We consider a general class of limit cycle oscillators driven by an additive Gaussian white noise. Based on the separation of timescales, we construct the equation of motion for slow dynamics after appropriate averaging over the fast motion. The equation for slow motion whose coefficients are modified by noise characteristics is solved to obtain the analytic solution in the long time limit.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe analyze the phase diffusion, quantum fluctuations and their spectral features of a one-dimensional Bose-Josephson junction (BJJ) nonlinearly coupled to a bosonic heat bath. The phase diffusion is considered by taking into account of random modulations of the BJJ modes causing a phase loss of initial coherence between the ground and excited states, whereby the frequency modulation is incorporated in the system-reservoir Hamiltonian by an interaction term linear in bath operators but nonlinear in system (BJJ) operators. We examine the dependence of the phase diffusion coefficient on the on-site interaction and temperature in the zero- and π-phase modes and demonstrate its phase transition-like behavior between the Josephson oscillation and the macroscopic quantum self-trapping (MQST) regimes in the π-phase mode.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe consider a class of nonlinear Langevin equations with additive, Gaussian white noise. Because of nonlinearity, the calculation of moments poses a serious problem for any direct solution of the Langevin equation. Based on multiple timescale analysis we introduce a scheme for directly solving the equations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBio-rhythms are ubiquitous in all living organisms. A prototypical bio-rhythm originates from the chemical oscillation of intermediates or metabolites around the steady state of a thermodynamically open bio-chemical reaction network with autocatalysis and feedback and is often described by minimal kinetics with two state variables. It has been shown that notwithstanding the diverse nature of the underlying bio-chemical and biophysical processes, the associated kinetic equations can be mapped into the universal form of the Lie´nard equation which admits of mono-rhythmic and bi-rhythmic solutions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe consider a quantum two-level system in bichromatic classical time-periodic fields, the frequency of one of which far exceeds that of the other. Based on systematic separation of timescales and averaging over the fast motion a reduced quantum dynamics in the form of a nonlinear forced Mathieu equation is derived to identify the stable oscillatory resonance zones intercepted by unstable zones in the frequency-amplitude plot. We show how this forcing of the dressed two-level system may generate the subharmonics and superharmonics of the weak field in the stable region, which can be amplified by optimization of the strength of the high frequency field.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBased on a system-reservoir model and an appropriate choice of nonlinear coupling, we have explored the microscopic quantum generalization of classical Liénard systems. Making use of oscillator coherent states and canonical thermal distributions of the associated c numbers, we have derived the quantum Langevin equation of the reduced system which admits single or multiple limit cycles. It has been shown that detailed balance in the form of the fluctuation-dissipation relation preserves the dynamical stability of the attractors even in the case of vacuum excitation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhilos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci
March 2021
We consider a two-level quantum system interacting with two classical time-periodic electromagnetic fields. The frequency of one of the fields far exceeds that of the other. The effect of the high-frequency field can be averaged out of the dynamics to realize an effective transition frequency of the field-dressed two-level system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe consider a model reaction-diffusion system with two coupled layers in which one of the components in a layer is parametrically driven by a periodic force. On perturbation of a homogeneous stable steady state, the system exhibits parametric instability inducing synchronization in temporal oscillation at half the forcing frequency in absence of diffusion and spatiotemporal patterns in presence of diffusion, when strength of parametric forcing and the strength of coupling are kept above their critical thresholds. We have formulated a general scheme to derive analytically the critical thresholds and dispersion relation to locate the unstable spatial modes lying between the tilted Arnold tongue in the amplitude-frequency plot.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present a theoretical study of the spatiotemporal antiresonance in a system of two diffusively coupled chemical reactions, one of which is driven by an external periodic forcing. Although antiresonance is well known in various physical systems, the phenomenon in coupled chemical reactions has largely been overlooked. Based on the linearized dynamics around the steady state of the two-component coupled reaction-diffusion systems we have derived the general analytical expressions for the amplitude-frequency response functions of the driven and undriven components of the system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe consider a mixture of active solute molecules in a suspension of passive solvent particles comprising a thermal bath. The solute molecules are considered to be extended objects with two chemically distinct heads, one head of which having chemical affinity towards the solvent particles. The coupled Langevin equations for the solvent particles along with the equations governing the dynamics of active molecules are numerically simulated to show how the active molecules self-assemble to form clusters which remain in dynamic equilibrium with the free solute molecules.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe examine the response of a system of coupled nonlinear oscillators driven by a rapidly varying field, to a low frequency weak periodic excitation of one of the oscillators. The response amplitude of the weak field-driven oscillator at an optimal strength of the rapidly varying field exhibits a strong suppression accompanied by a large negative shift in its oscillation phase. The minimum can be identified as vibrational antiresonance in between the two maxima corresponding to vibrational resonance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe consider the Brownian motion of a collection of particles each with an additional degree of freedom. The degree of freedom of a particle (or, in general, a molecule) can assume distinct values corresponding to certain states or conformations. The time evolution of the additional degree of freedom of a particle is guided by those of its neighbors as well as the temperature of the system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe consider a reaction-diffusion system with linear, stochastic activator-inhibitor kinetics where the time evolution of concentration of a species at any spatial location depends on the relative average concentration of its neighbors. This self-regulating nature of kinetics brings in spatial correlation between the activator and the inhibitor. An interplay of this correlation in kinetics and disparity of diffusivities of the two species leads to symmetry breaking non-equilibrium transition resulting in stationary pattern formation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe consider a generic reaction-diffusion-advection system where the flow velocity of the advection term is subjected to dichotomous noise with zero mean and Ornstein-Zernike correlation. A general condition for noisy-flow-induced instability is derived in the flow velocity-correlation rate parameter plane. Full numerical simulations on Gierer-Meinhardt model with activator-inhibitor kinetics have been performed to show how noisy differential flow can lead to symmetry breaking of a homogeneous stable state in the presence of noise resulting in traveling waves.