Digital technologies have the potential to assist people with dementia to monitor day to day activities and mitigate the risks of living independently. This purposive pilot study surveyed participants for frailty, wellbeing, and perceived carer burden using the 3Rings™ digital plug. 30 paired participants used the digital device for four months.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlain English Summary: Whilst Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) are widely regarded as critical to developing clinical research, there is a perception that older adults may not be able to contribute and there is less emphasis on gaining a wide range of opinions before developing research questions or projects; for example an organisational change. This PPIE initiative used three PPIE processes including existing panels and wider networking to access older adults in the community who had used the hospital services and been discharged. Older adults expressed a range of views about their experience of discharge planning and this provided an important perspective on patients' research priorities associated with their personal independence.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Distress after prostate cancer treatment is a substantial burden for up to one-third of men diagnosed. Physical and emotional symptoms and health service use can intensify, yet men are reticent to accept support. To provide accessible support that can be cost effectively integrated into care pathways, we developed a unique, Web-based, self-guided, cognitive-behavior program incorporating filmed and interactive peer support.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDiscrete fetal androgen excess during early gestation in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) promotes endocrine antecedents of adult polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)-like traits in female offspring. Because developmental changes promoting such PCOS-like metabolic dysfunction remain unclear, the present study examined time-mated, gravid rhesus monkeys with female fetuses, of which nine gravid females received 15 mg of testosterone propionate (TP) subcutaneously daily from 40 to 80 days (first to second trimesters) of gestation [term, mean (range): 165 (155-175) days], whereas an additional six such females received oil vehicle injections over the same time interval. During gestation, ultrasonography quantified fetal growth measures and was used as an adjunct for fetal blood collections.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn IWB is a test result that creates uncertainty. Explaining this result to patients can cause provider discomfort but the more the provider practices, the comfort level increases. HIV diagnosis is no longer considered a death sentence.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: to develop a pragmatic service for pregnant smokers.
Design: identification and referral of pregnant smokers to specialist services using self-report gathered on routine pregnancy booking questionnaire augmented by a carbon monoxide breath test. Engagement by specialist smoking cessation midwives using telephone contact with the offer of clinic-based counselling for women who want help.
Experimentally induced fetal androgen excess induces polycystic ovary syndrome-like traits in adult female rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Developmental changes leading to this endocrinopathy are not known. We therefore studied 15 time-mated, gravid female rhesus monkeys with known female fetuses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGnRH II (pGlu-His-Trp-Ser-Try-Gly-Leu-Arg-Pro-GlyNH2), an evolutionarily conserved member of the GnRH family, stimulates reproductive behavior in a number of vertebrates. To explore a role for GnRH II in regulating primate sexual behavior, eight adult female common marmosets, each fitted with an indwelling intracerebroventricular (icv) cannula, were ovariectomized, implanted subcutaneously with empty (n = 4) or estradiol-filled (n = 4) SILASTIC brand capsules, and pair housed with an adult male mate. After icv infusion of vehicle or peptides, females were placed in an observation cage for 90 min, out of visual contact with other marmosets, before the 30-min behavioral test with their male partner.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnovulatory infertility affects a large proportion of reproductive-aged women. Major improvements in successful clinical treatment of this prevalent disorder in women's health have been made possible because of biomedical research employing nonhuman primates. Experiments on female rhesus monkeys were the first to demonstrate that the key hypothalamic neurotransmitter, gonadotropin-releasing hormone, involved in stimulating pituitary gonadotropin synthesis, storage, and release was bioactive only when released in approximately hourly bursts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhile common marmosets are increasingly used as alternative primate models in biomedical research, their life history, specialized behavior and unique physiology are not well known. This paper describes important marmoset attributes that are particularly relevant for biomedical research, including reproduction, neurobiology, immunology, endocrine signaling, obesity and aging, in addition to fetal and postnatal development. While common marmosets exhibit characteristic anthropoid primate traits, they clearly differ from Old World primates and humans in a variety of functions, including reproduction, endocrine signaling and immunology.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDuring the ovarian or menstrual cycle, prior to ovulation, many female primates exhibit a relatively prolonged follicular phase and terminate the postovulatory luteal phase with menstrual bleeding. The prolonged follicular phase is a trait that distinguishes primate from nonprimate species. It enables extended estrogen-induced proliferation and growth of the uterine endometrium prior to progesterone-induced maturation during the luteal phase to accommodate a potential pregnancy with a rapidly invading placenta.
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