The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the ability to receive health care services. Field-based health services became a logistically feasible alternative to medical center-based care. We compared two different field-based approaches to the delivery of SARS-CoV-2 testing and health education services for Latine communities using a quasi-experimental design that included propensity score matching to accommodate the challenges posed to research by the pandemic.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFReliable and valid assessment of parenting and child behaviors is critical for clinicians and researchers alike, and observational measures of parenting behaviors are often considered the gold standard for assessing parenting and parent-child interaction quality. The present study sought to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Coder Impressions Questionnaire-Kindergarten (COIMP-K) measure. The present study was a secondary analysis of 274 parents and their children participating in a randomized control trial testing a brief parenting intervention for parents of children entering kindergarten.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrior research points to the promotion of parenting self-efficacy (PSE) as an important component of parenting interventions; however, few studies have tested PSE as a mediator or moderator of the effects of parenting programs on child behavior. In the present study, we examined the efficacy of the family check-up (FCU), a brief, strengths-based parenting intervention adapted for kindergarten school entry. We tested the FCU's effects on reducing growth in parent-reported child conduct problems (CP) from kindergarten to fifth grade and whether PSE functioned as a mediator or moderator of intervention effects, using a latent growth curve model and intent-to-treat approach.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThrough a COVID-19 public health intervention implemented across sequenced research trials, we present a community engagement phased framework that embeds intervention implementation: (1) consultation and preparation, (2) collaboration and implementation, and (3) partnership and sustainment. Intervention effects included mitigation of psychological distress and a 0.28 increase in the Latinx population tested for SARS-CoV-2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Children and adolescents with elevated internalizing symptoms are at increased risk for depression, anxiety, and other psychopathology later in life. The present study examined the predictive links between two bioecological factors in early childhood-parental hostility and socioeconomic stress-and children's internalizing symptom class outcomes, while considering the effects of child sex assigned at birth on internalizing symptom development from childhood to adolescence.
Materials And Methods: The study used a sample of 1,534 children to test the predictive effects of socioeconomic stress at ages 18 and 27 months; hostile parenting measured at child ages 4-5; and sex assigned at birth on children's internalizing symptom latent class outcomes at child ages 7-9, 10-12, 13-15, and 16-19.
Objective: The present study, conducted with a population of military families, examined the comparative effectiveness of three program formats of Adaptive Parenting Tools (ADAPT), a parenting program for families of school-aged children in which a National Guard or Reserve (NG/R) parent had returned from deployment to the post-9/11 conflicts. Despite well-documented need, parenting programs for NG/R families are scarce and often inaccessible. We predicted that both facilitator-delivered conditions (i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFhas been a premier resource for understanding stressful childhood experiences and the intergenerational continuity of psychopathology. Building on that tradition, we examined the unique and joint influences of maternal stress on children's effortful control (age 7) and externalizing behavior (age 11) as transmitted via genetics, the prenatal environment, and the postnatal environment. The sample included = 561 adopted children and their biological and adoptive parents.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn early recovery for substance use disorders (SUDs), fathers may experience a desire to become more active in their role as a parent but may need support in using effective parenting strategies. Parent management training programs may be effective for fathers in recovery from SUD as they have been shown to improve parenting knowledge, self-efficacy, parenting practices, and child behavior, as well as decrease parent substance use. Using the Parent Management Training-Oregon model, we adapted a video-based program for text delivery to fathers in their first year of recovery from SUD, the fathering in recovery (FIR) intervention.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe military family stress (MFS) model conceptualizes that wartime deployments and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms are associated with couple, parenting, and child adjustment difficulties. The aim of this study was to replicate and extend the military family stress model by examining the associations among deployment length, PTSD symptoms, marital functioning, parenting practices, and child adjustment in a replication sample of both National Guard and Reserve (NG/R) as well as active-duty service member families. The MFS model is extended to test whether these relationships vary between mothers and fathers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClin Pract Pediatr Psychol
September 2022
Objective: Prior intent to treat (ITT) evaluation of the Fathering Through Change (FTC) online interactive behavioral parent training program demonstrated a causal link from the FTC intervention to reductions in pre-post changes in fathers' coercive parenting, and in turn, reductions in pre-post changes in child behavioral problems (a moderate indirect effect size = .30). The present study expands on this work by investigating mediational mechanisms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected communities of color, including Latinx communities. Oregon Saludable: Juntos Podemos (OSJP) is a randomized clinical trial aimed at reducing this disparity by both increasing access to testing for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, for Oregon Latinx community members and studying the effectiveness of health and behavioral health interventions on turnout and health outcomes. OSJP established SARS-CoV-2 testing events at sites across Oregon.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo promote COVID-19 preventive attitudes and behaviors among Latinx individuals, researchers and community partners implemented a culturally tailored health education intervention across 12 Oregon counties from February 2021 through April 2022. We did not identify any significant intervention effects on preventive attitudes and behaviors but did observe significant decreases in psychological distress. Although Latinx individuals' preventive attitudes and behaviors were not associated with the health education intervention, findings suggest the intervention has value in promoting their well-being (ClinicalTrials.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Latinx communities are disproportionately affected by COVID-19 compared with non-Latinx White communities in Oregon and much of the United States. The COVID-19 pandemic presents a critical and urgent need to reach Latinx communities with innovative, culturally tailored outreach and health promotion interventions to reduce viral transmission and address disparities. The aims of this case study are to (1) outline the collaborative development of a culturally and trauma-informed COVID-19 preventive intervention for Latinx communities; (2) describe essential intervention elements; and (3) summarize strengths and lessons learned for future applications.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTesting a vantage sensitivity model from differential susceptibility theory (DST), we examined a G × E × I hypothesis; that is, whether a military parenting intervention program (I) might buffer a G × E susceptibility for military deployed fathers exposed to deployment combat stress and trauma. We hypothesized that combat stress (E, referring to the natural environmental factor) would lead to increases in problem drinking, and that the effect of problem drinking would be amplified by genetic predisposition (G) for drinking reward systems, substance use, and addictive behaviors (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFImportance: Latinx individuals have been disproportionately affected during the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the spread of SARS-CoV-2. It is imperative to evaluate newly developed preventive interventions to assess their effect on COVID-19 health disparities.