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have analyzed the differential flow-induced instability in the presence of diffusive transport in a reaction-diffusion system following activator-inhibitor kinetics. The conspicuous interaction of differential flow and differential diffusivity that leads to pattern selection during transition of the traveling waves from stripes to rotating spots propagating in hexagonal arrays subsequent to wave splitting has been explored on the basis of a few-mode Galerkin scheme.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe consider a reaction-diffusion system in a homogeneous stable steady state. On perturbation by a time-dependent sinusoidal forcing of a suitable scaling parameter the system exhibits parametric spatiotemporal instability beyond a critical threshold frequency. We have formulated a general scheme to calculate the threshold condition for oscillation and the range of unstable spatial modes lying within a V-shaped region reminiscent of Arnold's tongue.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
November 2015
We consider local heating of a part of a two-dimensional bilobal enclosure of a varying cross section confining a system of overdamped Brownian particles. Since varying cross section in higher dimension results in an entropic potential in lower dimension, local heating alters the relative stability of the entropic states. We show that this blow-torch effect modifies the entropic potential in a significant way so that the resultant effective entropic potential carries both the features of variation of width of the confinement and variation of temperature along the direction of transport.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
November 2015
The local heating of a selected region in a double-well potential alters the relative stability of the two wells and gives rise to an enhancement of population transfer to the cold well. We show that this Landauer's blowtorch effect may be considered in the spirit of a thermodynamic cross process linearly connecting the flux of particles and the thermodynamic force associated with the temperature difference and consequently ensuring the existence of a reverse cross effect. This reverse effect is realized by directing the thermalized particles in a double-well potential by application of an external bias from one well to the other, which suffers cooling.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe consider a nonlinear chemical dynamical system of two phase space variables in a stable steady state. When the system is driven by a time-dependent sinusoidal forcing of a suitable scaling parameter at a frequency twice the output frequency and the strength of perturbation exceeds a threshold, the system undergoes sustained Rayleigh-type periodic oscillation, wellknown for parametric oscillation in pipe organs and distinct from the usual forced quasiperiodic oscillation of a damped nonlinear system where the system is oscillatory even in absence of any external forcing. Our theoretical analysis of the parametric chemical oscillation is corroborated by full numerical simulation of two well known models of chemical dynamics, chlorite-iodine-malonic acid and iodine-clock reactions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe examine the nonlinear response of a bistable system driven by a high-frequency force to a low-frequency weak field. It is shown that the rapidly varying temporal oscillation breaks the spatial symmetry of the centrosymmetric potential. This gives rise to a finite nonzero response at the second harmonic of the low-frequency field, which can be optimized by an appropriate choice of vibrational amplitude of the high-frequency field close to that for the linear response.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe derive the conditions under which a set of arbitrary two dimensional autonomous kinetic equations can be reduced to the form of a generalized Rayleigh oscillator which admits of limit cycle solution. This is based on a linear transformation of field variables which can be found by inspection of the kinetic equations. We illustrate the scheme with the help of several chemical and bio-chemical oscillator models to show how they can be cast as a generalized Rayleigh oscillator.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
September 2013
We consider the stochastic response of a nonlinear dynamical system towards a combination of input signals. The response can assume binary values if the state of the system is considered to be the output and the system can make transitions between two states separated by an energetic or entropic barrier. We show how the input-output correspondence can be controlled by an external exponentially correlated dichotomous noise optimizing the logical response which exhibits a maximum at an intermediate value of correlation time.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
June 2013
We consider a generic reaction-diffusion system in which one of the parameters is subjected to dichotomous noise by controlling the flow of one of the reacting species in a continuous-flow-stirred-tank reactor (CSTR) -membrane reactor. The linear stability analysis in an extended phase space is carried out by invoking Furutzu-Novikov procedure for exponentially correlated multiplicative noise to derive the instability condition in the plane of the noise parameters (correlation time and strength of the noise). We demonstrate that depending on the correlation time an optimal strength of noise governs the self-organization.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
April 2013
The explicit thermodynamic functions, in particular, the specific heat of a spin system interacting with a spin bath which exerts finite dissipation on the system are determined. We show that the specific heat is a sum of the products of a thermal equilibration factor that carries the temperature dependence and a dynamical correction factor, characteristic of the dissipative energy flow under steady state from the system. The variation of specific heat with temperature is accompanied by an abrupt transition that depends on these dynamical factors characteristic of the finite system size.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe consider a Brownian particle that is confined in a two-dimensional enclosure and driven by a combination of input signals. It has been shown that the logic gates can be formed by considering the state of the particle experiencing an entropic barrier as the output signal. For a consistent logical output, it is necessary to optimize the strength of the noise driving the particle for a given system size.
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