Publications by authors named "Deborah L King"

Stahl, CA, Regni, G, Tanguay, J, McElfresh, M, Trihy, E, Diggin, D, and King, DL. A biomechanical comparison of the back squat and hexagonal barbell deadlift. J Strength Cond Res 38(5): 815-824, 2024-Coaches often use different exercises to encourage similar strength adaptations and limit monotony.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of kinematic based initial contact (IC) and toe-off (TO) identification algorithms for rearfoot and non-rearfoot runners across a broad range of treadmill running speeds. 14 healthy active participants completed six 20-60 s treadmill running trials at 6 speeds: 2.24, 2.

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Phillips, J, Diggin, D, King, DL, and Sforzo, GA. Effect of varying self-myofascial release duration on subsequent athletic performance. J Strength Cond Res 35(3): 746-753, 2021-Self-myofascial release (SMR) treatments can enhance joint range-of-motion and restore movement function.

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Background: This study investigated the duration and repeatability of postactivation potentiation (PAP) benefits within a single exercise session. Specifically examined were the recurring effects, over multiple sets, of heavy back squats on repeated sprint times.

Methods: A partially randomized, counterbalanced, repeated measures design was implemented using 29 college-aged male NCAA varsity field sport athletes participating in PAP and control conditions.

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Content: Lower extremity landing mechanics have been implicated as a contributing factor in knee pain and injury, yet cost effective and clinically accessible methods for evaluating movement mechanics are limited. The identification of valid, reliable, and readily accessible technology to assess lower extremity alignment could be an important tool for clinicians, coaches, and strength and conditioning specialists.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of using a hand-held tablet and movement analysis application (app) for assessing lower extremity alignment during a drop vertical jump task.

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Context: Landing kinematics have been identified as a risk factor for knee injury. Detecting atypical kinematics in clinical settings is important for identifying individuals at risk for these injuries.

Objective: To determine the reliability of a handheld tablet and application (app) for measuring lower-extremity kinematics during drop vertical-jump landings.

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A novel method of running technique instruction, Midstance to Midstance Running (MMR), was studied to determine how MMR affected kinematics and running economy (RE) of recreational runners. An experimental pre-post randomized groups design was used. Participants (n = 18) were recreational runners who ran at least 3 days a week and 5 km per run.

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The effects of varying interrepetition rest and eccentric velocity on power output (PO) and the number of repetitions performed during a bench press set were examined in 24 college-aged resistance trained men. On 6 separate occasions, subjects performed a set of bench press at 80% 1 repetition maximum until volitional fatigue. For each of the 6 repetition tempo trials, the bench press set was paced by metronome to a unique repetition tempo involving a combination of the following: interrepetition rest of 0 or 4 seconds; eccentric velocity of 1 or 4 seconds and bottom rest of 0 or 3 seconds.

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In this study, we compared the kinematic variables of the split triple twist with those of the split double twist to help coaches and scientists understand these landmark pair skating skills. High-speed video was taken during the pair short and free programmes at the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics and the 2003 International Skating Union Grand Prix Finals. Three-dimensional analyses of 14 split double twists and 15 split triple twists from eleven pairs were completed.

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The purpose of this paper is to review the biomechanics of triple and quadruple figure skating jumps, focusing on information that has implications for strength and conditioning programs. At a minimum, to complete the required revolutions in a jump, a skater must balance the average angular velocity with the time in the air. Vertical velocity at takeoff is similar in high revolution jumps to that in low revolution jumps; however, when comparing skaters of different abilities, those with higher abilities generate greater vertical velocities at takeoff for the same type of jump.

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The goal of this study was to describe the movement patterns of the ankle joint whilst standing on one leg. Ten healthy adult females (age 24 +/- 5.3 years) performed a one-legged standing task with eyes closed.

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