Objective: To examine the effectiveness of a culturally tailored outreach intervention designed to increase SARS-CoV-2 testing rates among Latinx populations.
Prev Sci
February 2022
Low-income Latina/o immigrants are very likely to experience intense contextual challenges in the USA, such as limited exposure to culturally relevant parent training (PT) prevention interventions. This prevention study consisted of an exploratory randomized controlled trial, aimed at empirically testing the implementation feasibility and initial efficacy of a culturally adapted version of the evidence-based PT intervention known as GenerationPMTO. The parenting intervention was adapted to overtly address immigration-related stressors, discrimination, and challenges associated with biculturalism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFathers have been largely neglected in the parenting literature though there is a critical need to improve parenting practices among fathers who misuse opioids in the midst of the opioid epidemic. Urgency is critical to rapidly intervene in the lives of fathers and children to reduce misuse and interrupt intergenerational cycles of substance misuse. Thus, we provide an overview of solutions to adapt existing parenting interventions for fathers who misuse opioids to accelerate the pace of science for this population.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFParent-Child interaction therapy (PCIT) has been shown to improve positive, responsive parenting and lower risk for child maltreatment (CM), including among families who are already involved in the child welfare system. However, higher risk families show higher rates of treatment attrition, limiting effectiveness. In = 120 child welfare families randomized to PCIT, we tested behavioral and physiological markers of parent self-regulation and socio-cognitive processes assessed at pre-intervention as predictors of retention in PCIT.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecent evaluations of parent training programs have demonstrated beneficial crossover effects in reducing parental substance use. Because divorce is associated with substance use risk and substance use interferes with effective parenting, parent training programs are critically important for divorced fathers but there are few evidence-based programs tailored to fathers. We tested whether an evidence-based parenting program would exhibit beneficial impact on fathers' substance use and whether these changes were mediated by changes in parenting efficacy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe study investigated the impact of the electronic Goal Attainment Scaling (eGAS) process on medical speech-language pathologists' (SLPs) interviewing and goal setting. The process was trained via the eGAS app, designed to facilitate motivational interviewing and goal attainment scaling. The study utilized a single-case, nonconcurrent, multiple-baseline design replicated across three clinicians and their 27 respective clients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this study, we examined the efficacy of a version of the Family Check-Up (FCU) adapted for kindergarten school entry with regard to parenting skills during the transition to school. We also examined whether improvements in parenting skills would mediate improvements in parent- and teacher-rated child behavior problems from kindergarten to second grade. The FCU is a motivational interviewing (MI) intervention designed to engage parents in treatment to improve parenting skills.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDishion and Patterson's work on the unique role of fathers in the coercive family process showed that fathers' coercion explained twice the variance of mothers' in predicting children's antisocial behavior and how treatment and prevention of coercion and promotion of prosocial parenting can mitigate children's problem behaviors. Using these ideas, we employed a sample of 426 divorced or separated fathers randomly assigned to Fathering Through Change (FTC), an interactive online behavioral parent training program or to a waitlist control. Participating fathers had been separated or divorced within the past 24 months with children ages 4 to 12 years.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSharp increases in substance use and other risk behaviors during adolescence and young adulthood threaten the quality of the parent-child relationship, a critical context for positive adjustment and well-being. There is a dearth of research, however, on the influence of adolescent and young adult substance use on the parent-young adult relationship. Study aims were to examine longitudinally the associations between classes of adolescent and young adult alcohol and marijuana use, and the impact of alcohol and marijuana use on parent-young adult relationship dynamics and quality.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe examined time-ordered associations between children's compliance behavior and maternal respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) in a sample of 127 child-maltreating (physical abuse, physical neglect, emotional abuse) and 94 non-maltreating mothers and their preschool-aged children. Child prosocial and aversive compliance behaviors and maternal RSA were continuously collected during a joint challenge task. Child behavior and mother RSA were longitudinally nested within-person and subjected to multilevel modeling (MLM), with between-person child maltreatment subtype and level of inconsistent parenting modeled as moderators.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe tested a recovery capital model for military families employing the After Deployment, Adaptive Parenting Tools (ADAPT) randomized control trial, a longitudinal preventive intervention study of 336 post-deployed military parents. Recovery resources included measures of social capital (parenting support, observed partner support behaviors), personal capital (parenting efficacy, education), and community capital (the ADAPT behavioral parent-training intervention). We hypothesized higher levels of recovery capital would buffer the negative impact of military stress on growth in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms for deployed and civilian parents.
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