Health Promot Perspect
December 2022
This exploratory study determined if a relationship exists between secondary traumatic stress (STS) related to health status, health outcomes, and health practices among child protection workers in a Southern state. This study used a cross-sectional survey research design that included a non-probability sample of child protection workers (N=196). Data were collected face-to-face and online between April 2018 and November 2019 from multiple county agencies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA total of 55 digital radiographic studies from 53 individual juvenile Kemp's ridley sea turtles () were retrospectively used to determine the normal radiographic anatomy of the lower respiratory tract in sea turtles that had been stranded due to hook-and-line injury and were otherwise clinically healthy. There were three or four projections available for each study: dorsoventral (DV), rostrocaudal (RoCd), and left and/or right lateral. The DV and RoCd were most conducive for assessing global lung volume and symmetry of lung volume.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCommon bottlenose dolphins ( exposed to freshwater or low salinity (<10 practical salinity units; PSU) for prolonged periods of time have been documented to develop skin lesions, corneal edema and electrolyte abnormalities, and in some instances they have died. Here we review a case of an out-of-habitat subadult, female common bottlenose dolphin that remained in a freshwater lake in Seminole, Alabama for at least 32 days. Due to concerns for the dolphin's health a rescue was initiated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Much of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medical (STEMM) education policy and research centers around developing the upper levels of the STEMM workforce sector. However, there are many positions in this workforce, "middle-skill careers," that are largely responsible for executing the innovations and are largely ignored in STEMM education research.
Results: Using data from the National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988, we found differences in what predicts STEMM-related vs.
In systems where predation plays a key role in the dynamics of prey populations, such as in Arctic rodents, it is reasonable to assume that differential patterns of habitat use by prey species represent adaptive responses to spatial variation in predation. However, habitat selection by collared (Dicrostonyx groenlandicus) and brown (Lemmus trimucronatus) lemmings depends on intra- and inter-specific densities, and there has been little agreement on the respective influences of food abundance, predators, and competition for habitat on lemming dynamics. Thus, we investigated whether predation affected selection of sedge-meadow versus upland tundra by collared lemmings in the central Canadian Arctic.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the emerging field of clinical and translational science (CTS), where researchers use both basic and clinical science research methodologies to move discoveries to clinical practice, establishing standards of competence is essential for preparing physician-scientists for the profession and for defining the field. The diversity of skills needed to execute quality research within the field of CTS has heightened the importance of an educational process that requires learners to demonstrate competence. Particularly within the more applied clinical science disciplines where there is a multi- or interdisciplinary approach to conducting research, defining and articulating the unique role and associated competencies of a physician-scientist is necessary.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFibropapillomatosis (FP), a transmissible neoplastic disease of marine turtles characterized by a likely herpesviral primary etiology, has emerged as an important disease in green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) over the past three decades. The objectives of this study were to determine the suitability of three different chelonid fibropapilloma-associated herpesvirus (CFPHV) gene targets in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays of affected tissues; to explore the presence of CFPHV in non-affected skin from turtles with and without tumors; and to better understand tissue localization of the CFPHV genome in a tumor-free turtle by evaluating CFPHV presence in microanatomic tissue sites. Two aggregations of green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) in Puerto Rico were evaluated, with six sampling intervals over the three-year period 2004-2007.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn an emerging field, such as clinical and translational science, questions of purpose and educational philosophy are crucial to consider as programs, competencies, and milestones are developed and become generally accepted as broad national standards. This article outlines issues to be taken into account as curricula are planned, implemented, and evaluated. It also discusses how philosophy, competencies, and assessments, including milestones, must be intertwined purposefully, with careful attention paid to the integration of knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJt Comm J Qual Patient Saf
March 2009
Background: Retained foreign objects (RFOs) after surgical procedures are an infrequent but potentially devastating medical error. The Mayo Clinic, Rochester (MCR), undertook a quality improvement program to reduce the incidence of surgical RFOs.
Method: A multidisciplinary, multiphase approach was initiated in 2005.
The acquisition and transmission of rickettsial pathogens by different tick developmental stages has important epidemiological implications. The purpose of this study was to determine if male Rhipicephalus sanguineus can experimentally acquire and transmit Ehrlichia canis in the absence of female ticks. Two trials were performed where nymphal and male R.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAvian Pathol
October 2002
In the field of learning disabilities, oral history has exclusively focussed on the lives of people who were detained in large institutions and hospitals for the mentally deficient or handicapped. Such work has been invaluable in providing unique and authentic insights into the lives of people with learning disabilities during the last century. It has also helped us better understand the impact of social policy and legislative change, such as the introduction to the Mental Deficiency Act 1913.
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