phenotype-based classification to a more comprehensive polyphasic taxonomy and eventually to the current genome-based taxonomic approach. This transition aligns with a foundational shift from studies focused on phenotypic traits that have limited comparative value to those using genome sequences.

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Planctomycetes of the genus are common inhabitants of soils and peatlands. Although described members of this genus are characterized as possessing hydrolytic capabilities, the ability to degrade chitin has not yet been reported for these bacteria. In this study, a novel representative, strain Ch08, was isolated from a chitinolytic enrichment culture obtained from a boreal fen in Northern European Russia.

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Article Synopsis
  • Opinion 129 evaluates the status of corrig. Gibbons and Murray 1978, which was incorrectly classified as a 'division' in the Approved Lists of Bacterial Names, a category not recognized after the 1975 revision of the nomenclature code.
  • The name is deemed either not validly published or illegitimate due to its lack of compliance with the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP) set in 2021, leading to its rejection.
  • To help with the transition from invalid names to validly published phylum names, it's suggested that future publications include both the not validly published names and their properly recognized counterparts, especially where spelling differences exist
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Carotenoids are secondary metabolites that exhibit antioxidant properties and are characterized by a striking range of colorations from red to yellow. These natural pigments are synthesized by a wide range of eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. Among the latter, carotenoid-producing methanotrophic bacteria, which display fast growth on methane or natural gas, are of particular interest as potential producers of a feed protein enriched with carotenoids.

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The scavenging of atmospheric trace gases has been recognized as one of the lifestyle-defining capabilities of microorganisms in terrestrial polar ecosystems. Several metagenome-assembled genomes of as-yet-uncultivated methanotrophic bacteria, which consume atmospheric CH in these ecosystems, have been retrieved in cultivation-independent studies. In this study, we isolated and characterized a representative of these methanotrophs, strain D3K7, from a subarctic soil of northern Russia.

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Methanotrophic bacteria that possess a unique ability of using methane as a sole source of carbon and energy have attracted considerable attention as potential producers of a single-cell protein. So far, this biotechnology implied using freshwater methanotrophs, although many regions of the world have limited freshwater resources. This study aimed at searching for novel methanotrophs capable of fast growth in saltwater comparable in composition with seawater.

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Despite the growing interest in isolating representatives of poorly studied and as-yet-uncultivated bacterial phylogenetic groups, these microorganisms remain difficult objects for taxonomic studies. The time required for describing one of these fastidious bacteria is commonly measured in several years. What is even more problematic, many routine laboratory tests, which were originally developed for fast-growing and fast-responding microorganisms, are not fully suitable for many environmentally relevant, slow-growing bacteria.

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Judicial Opinion 128 addresses nomenclatural issues related to the names of classes validly published under the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes. It is confirmed that the common ending of some class names is not indicative of a joint taxonomic or phylogenetic placement; that the nomenclatural type of Edward and Freundt 1967 (Approved Lists 1980) is Freundt 1955 (Approved Lists 1980); and that the placement of a name on the list of rejected names does not imply that another name with the same spelling but a distinct rank is also placed on that list. The names at the rank of class (Gibbons and Murray 1978) Murray 1988, Murray 1988, Haeckel 1894 (Approved Lists 1980), Murray 1988, Philip 1956 (Approved Lists 1980), (ex Gibbons and Murray 1978) Murray 1988, Gibbons and Murray 1978 (Approved Lists 1980), Stackebrandt .

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In this paper the Judicial Commission provides general guidance for interpreting the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP) and specific assistance to authors, reviewers and editors of a Request for an Opinion, or of other suggestions related to the ICNP. The role of the Judicial Commission is recapitulated, particularly with respect to the processing of such Requests. Selected kinds of nomenclature-related proposals are discussed that are unsuitable as the basis for a Request.

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Opinion 123 places the epithet of the name on the list of rejected epithets and clarifies the citation of authors of selected names within the genus . Opinion 124 denies the request to place on the list of rejected names because the request is based on a misinterpretation of the Code, which is clarified. There are alternative ways to solve the perceived problem.

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The genus Methylomonas accommodates strictly aerobic, obligate methanotrophs, with their sole carbon and energy sources restricted to methane and methanol. These bacteria inhabit oxic-anoxic interfaces of various freshwater habitats and have attracted considerable attention as potential producers of a single-cell protein. Here, we characterize two fast-growing representatives of this genus, strains 12 and MP1, which are phylogenetically distinct from the currently described Methylomonas species (94.

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SBC82 is a recently described representative of the phylum from lichen-covered tundra soil. Cells of this bacterium occur within unusual saccular chambers, with the chamber envelope formed by tightly packed fibrils. These extracellular structures were most pronounced in old cultures of strain SBC82 and were organized in cluster-like aggregates.

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Uncultured bacteria of the candidate phylum MBNT15, distantly related to , have been identified in a broad range of mostly organic-rich aquatic environments. We assembled a near-complete genome of a member of MBNT15 from a boreal peatland metagenome and used genomic data to analyze the metabolic pathways of this bacterium and its ecological role. This bacterium, designated SHF-111, was predicted to be rod shaped, it lacks flagellar machinery but twitching motility is encoded.

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Methylococcus capsulatus MIR is an aerobic methanotroph that was isolated from an activated sludge sample and is capable of growth on methanol. The finished genome of strain MIR is 3.2 Mb in size.

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Planctomycetes of the family Pirellulaceae are commonly addressed as budding aquatic bacteria with a complex lifestyle. Although this family is well represented by cultured and taxonomically characterized isolates, nearly all of them were obtained from brackish or marine habitats. The examples of described freshwater Pirellulaceae planctomycetes are limited to two species only, Pirellula staley and 'Anatilimnocola aggregata'.

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Opinion 112 denies the request to place Aristovskaya and Parinkina 1963 (Approved Lists 1980) on the list of rejected names because the information provided is insufficient. For the same reason, Opinion 113 denies the request to reject Lee . 2006 and Opinion 114 denies the request to reject the name Khunthongpan .

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In Opinion 103, the request to place the name Ehrenberg 1832 (Approved Lists 1980) on the list of rejected names is denied because a neotype may be designated. Similarly, because a neotype may be designated, in Opinion 104 the request to place the name Döbereiner and Ruschel 1958 (Approved Lists 1980) on the list of rejected names is denied. In Opinion 105, it is emphasized that the name Fukuda .

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Large areas in the northern hemisphere are covered by extensive wetlands, which represent a complex mosaic of raised bogs, eutrophic fens, and aapa mires all in proximity to each other. Aapa mires differ from other types of wetlands by their concave surface, heavily watered by the central part, as well as by the presence of large-patterned string-flark complexes. In this paper, we characterized microbial diversity patterns in the surface peat layers of the neighboring string and flark structures located within the mire site in the Vologda region of European North Russia, using 16S rRNA gene sequencing.

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Rokubacteria is a phylogenetic clade of as-yet-uncultivated prokaryotes, which are detected in diverse terrestrial habitats and are commonly addressed as members of the rare biosphere. This clade was originally described as a candidate phylum; however, based on the results of comparative genome analysis, was later defined as the order-level lineage, , within the phylum . The physiology and lifestyles of these bacteria are poorly understood.

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Methanotrophic verrucomicrobia of the order are known as extremely acidophilic, thermophilic or mesophilic bacteria that inhabit acidic geothermal ecosystems. The occurrence of verrucomicrobial methanotrophs in other types of acidic environments remains an open question. Notably, -affiliated 16S rRNA gene sequences are commonly retrieved from acidic (pH 3.

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Planctomycetes of the family Gemmataceae are strictly aerobic chemo-organotrophs that display a number of hydrolytic capabilities. A member of this family, Telmatocola sphagniphila SP2, is the first described planctomycete with experimentally proven ability for growth on cellulose. In this study, the complete genome sequence of strain SP2 was obtained and the genome-encoded determinants of its cellulolytic potential were analyzed.

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